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1,984 bytes added, 19:21, 10 April 2014
===Best Practices===
Carla Casilli has some great things to say about badges here:
"A badge system structure for many
After much thought and many contemplative examinations, I’ve developed an archetypal badge system structure that I’m happy to recommend to the open badges community. Here are the many reasons why I think you’ll want to implement it.
It’s simple.
It’s modular.
It’s easy to implement.
It encourages a range of creativity.
It works for organizations of vastly different sizes.
It accomplishes the difficult task of working from bottom up, top-down, and middle out.
It not only allows for growth, it thrives on it.
Introducing the 3 Part Badge System
This badge structure is the one that I developed for the Mozilla badge system that we are in the process of building. I’m calling it the 3 Part Badge System (3PBS). It’s composed of three interlocking parts and those three parts create a flexible structure that ensures feedback loops and allows the system to grow and evolve. Or breathe. And by breathe, I mean it allows the system to flex and bow as badges are added to it.
While some community member organizations have expressed a desire for a strict, locked-down, top-down badge system to—in their words—guarantee rigor (and you already know my thoughts on this), this system supports that request but is also designed to include active participation and badge creation from the bottom up. I’d say it’s the best of both worlds but then I’d be leaving out the middle-out capacity of this system. So in reality, it’s the best of all possible worlds.
This approach is a vote for interculturalism—or the intermingling and appreciation of cultures—in badge systems. Its strength arises from the continuous periodic review of all of the badges, in particular the team / product badges as well as the individual / community badges."
===Making badges at
* Since badges are opt-in, can you combine the data about who chose to accept a badge and who was eligible for one but didn't accept it? Could these two groups act as separate cohorts for a twin study?
===Best Practices===

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