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Weekly Report

Boris Chiou

  • bug 1096139 [LayerScope] Create websocket dynamically after we enable Layerscope
    • r+ | land
  • bug 1100727 - [lollipop] Porting LL FrameBufferSurface to gonk
    • r+ | land
  • bug 1098970 - [lollipop] Porting NativeWindow from LL to gonk
    • OOAD | WIP
  • bug 1098701 - [Silk] Gtest for project Silk
    • OOAD

Chiajung Hung

  • bug 918984 - Direct video stream texturing support on WebGL
    • WIP
    • Refactoring/Redesign the object relationship
  • Demo app for Bug 918984
    • WIP
    • Camera integration(mozcamera)
    • Enable the extension
    • Refactor part of the effect objects
  • Prepare for Android BufferQueue Sharing
    • Enhance the slides with some count related stuff

Ethan Lin

  • Buffer queue flow of normal app and camera app
    • study
  • bug 957984 - [B2G][IPC] Create ImageBridgeChild on demand
    • wip

Jerry Shih

  • bug 1101974 - Create a single VsyncDisptacher per nsBaseWidget
    • WIP
  • bug 998916 - Defer the webgl context restore until the app becomes foreground
    • Handle try assert.

Morris Tseng

  • Refactoring Touch/Selection carets
    • Refactor input event part.
  • bug 1102135 - Long-press any key of keyboard would hide the keyboard in rocket bar
    • r?
  • bug 1101707 - [FxA] Keyboard disappears immediately when trying to enter email
    • backout bug 1092888
  • bug 1101392 - [Keyboard][Text Selection] After Copy, the selection highlight and the carets should dismiss as well
    • r?

Tingyu Lin

  • bug 1096185 - [Text Selection] UI improvement: Adjust Caret shadow
    • waiting for UX.
  • bug 1067728 - [Text Selection] Hide utility bubble after scrolling if the selected text is out of visible are
    • f+
  • bug 1102906 - Contenteditable: Drag and drop locks caret (also affected CKEditor and TinyMCE as well as Thunderbird)
    • r?
  • bug 1101707 - [FxA] Keyboard disappears immediately when trying to enter email
    • f
  • bug 1101392 - [Keyboard][Text Selection] After Copy, the selection highlight and the carets should dismiss as well
    • f
  • bug 1105090 - ccache stats parser breaks with ccache 3.2: Failed to parse ccache stats output: primary config
    • r+
  • Refactor touch caret and selection carets.

Peter Chang

  • bug 1098161 - [Text Selection]Trigger text dialog by long press when input filed is empty
    • WIP
    • This will depend on Bug 1090008
  • bug 1090008 - [Text Selection]Refactor the TextDialog DOM event
    • r+
    • Work on another patch for rename to SelectionStateEvent
  • Prepare Graphic 101


  • FxOS

  • Platform

Rule of Thumb

Status code:

  • OOAD: In analysis or design phase.
  • WIP: working on WIP patch.
  • feedback(f): feedback a patch
  • feedback?(f?): WIP is ready for feedback grant.
  • feedback+(f+): Get positive feedback.
  • feedback-(f-): Get negative feedback.
  • review(r): review a patch.
  • review?(r?): patch is under review
  • review+(r+): get review+ and ready to check-in
  • review-(r-): get negative review feedback. Fix problems and switch back to r? again.
  • land: patch check in.
  • debug: Figure out the root cause of a bug/ try to repro that bug, etc...
  • file: file a bug
  • PTO: take personal leave
  • interview(I)
  • study: Spend time on domain knowledge study, such as multimedia transport technology, compress format, real-time rendering.
  • presentation
    • Write a personal blog, which is relative to work, such as articles on MozTech, or what you experience in a work week.
    • WIKI/ MDN article writing.
    • If you write a technical blog or anything relative to work, it's welcome to share it on weekly report.
    • Do a presentation of technical topics

Status code combination rule
Combine status code with "|". For example


Which means you work on both OOAD and WIP in the last week.

land status code
If your patch is target for specific branch, instead of central, postfix branch version. For exp

** land(1.4)