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Weekly Report

Boris Chiou

  • bug 1144012 - Wrap HAL code from HwcComposer2D
    • f-
    • Wrap HwcList and refine the code according to pchang's feedback
  • bug 1138287 - Refactor GonkDisplay/nsWindow/hwc to support multiple displays
    • f
    • Help to check the HwcComposer2D part.
  • WebIDE related topic
    • study
    • Survey basic structure

Chiajung Hung

  • bug 1156140 - Choose different code path for boot animation based on device capability
    • f+/r?
  • bug 1156141 - Make switch from boot animation to first system app screen seamlessly
    • filed
    • Help debug
  • Hack dirty region
    • debug

Ethan Lin

  • bug 1146214 - Refactor fence delivery to reduce ipc messages and code duplication
    • land
  • bug 1155492 - (fence) [META] meta-bug for refactor android fence
    • file
  • bug 1155498 - Use fd to keep android fence in FenceHandle
    • study
  • bug 1147194 - [Cost Control] Settings page displays a black screen
    • debug
    • This is the regression of "bug 1141595 - [Lockscreen] Unable to scroll notification list on Lockscreen; list locks-up after 1 second"
  • ProcessDisplayItems
    • study
    • Study the merge flow of display items

Jeremy Chen

  • bug 1152263 - [Messages][Text Selection] Hard to drag the caret when there is an attachment in the beginning of a message
    • land
  • Clipboard Web API
    • bug 1012662 - implement click-to-copy and click-to-cut permissions (semi-trusted events)
    • bug 1151429 - Allow JS to copy text to the clipboard by triggering document.execCommand('copy') or document.execCommand('cut') in user-initiated thread
    • study
    • prepare for presentation
    • spec. update: W3C Working Draft 21 April 2015
    • browser support 2015/04/15 update: Browser Support

Jerry Shih

  • bug 1149492 - Handle the duplication of fd for thread link
    • clean up android flattenable type ipc usage.
  • bug 1155797 - N5-L vsync source problem
    • debug
    • Timing issue in kernel video driver

Morris Tseng

  • bug 1147279 - The event region seems wrong if element becomes image layer.
    • land
  • bug 1021499 - [Text Selection] carets might be truncated by keyboard
    • land

Tingyu Lin

  • bug 1110039 - Refactor Touch/SelectionCarets
    • r-
    • Add more documentation and comments to the code.
  • bug 1155493 - Refactor event dispatching in Touch/SelectionCarets
    • file
  • bug 1156037 - SelectWord triggered by NS_MOUSE_MOZLONGTAP widget event doesn't move focus
    • r
  • bug 1156636 - Dragging a selection-caret starts panning at a large zoom-in scale
    • file
  • bug 1156160 - Blur event closes SelectionCarets but leaves visible selection on page
    • debug

Peter Chang

  • feedback bug 1144012, 1155106
  • brown bag talk - gecko profiler/layerscope
  • Layout study


Rule of Thumb

Status code:

  • OOAD: In analysis or design phase.
  • WIP: working on WIP patch.
  • feedback(f): feedback a patch
  • feedback?(f?): WIP is ready for feedback grant.
  • feedback+(f+): Get positive feedback.
  • feedback-(f-): Get negative feedback.
  • review(r): review a patch.
  • review?(r?): patch is under review
  • review+(r+): get review+ and ready to check-in
  • review-(r-): get negative review feedback. Fix problems and switch back to r? again.
  • land: patch check in.
  • debug: Figure out the root cause of a bug/ try to repro that bug, etc...
  • file: file a bug
  • PTO: take personal leave
  • interview(I)
  • study: Spend time on domain knowledge study, such as multimedia transport technology, compress format, real-time rendering.
  • presentation
    • Write a personal blog, which is relative to work, such as articles on MozTech, or what you experience in a work week.
    • WIKI/ MDN article writing.
    • If you write a technical blog or anything relative to work, it's welcome to share it on weekly report.
    • Do a presentation of technical topics

Status code combination rule
Combine status code with "|". For example


Which means you work on both OOAD and WIP in the last week.

land status code
If your patch is target for specific branch, instead of central, postfix branch version. For exp

** land(1.4)