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698 bytes added, 15:46, 25 March 2008
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The '''Dromaeo JavaScript Performance Test Suite'''. Named 'Dromaeo' (after the Dromaeosaurs - or 'fast lizard').
== How to Use It ==
Visiting the main Dromaeo page you are given a collection of tests which can be run. Generally these tests are designed to be more "real world" in nature (testing a number of features simultaneously). Each test should have a full description explaining what the test is achieving along with an indication of what is being tested.
If you don't wish to run all of the available tests, and only run a sub-section of them, you can filter tests via the URL, like so:
* [] (this will only run array-related tests)
* [] (this will only run RegExp-related tests)
You have full regular expression support so something like the following will work, as well:
* [|regexp)|regexp)] (only run RegExp or Array-related tests)
'''Running the Tests'''
To begin you can run the tests
It runs in FF2+, Safari 3+, Opera 9+, and IE 6+.
A couple things about how it works:
* You can pause/resume the tests at any time, using the 'Pause' button (it won't affect the final numbers).
* After the tests are finished running you can click the name (like 'object-array') to see the breakdown of the individual sub-tests.
* You can filter tests via the URL, like so:** [] (this will only run array-related tests)** [] (this will only run RegExp-related tests)
* After you run the tests you'll be given a URL for your results, saved on the server, like so: []
* You can, also, compare result sets by ID, like so: [,189,190,189,190]
== How it Works ==
* All tests are versioned this means that when a test changes it can no longer be used for comparison against mis-matched tests. This is taken care of, automatically, by the suite.
* Statistical confidence

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