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Weekly Report

Boris Chiou

  • bug 1121804 - [LayerScope] Add an option to enable/disable the copying and transmitting of texture data.
    • r+ | land
  • bug 1123537 - [LayerScope] Detect disconnects on clients when the websocket server crashes or disconnects incidentally
    • land
  • bug 1061393 - [LayerScope] Dump Display List on Layerscope viewer
    • OOAD
    • Study frame tree, the basic layout flow, and investigate the process relationship on each frame tree.
  • bug 1128876 - [LayerScope] Add LayerScope gtest
    • file

Chiajung Hung

  • bug 1129249 - Make Restyle label splitted based on element id and log the callstack from javascript if available
    • File/Study
    • Study how others log JSStack in a better way
  • bug 1118139 [FFOS7715 v2.1] [dolphin][Youtube video] 7715 FFOS shows black screen on launching some video, while audio can be heared while using Youtube app or Youtube site
    • Debug
    • Help debug the blank frame issue with Layerscope
  • PTO 1 day

Ethan Lin

  • bug 1127405 - Flame: gallery app crashes when orientation changed in edit mode
    • r+
  • bug 1125750 - Avoid reflows for overflow-x hidden or overflow-y hidden
    • r?
  • bug 1124554 - [FFOS2.0][Woodduck][3rd][File Manager]MS will display a black screen after you share a file by BT.
    • study
  • Improve set scrollTop for edit mode
    • study

Jeremy Chen

  • bug 1120358 - [Text Selection] Selection carets does not update its position when selecting text in an unfocused content editable area
    • land, uplift(b2g37_v2.2)
    • Gaia JS integration test case: land
  • bug 1122805 - [Marketplace][Text Selection] User is able to select text from the listing of apps causing marketplace to become unresponsive and eventually crash
    • r+
    • study: selection carets could be wrongly positioned
  • bug 1127661 - Drag the touch caret is easy to trigger word selection
    • land

Jerry Shih

  • bug 1094760 - Compositor will sleep for a long time during composing if we align composing and refresh driver tick with vsync
    • debug
    • update to flame-v18D-1.
    • have a long wait for acquiring a lock.
  • bug 1102200 - Composing time becomes much longer randomly when we unplug the usb cable on flame-kk device
    • debug
    • we don't have power module source code for flame. Use nexus5 instead.
    • qcom's power module only handle the "POWER_HINT_INTERACTION" hint. It will send some data to "/dev/socket/pb". And this node seems created by qcom's mpdecision tool.

Morris Tseng

  • bug 1119126 - [TextSelection] The paste icon overlaps keyboard if tapping caret quickly before keyboard shows up
    • r+
    • Wait for gaia landing
  • bug 1125419 - [Text Selection][Browser] The page scrolls down during text selection
    • land
  • bug 1120316 - [Text Selection] Copy/paste menu disappeared after select all
    • r+

Tingyu Lin

Peter Chang

  • bug 1123179 - Email subject is not scrollable
    • land
  • bug 1127170 - Layer transaction spends more than 150ms when switch app
    • debug
    • found two long transactions were caused by homescreen heavy painting
    • check the duplicated painting items between these two transactions
  • bug 1129763 - Add pref to modify the timing to display visual warning for long transactio
    • wip


  • V 2.2
    • 2015/02/23 V2.2 FL
    • 2015/04/06 V2.2 FC
  • V 2.2 == Device team support > TaskForce

Rule of Thumb

Status code:

  • OOAD: In analysis or design phase.
  • WIP: working on WIP patch.
  • feedback(f): feedback a patch
  • feedback?(f?): WIP is ready for feedback grant.
  • feedback+(f+): Get positive feedback.
  • feedback-(f-): Get negative feedback.
  • review(r): review a patch.
  • review?(r?): patch is under review
  • review+(r+): get review+ and ready to check-in
  • review-(r-): get negative review feedback. Fix problems and switch back to r? again.
  • land: patch check in.
  • debug: Figure out the root cause of a bug/ try to repro that bug, etc...
  • file: file a bug
  • PTO: take personal leave
  • interview(I)
  • study: Spend time on domain knowledge study, such as multimedia transport technology, compress format, real-time rendering.
  • presentation
    • Write a personal blog, which is relative to work, such as articles on MozTech, or what you experience in a work week.
    • WIKI/ MDN article writing.
    • If you write a technical blog or anything relative to work, it's welcome to share it on weekly report.
    • Do a presentation of technical topics

Status code combination rule
Combine status code with "|". For example


Which means you work on both OOAD and WIP in the last week.

land status code
If your patch is target for specific branch, instead of central, postfix branch version. For exp

** land(1.4)