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Weekly Report

Boris Chiou

  • bug 1077651 - Compositor Performance Tests and Results for Silk
    • OOAD
    • Dump Layer positions on OMTA app
    • Parse and calculate the statistics of the movements of the color layer on OMTA app
    • Compare the statistics and plots on master with those on silk-compositor-only.

Chiajung Hung

  • bug 1062475 - [Camera] Camera button highlight appears as a square.
    • f+, r?
  • WebGL extension/Canvas enhancement Demo app
    • Blur, Bump, Brightness shader preview shader done.

Jerry Shih

  • Refactor silk framework.
  • Try to split the IPC and refresh driver out of silk framework. IPC and refresh driver will be land in future work.

Morris Tseng

  • bug 1067231 - [Keyboard][Text Selection] Tapping the touch caret should show Paste utility bubble if clipboard is not empty
    • land
  • bug 1048829 - [Text Selection] wrong rect position from gecko while clicking the last letter of context
    • r?
  • bug 1074736 - [Text Selection] Selection carets should consider multiple ranges selection
    • f+
  • bug 1062735 - [Text Selection] Enabling non-editable fields support for selection caret
    • r+
    • Handle try server failures next.
  • Find out why video control disappear when play a tiny video.
    • Because in videocontrol.xml will check if the video size is too small, then video control is hidden.

Tingyu Lin

  • bug 1082486 - [Touch Caret] Make touch caret hide when its position is not in canvas area
    • r?
    • Debug a reftest failure on try server.

Peter Chang

  • bug 1067243 Selection carets remain after leaving address bar editing mode
    • r+
  • bug 1068461 can't trigger selection carets in rocket bar
    • r?

Rule of Thumb

Status code:

  • OOAD: In analysis or design phase.
  • WIP: working on WIP patch.
  • feedback(f): feedback a patch
  • feedback?(f?): WIP is ready for feedback grant.
  • feedback+(f+): Get positive feedback.
  • feedback-(f-): Get negative feedback.
  • review(r): review a patch.
  • review?(r?): patch is under review
  • review+(r+): get review+ and ready to check-in
  • review-(r-): get negative review feedback. Fix problems and switch back to r? again.
  • land: patch check in.
  • debug: Figure out the root cause of a bug/ try to repro that bug, etc...
  • file: file a bug
  • PTO: take personal leave
  • interview(I)
  • study: Spend time on domain knowledge study, such as multimedia transport technology, compress format, real-time rendering.
  • presentation
    • Write a personal blog, which is relative to work, such as articles on MozTech, or what you experience in a work week.
    • WIKI/ MDN article writing.
    • If you write a technical blog or anything relative to work, it's welcome to share it on weekly report.
    • Do a presentation of technical topics

Status code combination rule
Combine status code with "|". For example


Which means you work on both OOAD and WIP in the last week.

land status code
If your patch is target for specific branch, instead of central, postfix branch version. For exp

** land(1.4)