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Firefox:1.5 Localization

901 bytes added, 22:15, 12 June 2005
describe building process
Zbigniew Braniecki
 =Building a localised Firefox= Assuming you know how to build Mozilla. If you do not, go check out the build instructions [|overhere]. To build a localised Firefox, you must have your l10n CVS checkout folder next to your mozilla CVS checkout folder (as ‘siblings’). E.g. Projects/Mozilla/mozilla/ and Projects/Mozilla/l10n/nl/. If you don’t have it already, checking out the l10n folder is done with: <pre class="code">cvs -d co l10n/nl</pre> Where you should substitute ‘nl’ with the language code which you want to work on. Then, you should add the following line to your mozconfig file. <pre class="code">ac_add_options --enable-ui-locale=nl</pre> Again, substitute ‘nl’ for the language you want to build. Now if you build Firefox, it will automatically have the ‘nl’ locale.

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