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787 bytes added, 00:15, 4 January 2008
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unvisited bookmarks from previous versions will be hidden until visited, but we want them to show up in ac. for stuff we really want hidden, set frecency to 0, like place: and unvisited livemark items. (is there more?)
watch out, don't calculate frecency on history import. instead, set to -1 and come back later on idle.
nsNavHistory::AddPageWithVisit(), passing PR_FALSE for aCalculateFrecency to InternalAddNewPage()
// XXX
// on import / fx 2 migration, is the frecency work going to slow us down?
// find out if we import history before or after bookmarks for fx 2
// we might want to skip this stuff, as well as the frecency work
// caused by GetUrlIdFor() which calls InternalAddNewPage()
// if we do skip this, after import, we will // need to call FixInvalidFrecenciesForExcludedPlaces()
// we might need to call it anyways, if items aren't properly annotated
// as livemarks feeds yet.
less of a deal as typicall bookmarks are much fewer than history? not sure.

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