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1,429 bytes added, 01:05, 3 January 2008
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like unvisited livemark items, place: queries should not show up in autocomplete results. using IsQueryURI(), I check if the place url is place:..., and if so, pass in false for isBookmark to CalculateFrecency() so that they stay hidden until visited (or in the case of place: urls, always.) because the frecency is zero (passing in PR_TRUE for isBookmark would result in non-zero frecency), we will also no recalculate frecency on idle. only upon visit.
12) on clear all data, resetting frecency to -1 and visit count to 0 (see bug #394133)
13) on expiration, I reset frecency to -1 and visit count 0, as we can't trust either anymore.
on expiration (EraseVisits()), for every place we deleted visits, visit_count and frecency is reset.
in the code that recalcs frecency, if old frecency is -1, we recalc visit count and update it.
14) on delete visits, see nsNavHistory::RemovePage() and nsNavHistory::RemovePagesFromHost(), set frecency = -1 and visit count to 0
x) note, not clearing visit count, so what does that mean for bug #394133 in the places organizer and history sidebar ui, visit count is lazily corrected (except for place: and for unvisited children of livemarks, because we use visit count in our query. x) add frecency <> 0 to query x) add code so that for all non place: and unvisisted children of livemarks we set frecency to 0, so that we can use it after migration, clear all private data, etc x) 2 -> 3 migration, frecency = -1, but do we have visit counts? force place: and unvisited livemarks to be zero, do one on idle, wait for rest?3b2 - > 3 migraiton, frecency = -1, but we do have visit counts. force place: and unvisited livemarks to be zero, do on idle, wait for rest.clear all private data, frecency = -1, but we do have visit counts. force place: and unvisited livemarks to be zero, do on idle, wait for rest. small area:partial expiration, frecency = -1 for a few places, but we do have visit counts. don't think we need to force place and unvisited livemarks, (maybe we do for unvisit livemaks) , do on idle, wait for rest. small, but could be big:manual delete places, , but we do have visit counts. force place: and livemarks to be zero, do on idle, wait for rest. ..or whereever we end up with frecency = -1 on all of these, fire the idle timer / invalid frecency don''todo'''t reset visit count, use that for determining which places to do recalc first, but always need to recompute visitcount before recalc frecency x) do "on idle" work in "on visit"?

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