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A combined offering that is:

  • Good for the world - driven by a movement to build healthier, sustainable cities
  • Good for the web - positions 'the web as the cause' while leveraging a B2G, WebApps, open source crowdmapping software, and a community-based approach
  • Begins the growth of our b2g & WebApp community - mobilizes hacker communities around our work and technologies in Latin America (and future plans around the world)
  • Great combined team - Mozilla, Ecocity, Ushahidi

Mozilla has the opportunity to partner with two other non-profits -- open source mapping org Ushahidi and urban sustainability org Ecocity.

Together, we will mobilize local Mozillians and other communities to deliver an open technology that leverages boot2gecko, open web apps and open source mapping software. The overall mission is to put inexpensive, web-powered smart phones into the hands of citizens around the world and see what happens. The first challenge set will revolve around the collection and use of environment and city data.

CONTEXT: There is a significant history of 'tech for development' projects ignoring local organizations, communities, and expertise. We have the opportunity to distinguish Mozilla as the technology organization that 'gets it'. Our approach will support and empower local developers to create bottom up tech solutions that use the web (and B2G) as the platform.

This partnership and supporting technologies would be debuted at the June United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio De Janeiro that attracts thousands of attendees, including many heads of states, from all over the world.

Success Factors

  • Primary Goal: Support and mobilize a community of developers around the open web, mobile platforms, and development.
  • Initial Output: A prototype and demo of Usahidi / Ecocity WebApp on B2G phone with future plans, story, collaborative mission
    • Fall-back Plan: A story board of future plans, story, collaborative mission
  • Bonus Prize: Distinguish and highlight Mozilla's values, savvy, and theory of change on an international stage

Work Requirements

Overall work requirements are very low:

  • Community & Engagement
    • Use the MozCamp in Latin America to build momentum and start work towards the UN event in Rio. (possible?)
    • Run a hackday and announcement at the UN conference
    • Continue the work through local open source events (such as the large ones in Brazil) and MozFest
    • Mozilla foundation (Surman and Geoffrey) are committed to idea and assisting
    • Need for engagement contributions to story and whiteboards for display
  • Technology
    • B2G - no actions needed. Current state of B2G provides for primary goal
    • WebApps - Assistance needed to work with Ushahidi to modify UX for WebApp delivery (time requirements are being estimated, but seems minimal <20 hrs).
  • Coordination
    • Commitment from Mozilla foundation - Geoffrey MacDougall to help plan, coordinate, drive to success. Mark and Geoffrey have a combined 20+ years experience around the UN and tech for development.
    • Significant potential to find grant funding for orgs like Ushahidi to build on web apps and B2G.

Future Requirements

  • Participating in this event does not setup Mozilla for significant future work requirements
  • Community building will continue as the Ecocitizen platform is launched around the world
  • Seeds opportunities to expand engagement with international aid organizations, the UN system, and national governments

Supporting Individuals

The following teams have all been briefed on the idea, agreed on work effort, and expressed support and commitments to this idea

  • Mozilla Foundation (Surman and Geoffrey)
  • Boot2Gecko (Andreas)
  • WebApps (Todd & Ragavan)
  • Legal (Harvey & Mark)


  • Planning, scoping, coordination with local partners - Late April - Rio De Janeiro
  • Launch of community building and hackdays at MozCamp LATM (?)
  • Primary Event - Rio 20+ June 20-22 - Rio De Janeiro
  • Continuation of work at OS conference in Brazil (Geoffrey to find details)
  • Integration into the ramp to MozFest in London, November 2012

Involved Parties

  • Local OS and hacker communities
    • Build links into similar communities in other continents
  • Mozilla
    • Boot2Gecko running WebApps version of Ushahidi software
  • Ushahidi – open source crisis mapping software that leverages crowd sourcing - demo
  • Ecocity Builders – NGO with a mission to reshape cities for long-term health of human and natural systems
  • RIO+20 – United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development that attracts thousands of attendees (many heads of state) from around the world


The following spaces/exhibits/demos are being pursued at the event

Ecocity-Ecocitizen Actions Around the World

Major Exhibit at Rio 20+

  • Format: Exhibition booth launching Ecocity-Ecocitizen & technology solutions
  • Mozilla Involvement: Demo B2G and WebApps running Ushahid/Ecocity crowd mapping software
  • Length: 10 Days
  • Expected Audience: 150 heads of state and tens of thousands of attendees

Social Media Campaign

  • Format: Coordinated social media launch of Ecocity-Ecocitizen with and combined networks of experts, community leaders, concerned citizens and other influencers, Ecocity Builders, ICLEI, The Mega Cities Project and Ushahidi
  • Mozilla Involvement: Open badges opportunity - the online experience results in an ID card and digital badge to share
  • Expected Audience: Tens of thousands through social networks


Citizens around the world will put themselves on a Ecocity - Ecocitizen, register their Ecocitizen Actions and commitments and log in ecocity-ecocitizen profiles on an online map. Participants will be encouraged to upload their actions and pledges and geotagged photos to the Ecocity – Ecocitizen Map that will become a global base map to launch Ecocity - Ecocitizen at Rio+20 at a center stage pavilion, and continuing on after the conference, online and featured in forthcoming summits, events and international conferences and gatherings, including Ecocity Builders’ Ecocity World Summit series, with the next conference planned for Nantes, France in August 2013.

Ecocity - Ecocitizen coalition members will enlist their members and associates, Twitter followers and Facebook fans to do the following three things to support the UN’s 3 Pillars of Sustainable Development (economy, ecology, equity) and to help promote a more sustainable city and citizenry in balance with living systems

Upon completion of the 3 E’s of Eco-citizenship, the user will be able to download a special Rio+20 World Ecocitizen ID Card (Open Badges opportunity) and add a corresponding Ecocitizen badge to their Facebook page. Other collaborating partner networks will also be encouraged to do the same such as ICLEI, UCLG, NRDC,, etc.

Building Ecocities : geodesign for sustainable urban management and resilience

Formal Presentation at Rio 20+

  • Format: 90 minute formal presentation led by Ecocity with partners. We will bring the hackers and youth onto the stage. Interactive session with audience participation for collaborative design/problem solving
  • Mozilla Involvement: Demo combined technology offering of B2G and WebApps running Ushahid/Ecocity crowd mapping software. Lending our expertise on participatory, collaborative events.
  • Length: 90 minutes (mozilla technology demoed/used for portion of time; important to show value in context of being used, rather than as product demo)
  • Expected Audience: 120 key decision makers & VIPs

5 Days of Ecocitizen Youth Action

  • Format: On the ground community building with local youth of Rio's favela. This will demonstrate the power of the technology and social proposals being debuted at Rio 20+
  • Mozilla Involvement: Technology supporter, on the ground volunteer support, financial supporter, outreach to local hacker and developer communities
  • Length: 5 days
  • Expected Audience: 200-300 participants

With the support of the Mega-Cities Project and local universities and organizations, the Ecocity - Ecocitizen will host five concentrated days of Youth ecocity assessment, planning, visioning and on-the-ground actions in one or more of the favela communities in Rio, culminating in a grand celebration at a beautiful decommissioned fort in Leme overlooking the entire Rio de Janeiro cityscape. The Rio+20 Days of Eco-citizen Youth in Action will also provide an opportunity for ecocity consciousness raising among people at all levels of the political spectrum, by providing a direct connection between the Rio+20 decision making process and the lives of ordinary people who symbolize the hopes and dreams of the next generation.