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676 bytes added, 03:58, 10 July 2013
Crypto Notes: explain lack of MAC on wrap(kB)
stretchSalt is incorporated at the end of the stretching process to allow it to proceed in parallel with the getToken1() call that retrieves the salt. The inputs to the lengthy stretch come entirely from the user (email and password) or are optimistically (stretching parameters). This speedup seems more important than the minor security benefit of including the salt at the beginning of the stretch.
There is no MAC on wrap(kB). If the keyserver chooses to deliver a bogus wrap(kB) or kA, the client will discover the problem a moment later when it talks to a storage server and attempts to retrieve data from an unrecognized collection-ID (since we intend to derive collection-IDs from the key used to encrypt their data, which will be derived from kA or kB as appropriate). It might be useful to add a checksum to kA and wrap(kB) to detect accidental corruption (e.g. store and deliver kA+SHA256(kA)), but this doesn't protect against intentional changes. We omit this checksum for now, assuming that disks will be reliable enough to let us never experience such failures.
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