MDN/Get involved/MDN10th

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MDN 10th Anniversary Campaign

The original MDN wiki site launched on July 23, 2005. We will to use this opportunity to celebrate MDN and drive awareness of developers and Mozillians of the role contribution has played/does play on MDN

(NOTE: we are specifically noting and celebrating the wiki launch, the original content is older [netscape devedge ~ 1999/2000]). More history digging:

Project Goal

Raise awareness of web developers and Mozillians of MDN wiki content & the role contribution has played in building the wiki site into the resource it is today. Showcase exceptional content and volunteers.

MDN is launching a new Learning Area and is looking to drive increased contribution to that as well as existing content areas. Showcasing 10 years of contribution, as well as the excellent content volunteers have helped bring to the web, will help raise awareness of opportunities to contribute.

This project will raise awareness of the rich content already on MDN, how the content on MDN is and has been contributed by volunteers, and how new volunteers can contribute.

  • KPI: 1,000 volunteers/month making edits on MDN (.03%)

Proposed Events

(from brainstorming etherpadL

1. Takeover Mozilla! Rally other communities and Mozilla sites to spread the word

  • MDN home page with anniversary info; site banner; other on-page features
  • page
  • Get involved page
  • Twitter feeds, etc.

2. Contributor interviews and "spotlights"

  • maybe a series of blog posts on Hacks?

3. Small, global community writing parties with special 10th anniversary swag

Content Strategy & Requirements

The 10th Anniversary campaign will impact social media (Twitter), Mozilla blogs, MDN wiki (home page & “Connect page” and ddiotnal pages to be determined), and possibly properties.

Deliverables: MDN “logo” for 10th anniversary MDN 10th anniversary stickers & t-shirts Banners and other online media for promoting 10 years of MDN Blog posts from prominent MDN supporters and contributors MDN home page revamp, with artwork & copy to promote the 10 year anniversary Banners for web developers to use on their sites to promote MDN

Success Metrics

Number of clicks on MDN anniversary media/links/content. Increase in contribution from Anniversary media links. Survey of new contributors. Grow contribution % to .03% of users.