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3 bytes added, 17:52, 17 January 2008
The key is an imap mod-utf7 version of the tag, suitable for use in a pref name, an imap keyword, and part of an x-mozilla-keys header. So, as you might guess, we actually store the key persistently, and translate it to the tag for display purposes. This also allows us to rename a tag by changing the pref without changing all the messages that have that tag. We can also remove a tag by removing the pref, and the key stored in the messages will then be ignored.
You can also Browse to the C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\<your profile>\prefs.js and open it with a text editor and delete any of the user_prefs(****) lines to remove settings. It would not be wise to just in start deleting stuff, as with the registry you never know what your deleting. This method can be used to delete the mailnews.tag preferences, in case you want to remove a tag type altogether.

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