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73 bytes added, 05:38, 1 August 2013
Creating a Session
Since the authToken can be used by multiple APIs, the server ought to maintain a table that maps the various flavors of tokenIDs (computed for the different APIs) back to the authToken. When a HAWK request with one of these IDs appears, it should look up the tokenID in the corresponding table, retrieve the authToken, compute the associated values (reqHMACkey, etc), create the response, then delete the entire row.
The server can support multiple sessions per account (typically one per client device, plus perhaps others for account-management portals). There can also be multiple outstanding keyFetchTokens. The sessionToken lasts forever (until revoked by a password change or explicit revocation command), and can be used an unlimited number of times. The keyFetchToken lasts expires after 60 seconds, and is single-use.
= Obtaining keys kA and kB =

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