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4 bytes added, 23:45, 8 August 2013
SRP Notes
The SRP "g" (generator) and "N" (prime modulus) should use the 2048-bit value from RFC 5054 Appendix A. Clients should not accept arbitrary g/N values (to protect against small primes, non-primes, and non-generators). In the future we might allow alternate parameter sets, in which case the server's first response should indicate which parameter set to use.
There are several places in SRP where integers (usually in the range 1..N-1) are converted into bytestrings, either for transmission over a wire, or to be passed into a hash function. The SRP spec is somewhat ambiguous about padding here: if the integer happens to be less than 2^2040, the simplest toString() approach will yield a '''255''' byte string, not a 256 byte string. PiCL consistently uses padding, so compatible implementations must prepend one or more NUL bytes to these short strings before transmission or hashing. The examples above test vectors below were brute-forced to ensure that "srpVerifier", "srpA", "srpB", and "S" all wind up with leading zeros, to exercise the padding code in compatible implementations. If you are having problems getting your code to match these results, add some assertions to test that the stringified integers being put into hashes are exactly 256 bytes long.
The client does its entire SRP calculation in a single step, after receiving the server's "B" value. It creates its "A" value, computes the shared secret S, and the proof-of-knowledge M1. It sends both "A" and "M1" in the same message (/auth/finish).

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