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1,814 bytes added, 21:21, 29 December 2007
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// UpdateBookmarkHashOnRemove() does a sanity check using
// IsBookmarkedInDatabase(), so it might not have actually
// removed the bookmark. should we have a boolean out param
// for if we actually removed it, and use that to decide if we call
// UpdateFrecency() and the rest of this code?
on calculating frecency, if we don't know ahead of time, we need to check that for a place id, if it is bookmarked, but not a livemark. see CalculateFrecency() [not CalculateFrecencyInternal()]
upon moving a bookmark, update the frecency. for unvisited bookmarks, this bumps the frecency, because we use PR_Now() as the pseudo visit, which is desired, as we're expressing interest. For visited bookmarks, it may age the bookmark and lower frecency. Is that desired?
for now, punt on this and for annoations for updating frecencies 5) issue: if when autocompleteing, we will prefer moz_place title over bookmark title, and so when showing match, we will show that one. this might be weird due to bug: because of 407292 – When adding a bookmark with no title, we should use the uri as the title 6) we recalc twice on idle, one for invalid and one for old need marco's last_visit_date change to make old work right, or do a subquery until then. 7) when updating things with frecency of -1, we call CalculateFrecency(), which will check if the place is a livemark item (only), and if so, use PR_FALSE for is bookmarked. we need to do all this so that upon calculating frecencies for previously hidden livemark items, we don't unhide them. (They should come back with frecency of zero if they were never visited.) 8) in previous versions of the patch, I had hidden <> 1 in the check for invalid frecencies. we don'todo'''t need to (nor want to) limit recalculations to non hidden. what we currently do is look for anything with frecency of -1, and recalc (on idle). if frecency goes to > 0, we can unhide it. this will cause old, hidden bookmarks to be unhidden and start showing up in url bar autocomplete, yet keep hidden, unvisited livemark items hidden.
xnote, we have had issues in the past where unvisited bookmarks are hidden. (see bug #369887)
when updating things with frecency of -a new bookmark, we create a moz_place for it, with hidden = 1. if you were to visit that bookmark, need we would set hidden to verify they are not livemark items0, even if you later cleared all visits.
xfor new bookmarks, we will be calculating the frecency (and unhiding) when we call InsertBookmark()
do we care about hidden, or should we just limit to frecency > 0?'''todo'''

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