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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop & Platform

Current Releases

Beta (129)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

Beta (129)

We are good to go.

  • FxA/Sync Recent Findings which have been escalated to SUMO in time for GA:
    • bug 999172 - Create account and sync results in reauthentication flow
    • bug 999198 - delete firefox account gets user stuck in reauth loop
  • New WebRT, Synthetic APKs: First item below is a fix we'd like to take before GA and unfortunately, it's too late for the last beta; stay tuned for a plan on this. There's work to be done to stabilize for Fx30, Fx31:
    • bug 991397 - launching app installed outside Firefox Beta hangs firstrun
    • Not Fx29, just a FYI: bug 991394 - previously-installed apps stop running
    • For Fx31 bug 995803 - crash in java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already registered Webapps:Preinstall at org.mozilla.gecko.EventDispatcher.registerListener(

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

  • We're rejiggering scope for Fx31, we know it will not require a permissions bump
  • We have a new EPM! Jenn Chaulk, she owns solidifying the feature list and should be communicating the details next week

Developer Tools

  • Outbound
    • All quiet, gearing up for the upcoming Aurora 31 post and Angelina's spring tour.

Feedback Summary


A Small redesign of Firefox is coming next week, we are gearing up for an intensive feedback gathering process. Let us know if you have any last minute requests!

Our reports in this meeting will soon be getting nicer! Stay tuned :)


User Experience

Market Insights from the Market Strategy Team


  • A cloud-based Windows is in the works [1] with potentially different revenue models for Microsoft [2] along with universal Windows apps. [3] Microsoft has also been accepting input about the return of an authentic Start button. [4]
  • Browser add-ons made news in the context of Heartbleed with an extension for Chrome [5] and for Firefox [6] automating the check for sites with Heartbleed vulnerability. Safari and Internet Explorer lacked these add-ons.
  • Recent Chrome updates [7] include an onscreen keyboard, side-docking and sticky keys, suggesting potential use in touchscreen Chromebooks or Chrome tablets.

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction

Come to the Countdown to Fx29 overview tomorrow! Invite should be in your inbox or already on your cal.

Questions, Comments, FYI

Actions this week