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Update:Remora Deployment

247 bytes added, 14:44, 6 February 2008
no edit summary
* Design TODO (Jan 17 - Feb 7)
** <strike>Tabs for "Add-on Info" on Detail page</strike>
** Star Fancy star ratings (jQuery plug-in?)-- not high priority
** <strike>Test/hack in IE6 and IE7</strike>
** <s>Customizations for dict and search landing pages</s>
*** <strike>Finish feature element, render of install element</strike>
*** Fix bugs from stephend (morgamic, 1d)
** Display Page (morgamic, 1d)
*** <s>redo display page with new template</s>
*** <s>fix jquery/mootools conflicts</s>
*** <s>implement viewer using jquery plugin</s>
*** <s>rating form</s>
*** <s>expand/hide for advanced details</s>
** Search (wenzel, 4d)
*** <s>change search to include file info (see addon model)</s>
*** <s>edit listitem element to include links</s>
*** <s>edit search template to use new containers and markup (ids/classes) (3d)</s>
*** add ability to filter sandbox items like category listing page (1d)
*** Fix existing view tests, add new tests as needed (1d)
** Category list (wenzel, 3d)
*** <s>Re-use listitem elements and get function in addon.php (2d)</s>
*** adjust master template to use global styles (1d)
** Category landing (8.5d)
*** Add "content" container div to existing templates that don't have overhauls (4h)
*** Check centering and resizing on these pages (once through) (4h)
** Remaining bugs on 3.2 TM** Testing (10d10h)
*** Fix simpletests for existing views
*** Add simpletests for new view elements

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