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Update:Remora Deployment

1,228 bytes removed, 06:46, 17 December 2007
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[[Remora:Update|« Back to Remora]]
== Databases ==* Dev TODO (Dec 17 - Dec 21)=== Run Migration Script ===** Home*** <strike>implement conditional login content (tools links)</strike>*** <strike>rewrite feature queries to pull category data and pull 3 instead of 1 features</strike>*** <strike>write search and category elements</strike>*** <strike>write search and category get functions</strike>*** create cron to update a static field in addons table for # reviews*** uncomment reviews portion of feature element*** Finish feature element, render of install element** Search*** change search to include file info (see addon model)*** edit listitem element to include links*** edit search template to use new containers and markup (ids/classes)** Category list*** Re-use listitem elements and get function in addon.php*** adjust master template to use global styles** Category landing*** Re-use feature elements*** Need to figure out sandbox interaction here** Other pages*** Add "content" container div to existing templates that don't have overhauls*** Reclass round-box to be arbitrarily pretty*** Check centering and resizing on these pages (once through)** Remaining bugs on 3.2 TM** Testing*** Fix simpletests for views
* Localization (Dec 26 - Jan 15)** Update .mo files and notify l10n lists when they are finalized** Finish all english msgid's that aren't already translated** Do house cleaning for unused msgid'Wil did s? Do we want to do this on a non-RHEL box'?** Add categories to the list of 'to translate'strings -- do they already have localizer access in the control panel? Can they already edit the category translations there?
'''You need at least python 2.4 to run this''' Run ''python * Staging and Beta Test (Jan 1 -V'' to check your version. Lots of additional info and examples for the migration script [[Update:Remora_Database_Migration|is available ]]Jan 15)* Go to /services/bin/* Create migrationMerge trunk with 3.conf and fill in values. For example, mine looks like:2 branch oldDatabaseName=c_amov2 oldPassword=****Set up public beta test**Auto-update from the 3.2 branch**Blog post, dev mails, public mails oldServerName=localhost oldUserName=web newDatabaseName=c_remora newPassword=******** newServerName=localhost newUserName=web fileCachePath=filesamo-admins, all@m.c, amo-developers/editors? webdev blog, mozillazine
* The fileCachePath is a relative path that will hold a copy of all the versions of all the addons - you'll need to create this directory. In my example, I created a directory named "files" in /services/bin/.*Push and Deploy (If you're thinking of moving the script out of /services/bin, that's fine, but take blank.png with it - they need to be in the same dir when the script runsJan 22)* Run ''./ -MAv --recalculateHash >> migrate.out 2>&1'' - I'm redirecting the output here because there is a lot and we should look through it for errors.* When this is finished, check migrate.out to make sure it finished happily* Move the fileCachePath directory to /site/app/webroot/ '''VERIFY THIS''' === Run SQL Patches ===* Run SQL to modify migrated data for production == Web Server Config == === Files ===  === Service URLs === -> services/update.php -> services/pfs.php Rewrites  # Rewrites to be compatible Final merge with older versions of addons. RewriteRule ^update/VersionCheck.php(.*)$ update.php$1 # Rewrite for client blocklist requests. # Example: # /blocklist/1/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}/1.5 -> blocklist.php?reqVersion=1&appGuid={ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}&appVersion=1.5 RewriteRule ^blocklist/(.+)/(.+)/(.+)[/]{0,1}$ blocklist.php?reqVersion=$1&appGuid=$2&appVersion=$3 # PFS # ? it is in production, but not known. == Post-deployment Checklist ==The following should be checked:trunk* <strike>Memcache server operational w/ stats on serverstatus page</strike>* <strike>Start page dictionary links (non en-US) work</strike> mm* InstallationVerify tests** <strike>Add-Fixes based on installation works</strike> mmfeedback** <strike>Theme installation works</strike> mm** <strike>Search-engine installation works</strike> mm** <strike>Dictionary installation works</strike> mm** <strike>Add-on installation works w/ EULA</strike> mm* Services** <strike>Verify add-on and theme updates</strike> mmFinal tests of any changed features** <strike>Verify blocklist XML output</strike> mm** <strike>Verify PFS works Tag revision for popular mime-types</strike> mm** Verify that download counts are being updated (set up cron job!) (see bug 375283)** <strike>Verify that the new add-on directory that gets pushed to releases gets scanned for viruses</strike> (justdave did this)* Client pages** <strike>Get more add-ons</strike> mm** <strike>Get more themes</strike> mm** <strike>Get more search-engines</strike> mm** <strike>Resulting pages show up in correct locale!</strike> mm* <strike>Top secret workarounds work!</strike> mmdeployment

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