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6 bytes removed, 04:48, 11 January 2008
no edit summary
2) Unvisited livemark items should not appear, nor should "place:" URLs.
3) Upon first run, I have to add the frecency column to the moz_places table, create an index for that column, and make sure that livemark items and "place:" urls get a frecency of 0, and it should not appear in the ac results. Another way for a place to have a 0 frecency is if the url only has "embedded" visits.
5) If I don't know the frececny of a place, the value is -1. This is what I call an "invalid" frecency. If something has an invalid frecency, it will show up in the ac results.
The names and default values will most likely be changing. I wouldn't recommend tuning these yet. I'll elaborate on what each pref does later on in this document.
+ // the (maximum) number of the recent visits to sample+ // when calculating frecency+ pref("browser.frecency.numVisits", 10);+ + // buckets (in days) for frecency calculation+ pref("browser.frecency.firstBucketCuttoff", 4);+ pref("browser.frecency.secondBucketCuttoff", 14);+ pref("browser.frecency.thirdBucketCuttoff", 31);+ pref("browser.frecency.fourthBucketCuttoff", 90);+ + // weights for buckets for frecency calculations+ pref("browser.frecency.firstBucketWeight", 100);+ pref("browser.frecency.secondBucketWeight", 70);+ pref("browser.frecency.thirdBucketWeight", 50);+ pref("browser.frecency.fourthBucketWeight", 30);+ pref("browser.frecency.defaultBucketWeight", 10);+ + // bonus (in percent) for visit transition types for frecency calculations+ pref("browser.frecency.embedVisitBonus", 0);+ pref("browser.frecency.linkVisitBonus", 120);+ pref("browser.frecency.typedVisitBonus", 200);+ pref("browser.frecency.bookmarkVisitBonus", 140);+ pref("browser.frecency.downloadVisitBonus", 0);+ pref("browser.frecency.permRedirectVisitBonus", 0);+ pref("browser.frecency.tempRedirectVisitBonus", 0);+ pref("browser.frecency.defaultVisitBonus", 0);++// bonus (in percent) for place types for frecency calculations+pref("browser.frecency.unvisitedBookmarkBonus", 140);+pref("browser.frecency.unvisitedTypedBonus", 200);
'''For the patch''' // bonus (in percent) for place types for frecency calculations pref("browser.frecency.unvisitedBookmarkBonus", 140); pref("browser.frecency.unvisitedTypedBonus", 200);
'''Bug''' See
'''Additional notes (need to clean these up, log spin off bugs, etc). These are mostly for dietrich so he knows what I've done and why and the known issues.'''

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