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My Add-Ons List Builder

This proposal is for a new feature for the AMO site that allows individuals to manage custom lists of add-ons (sorta like iTune's playlists)


  • Allows users to easily view a list of add-ons as a group (and optionally install them all at once)
  • Allows publishers to easily assemble and manage custom lists
  • Encourages more thematic add-ons lists to be created (not just AMO's fixed categories)
  • Drives more traffic to AMO
  • Start to add community-oriented features into AMO
  • Will appeal to viral marketers and enthusiasts who want to publish their favorites


  • Each AMO user would be allowed to create up to N custom list of add-ons.
  • Actions:
    • Create List
    • Modify List
    • Delete List
    • Publish List
  • A list is presented in the form similar to category listings pages but also includes a checkbox for install and a field for publisher's comments
  • Can include links to non-AMO hosted add-ons
  • For AMO hosted add-ons allows you to "check or uncheck" to allow installation as an entire group
  • Include an "install checked" button which automatically packages up the checked add-ons and creates an "install bundle" (like what CLEO does)
  • If it detects that you are not using Firefox, then it asks you to install Firefox or create bundles of addons + Firefox for distribution.
  • Only allows selecting/checking of add-ons that are compatible with your version of Firefox
  • Ideally, we have a feature that allows you to upload your browser's current list as part of the Create list function (an "import"). (We can try to use what Rock Your Firefox does or have them instal the ListInfo addon and upload the file)

Step by Step

  • Given a set of AMO ID's in the URL params, create a checklist of those items. Use the API to extract add-on metadata
  • Decide on policy of whether to include non-compatible Fx versions (API gives this info)
  • Test toggle-able buttons (see jQuery toggleclass)
  • Add a toggle-able "include" button to each entry
  • Add an "install all checked" button at the bottom of the form
  • Create a standalone version of FEBE/CLEO
  • Code the bundle add-ons xpi generator
  • Make list persist
  • Tie into AMO's user system
  • Detect if Fx is being used and include it or not