- [4:30pm] gtorodelvalle: Hi guys! 16:30 so let’s start our daily
- [4:30pm] mariaoteo: gtorodelvalle: you are right
- [4:30pm] gtorodelvalle: Administrative issues to comment?
- [4:31pm] drs: yes, I have a few
- [4:31pm] drs: I talked with lmandel about the release cycle
- [4:31pm] gtorodelvalle: Please, go ahead… I have one
- [4:31pm] drs: he explained a bunch of things to me, and I've summarized them on the etherpad
- [4:31pm] drs: I recommend you guys read them over, good things to know
- [4:31pm] mariaoteo: gtorodelvalle: black screen when you want to add a second call...
- [4:31pm] drs: second item for me is that I sent out a proposal for using styledocco with the dialer
- [4:32pm] drs: please take the time to read it and think about it
- [4:32pm] drs: I'd like to get some feedback and thoughts on it
- [4:32pm] Rik: thanks for starting this drs!
- [4:32pm] drs: that's it for me on the admin side
- [4:32pm] gtorodelvalle: I would only like to introduce you to David García Paredes (davidg) who will be helpig us in Dialer and related apps… He is currently working on a couple of tone related bugs
- [4:33pm] davidg: Hi guys nice to meet you
- [4:33pm] drs: oh, cool
- [4:33pm] drs: hi davidg
- [4:33pm] Rik: hi davidg
- [4:33pm] drs: are you the telefonica intern?
- [4:33pm] gtorodelvalle: Nope, the intern will join us on August, the 4th
- [4:33pm] drs: ah okay
- [4:33pm] drs: are you working full-time on the dialer?
- [4:33pm] davidg: I will be working on IoT bugs, and currently mostly are from coms
- [4:33pm] Rik: (Aug 4th, my birthday!)
- [4:33pm] drs: okay
- [4:34pm] Rik: can you remember us what IoT means?
- [4:34pm] drs: davidg: if you'd like to, you can write up a report on the etherpad on what you've done: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/fxos-dialer-scrum
- [4:34pm] drs: but if you're not working entirely on the dialer then it's probably not worth it
- [4:34pm] drs: you can give us updates on irc instead if you'd like
- [4:34pm] drs: anyways I'm sure gtorodelvalle has told you these things
- [4:34pm] drs: welcome
- [4:34pm] davidg: Certification?..I don't know the full acronym, but it is basically solving problems that carriers have identified
- [4:34pm] gtorodelvalle: He, he
- [4:35pm] davidg: thanks
- [4:35pm] gtorodelvalle: So the first round is on Rik … Any other administrative issue? If not, moving to drs
- [4:35pm] Rik: thanks
- [4:35pm] davidg: drs?
- [4:35pm] drs: so my only things of note are the styledocco proposal, and...
- [4:35pm] gtorodelvalle: Yeah, Doug’s nickname
- [4:36pm] drs: Rik: QA/relman is breathing down my neck on Bug 1035183 so a speedy review would be nice
- [4:36pm] drs: that's it for me
- [4:36pm] firebot: https://bugzil.la/1035183 — ASSIGNED, drs+bugzilla — Matching numbers screen results is not properly localized for 10+ matches
- [4:36pm] gtorodelvalle: Nice time to move to Rik
- [4:36pm] Rik: so I was reviewing drs' patch just before the meeting, will finish after
- [4:37pm] gtorodelvalle: davidg , do yo want to share anything with us? Any trouble?
- [4:37pm] drs: don't think Rik was done
- [4:37pm] davidg: yes indeed
- [4:37pm] gtorodelvalle: Ups
- [4:37pm] Rik: I don't have much code done these days, mostly reviews and discussions with francisco, sergi and thills
- [4:37pm] drs: what are you guys talking about? datastore?
- [4:38pm] Rik: performance regressions, frameworks, we talked a bit about datastore but mostly because I didn't know much about it
- [4:38pm] Rik: and just general sharing when we have a face to face
- [4:38pm] drs: can you write stuff down please?
- [4:38pm] drs: when you have meetings like this
- [4:38pm] drs: even just a quick summary afterwards
- [4:39pm] gtorodelvalle: (I think we should retake the “I’m done”, “Next” or something )
- [4:39pm] Rik: it was Contacts performance regressions
- [4:39pm] drs: ah okay, I thought you meant things within the dialer that they might know about
- [4:39pm] Rik: and datastore, I have nothing to write down, except what's already in MDN
- [4:40pm] Rik: but yes, I'm keeping in mind that decisions/ideas/areas to explore should be written down
- [4:40pm] drs: ok, thanks
- [4:40pm] Rik: and so I'm done
- [4:40pm] gtorodelvalle: He, he
- [4:40pm] gtorodelvalle: davidg ?
- [4:41pm] drs: (when everyone is done, I have 1 more thing I'd like to raise)
- [4:41pm] davidg: So, I have been working on playing a tone at the end a call, and I found a problem in the TonePlayer
- [4:41pm] davidg: in the callscreen app, I told etienne and he told me I should tell everybody just in case
- [4:42pm] gsvelto: davidg, yeah, the toneplayer is and endless source of pains
- [4:42pm] drs: what's the problem?
- [4:42pm] davidg: TonePlayer is supposed to be in 'telephony' channel while you are in a call and switch back to 'normal' when you are not
- [4:42pm] davidg: i don't know why it can't be always in 'telephony'
- [4:43pm] gsvelto: davidg, because telephony doesn't play anything if you're not on a call
- [4:43pm] davidg: It uses visiblitychange event to switch between normal and telephony
- [4:43pm] gsvelto: davidg, so if you want to play touchtones before being in a call you need to play them in the normal channel
- [4:43pm] gtorodelvalle: Shall we talk about this after the daily? SInce I guess it may take some time and it is an interesating topic
- [4:43pm] davidg: the problem is, that when you put the phone in your ear, it switchs off the screen
- [4:43pm] gsvelto: gtorodelvalle, yeah, sorry
- [4:43pm] drs: gtorodelvalle: agreed, thanks
- [4:44pm] davidg: ok the bug is 1039199
- [4:44pm] gtorodelvalle: Thanks!!! Next is etienne_s
- [4:44pm] davidg: is detailed there
- [4:44pm] drs: bug 1039199
- [4:44pm] firebot: https://bugzil.la/1039199 — NEW, david.garciaparedes — [Dialer] When you put the phone on your ear, tones are not played using telephony channel
- [4:44pm] drs: I think we can move on
- [4:44pm] davidg: sorry
- [4:44pm] drs: etienne_s is at the systems work week in berlin
- [4:44pm] gtorodelvalle: In the meantime, let’s go with gsvelto
- [4:44pm] WilfredM joined the chat room.
- [4:45pm] drs: and I doubt he's doing any dialer work besides reviews
- [4:45pm] gsvelto: so I've slept three hours, landed a workaround for Web Audio glitchiness in the tone player in bug 1022450
- [4:45pm] firebot: https://bugzil.la/1022450 — FIXED, gsvelto — [Flame] [V1.4][Dialer]The key press tone will distort when you tap the number key during the call.
- [4:46pm] gtorodelvalle: Next?
- [4:46pm] gsvelto: then I've done a review in bug 1029721 and I will be helping thills on that one
- [4:46pm] firebot: https://bugzil.la/1029721 — ASSIGNED, thills — CDMA call waiting call is not logged in call history
- [4:46pm] gsvelto: sorry, I've slept three hours and it takes me a minute to figure things out
- [4:46pm] gtorodelvalle: Sorry, I do not see any notification of you guys typing
- [4:46pm] gsvelto: this is all for me
- [4:46pm] gtorodelvalle: Thanks!
- [4:47pm] gtorodelvalle: On my side and to try to be quick, I am working on a couple of bugs (just took one from Paco) which made me realize that there’s some problem with adding a second call mariaoteo just confirmed… Trying to figure out the cause of the issue since this is blocking my testing of the patches.
- [4:47pm] gtorodelvalle: Next is thills
- [4:47pm] thills: I am trying to finish the blocker bug 1029721. I have the review from Hsin-yi, but I need to fix some feedback on the Gaia portion from gsvelto. So I will be focused on this since it's high priority.
- [4:47pm] scravag left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving.)
- [4:47pm] thills: that's it from my side
- [4:47pm] drs: thills: do you think you'll make it for FC day?
- [4:48pm] thills: drs: when is this?
- [4:48pm] Rik: tuesday
- [4:48pm] Rik: well, monday
- [4:48pm] thills: drs: I think so
- [4:48pm] drs: well, they want everything landed by friday
- [4:49pm] drs: but in reality the actual FC day is tuesday
- [4:49pm] drs: ok
- [4:49pm] gtorodelvalle: OK, guys, Thank you very much. I’ll update the wiki.
- [4:49pm] Rik: we land on monday morningish in europe
- [4:49pm] drs: wait
- [4:49pm] drs: I wanted to mention one more thing
- [4:49pm] gtorodelvalle: Right, last topic
- [4:49pm] drs: since there's so many of us, I don't think 10 minutes is a reasonable target anymore
- [4:49pm] drs: I think we should target 15 minutes for the meeting
- [4:49pm] gtorodelvalle: +1000
- [4:49pm] drs: so it doesn't feel rushed and pointless
- [4:50pm] drs: that's all
- [4:50pm] gtorodelvalle: Thanks!
- [4:50pm] gtorodelvalle: Rik , would you be able to host the meeting tomorrow?
- [4:50pm] Rik: (I'm not really looking at the time the whole meeting takes)
- [4:50pm] drs: Rik: I watch it like a hawk
- [4:50pm] Rik: (so I'm fine)
- [4:50pm] gtorodelvalle: And I feel it
- [4:50pm] Rik: gtorodelvalle: yes!
- [4:50pm] drs: I'm actually timing everyone's updates
- [4:50pm] gtorodelvalle: Thanks Rik
- [4:51pm] gtorodelvalle: I hear the tic tac from here :S