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SOAP::Lite Installation Instructions for SuSE 10

Newest Instructions Using YaST (Recommended)

Use YaST Software Management to install the perl-SOAP-Lite package.

  • You will probably see a screen that says "In addition to your manual selections, the following packages have been changed to resolve dependencies." Click Continue on that screen.

Older Instructions Using CPAN

Make sure the openssl and openssl-devel RPM's are installed via YAST.

Use cpan (just type 'cpan' at a bash prompt) to install SOAP::Lite (type 'install SOAP::Lite'). It is case sensitive.

Make sure to look at the installation details list. (Type 'no' when prompted to proceed with the configuration.)

Type 'yes' for HTTPS Client Support and SSL Support for TCP Transport.

This will probably add two other modules to be installed: IO::Socket::SSL and Crypt:SSLeay.

Crypt::SSLeay does not work with OpenSSL 0.9.8a which is what SLED10 ships with. It will fail the cpan tests.

To fix, hit Ctrl-C to stop the cpan install. Then type 'quit' to get out of cpan.

Assuming you are root or using su to access cpan...

cd ~root/.cpan/build

Look for Crypt-SSLeay directory and cd to it

Edit the file, SSLeay.xs

Goto line 110. It should be SSLeay_add_all_algorithms();

Comment it out using //

Create a new line after this and add SSL_library_init();

Save and close the file.

As root, run the following:

perl Makefile.PL


make test

make install

Do not run cpan on Crypt::SSLeay because it will overwrite your changes!

You can now continue your install of SOAP::Lite in cpan. You may need to use:

force install SOAP::Lite