Support/SUMOdev Meeting Notepad/2008 Q3
From MozillaWiki
September 30 2008
- 0.7 push tonight
- Goals for q4:
- Deploy improved search engine to replace Google
- Implement CSAT for the Support Forum and Live Chat
- Define infrastructure and UI PRD for screencast support
- Improve ySlow scores (pushed out from q3)
- Implement performance metrics for the support forum (add 'solution to prolem proposed' status to forum threads)
- Roundtable
September 23 2008
- CSAT status
- Email notifications
- 0.7
- Freeze THURSDAY AT 11.59 PDT.
September 16 2008
- Push tonight, bug is
- CSAT status - nkoth, jwaller, zzxc
- Email notifications status - lorchard
- 0.7 - other bugs. Suggest we realistically reduce to just the above + any security or other critical performance issues - laura
- Code freeze for 0.7 is Thursday 25th September, release Tuesday 30th September.
September 9 2008
- CSAT progress
- Email notifications
- Code freeze for 0.6.4 scheduled this Thursday - looking ok [1]
September 4 2008
August 28 2008
- Introduction to John
- Code freeze 0.6.3 scheduled today - push out?
- Discussion of search, see bug 443944
- Customer satisfaction metrics for the KB for 0.7 -- plan?
- Need more memory on LiveChat server - still getting OOM errors
- Roundtable
August 19 2008
- Welcome back and update for our glorious leader
- 0.6.2 ([2]) will go out tonight (bug 451055
- What bugs for 0.6.3? [3] Only 12 in there right now (See 0.7 for further candidates [4])
- Code freeze 8/28, push 9/2
- New contractor starting next week (John Waller)
August 12 2008
- 0.6.2 freeze Thursday night (8-14, 11.59 PDT)
- 0.6.2 triage [5]
- Roundtable
August 5 2008
- 0.6.1 was successfully pushed.
- Set dates for 0.6.2 (Suggest freeze 8-12 or 8-14)
- Live chat updates from Jive (XSS to be fixed in 3.5.3 < 1 month away, DOS issue will not be fixed).
- 0.6.2 quick triage [6]
- Updating TikiWiki to latest version, and merge stuff upstream [nelson]. Aiming for 0.7 and work will be done in
- Check Bugs between now and 0.7 to see what we're missing from the forum aspects of the SUMO vision document. Basically:
- Email notifications, including links to yes, this answered my question and no, it didn't bug 444335
- Offer various ways for users to keep track of their asked questions, e.g. an Add Bookmark button, an RSS feed, and the e-mail notification system described above. (Feeds in bug 422001, decided against bookmarks, too confusing for users.)
- Support for forums in different languages. (What's needed here? Create a page of links to localized forums?)
- Per-post connection to customer satisfaction, meaning the contributor providing the solution to the problem receives karma. (Karma system needs more thought before we can do this one. Tiki has a built in karma system that we should be able to reuse/bend to our needs.)
- Provide clear, meaningful ways for contributors to filter forum posts based on status (unsolved, unanswered, etc) (bug 444331)
July 28 2008
- No meeting due to Summit
July 21 2008
- 0.6.1 triage and status
- Security bug review
- Roundtable
July 15 2008
- 0.6.1 triage [[7]]
- Scheduling:
- Subject to IT's approval (due to Summit timing and travel):
- Code freeze for 0.6.1: Thursday July 24th
- Push for 0.6.1: Tuesday July 29th
- We'll aim to be bi-weekly after this.
- Roundtable
July 8 2008
- Triage 0.6.1, 0.6.2, 0.7 and unassigned bugs.
July 1 2008
- Open bugs for 0.6: [[8]]
- Planned code freeze tonight at 11.59pm PDT: after this, no changes to production branch until we're tagged.
- Between freeze and push, QA to verify remaining closed 0.6 bugs.
- Push will occur Weds or Thurs night (dependent on IT)
- Between now and next week: review bugs with Target "--" and see what else needs to go into 0.7. (Theme for 0.7 is forum improvements.)
- Any other items?