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876 bytes added, 06:29, 28 November 2013
Bluetooth interfaces
== Bluetooth interfaces ==
* bt_interface_t
** Bluedroid implemented as bluetoothInterface in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/btif/src/bluetooth.c: System control BT adapter.
** See: external/bluetooth/bluedroid/btif/src/bluetooth.c
** You need to use |get_bluetooth_interface()| to access all avaiable GAP profile functions.
* btav_interface_t** Bluedroid implemented as bt_av_interface in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/btif/src/btif_av.c: System control A2DP service** audio_hw_device and audio_stream_out: Bluedroid implemented in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/audio_a2dp_hw/audio_a2dp_hw.c: AudioFlinger uses A2DP client as audio output device.** tHCI_IF: Bluedroid implemented as hci_h4_func_table in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/hci/src/hci_h4.c: Bluedroid HCI interface (data/cmd/evt in/out)** bt_hc_interface_t: Bluedroid defined, Bluedroid implemented as bluetoothHCLibInterface in external/bluetooth/bluedroid/hci/src/bt_hci_bdroid.c: Wrapper of tHCI_IF, has bt_hc_worker_thread to serialize downcoming HCI commands and read upcoming data/evt from HCI device.
* HFP, A2DP profile interfaces, you need to call |get_profile_interface()| to access profile interfaces.
See |hardware/libhardware/include/hardware| header files

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