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63 bytes added, 19:50, 10 April 2014
Who should be doing the recognition
It's easy to leave it to people in "power", but that underestimates our own ability to make a difference in the lives of the people we interact with on a daily basis.
Something to think about:Taken from TRIBE: Awareness of Self
"The skill of acknowledgement is a statement of a person’s best qualities. It is more than just a compliment. You are observing and stating qualities that the person has that allow them to accomplish something. It is more about who the person is then what they have done. An acknowledgment might sound something like: ‘You are truly committed to a high level of excellence.’ Or ‘You are passionate about what you do.’ Or ‘Your persistence and focus have ensured that this project get done – despite all the obstacles that might have discouraged you.’

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