

Open Items



  • AMO 5.12.8 and .9
  • Switching to new paypal embedded payments for contributions
  • Would like to get the version check / update script fast enough
  • Haven't stayed awake through a romantic comedy in years.



  • Punch Drunk Love


  • Superhero training (CPR, not flight :-()
  • Redirect following for wiki includes
  • Designed new (email, for the moment) notifications system for SUMO—and hopefully others: we plan to liberate it. Supports anonymous and registered subscriptions, de-duplication of emails, referential integrity of various sorts, and a straightforward, extensible API.
  • Working almost full-time on notifications implementation & project management.
  • peekable() and merge(), 2 things that should be in itertools but aren't. They let you look one notch ahead in an iterator and merge together a single ordered iterator from several ordered iterators.
  • The Princess Bride


  • Editor tools
  • Devhub fixes
  • Romantic comedy? Uhhhh


  • MDN 0.9.2 maintenance pushes
  • MDN 0.9.3
    • add adding fixing some localization features
  • MDN 1.0
    • working with Jay and Raymond to develop bug workflow
    • installed kitsune and moved MDN apps into it to prepare for MDN 1.0
  • Romantic Comedy
    • Zombieland Zom-Rom-Com


  • Taking AMO mobile
  • Grimly accepting hbase
  • I can't get enough Legally Blonde


  • Wrapping up Mobile AMO designs
  • Full speed ahead on Mobile SUMO designs
  • Firefox 4 Demo site Mobile prototype


  • Successful 1.1 release of mozilla.com
    • Lots of bug fixes and better tracking
  • Upcoming 1.2 release next week
    • Lots more bugfixes
    • Discussing HTML5 work
  • Publishing Firefox 4 beta pages, gearing up for release
  • Porting over the last few mailchimp dependencies to Reponsys
  • Continually discussing improvements to workflow
  • The Social Network was funny, I laughed at the end


  • A job description
    • Tell your friends. Tell your kids, tell your wife, and tell your husband.
  • Bleach is basically "1.0" ready.
  • I think Waffle is neat. I have some tests I want to do on SUMO once we have metrics in place.
  • SUMO visual and under-the-hood updates.
  • Interviewing.
  • In MV next week for MDN powwow.
  • The RomCom genre starts and ends with When Harry Met Sally.


  • AMO
    • Migrating editor tools to Zamboni
    • mobile support for AMO
    • does anyone know of code for a chainable raw sql query set in django? If not I will be writing that.
  • trick question, right?



  • Since last time we met, we moved Socorro to PHX (and blogged about it :) )
  • Scoped out requirements for Socorro releases for the rest of the quarter, including:
    • Duplicate crash detection
    • Explosive crash monitoring
    • PostCrash email improvements
  • Triage (large, ongoing)
  • Interviews, writing job descriptions. Two jobs on Webtools team, please refer your friends and family:
  • Upcoming talks:
    • SXSW: PHP and Big Data APIs Workshop
    • AOL: How to scale, how to use data, how to be Open
  • I agree with jsocol about When Harry Met Sally.



  • Flux dev gantt
  • Web dev radar upkeep
  • Join Mozilla
  • Interview moz.com PM candidate
  • Planning new Q1 engagement projects
  • 500 Days of Summer was pretty good.


  • hiring
  • helping flux and mozilla.com
  • forgetting sarah marshall


  • Finishing up a Playdoh based microsite
  • Dekicompat on MDN demo room
  • Contributing to Playdoh

Scott Pilgrim vs the World


  • SUMO 2.4.3, handled that milestone a bit, triaging bugs, focused on Army of Awesome
  • Working with Erik on SUMO 2.5, new notifications API, lots of fun, peer discussions while API develops
  • Heading to Europe in March, working remotely
  • Movie: A walk to remember



  • AMO 5.12.8
    • Mobile site!
      • getting to pull out all the stops is a lot of fun
    • Discussing/planning the redesign- exciting stuff
  • Firefox 4 First-Run page!
  • django-moz-header!
    • Sharing code++
  • Download Stats site
    • shhhh.....
  • Last week of Doozer

Does Galaxy Quest count as a romantic comedy? If not, Knocked Up was pretty good.



  • SUMO 2.4.3, 2.5
    • Almost done with re-theming.
      • The Support Forum is the last app left and should be complete this week.
    • Lots of UI refactorings, small tweaks,...


  • Socorro: documentation, 1.7.7
  • Input: 3.1, refactoring discussions
  • Flux group stuff
  • In Mountain View next week
  • Romantic Comedy: When Harry Met Sally


  • Getting Flux projects scoped and scheduled
  • Working on Firefox Input 3.1, getting all other 3.x milestones lined up
  • Made Bouncer use product_details, to make Releng happy
  • Working on playdoh. Check out the docs!
  • Juno is probably my favorite.


  • So much bug mail
  • Did AMO Q1 calendar
  • figuring out priorities and assignments
  • don't watch romantic comedies