People:MozSpaces Guidelines:Vancouver


Operational Guidelines

Now that you have the general guidelines for using our Spaces, there is information you should have specific to the Space you are visiting. Below you'll find additional information to use while visiting our Vancouver Space.

There is one detail we want to call out that changes the way you "book" and use the space.

Meetings versus Events:

Meeting: Small group of Mozillians who get together for a brief amount of time - an hour or two in a conference room.

  • If you are attending a meeting while in Vancouver, you'll need to check in with the front desk and coordinate supplies with your Mozilla Sponsor.

Events: Larger group of Mozillians who get together for a longer time period or need a larger space. Often times the Community area.

  • If you are hosting an event while in Vancouver, you will need to work with WPR who will approve your event.

You'll know when a “meeting” becomes an “event” when the following conditions apply:

  • You require any sort of catering (other than what might be available in the kitchens)
  • You require supplies (other than the one dry erase marker already in the room)
  • Your meeting is scheduled after Vancouver office hours which are from 8:30am to 5:30pm Monday through Friday, except on Holidays.
  • Your meeting is large enough, even if it’s just Mozillians, to essentially “take over” some aspect of the space. In this case, additional approval will be needed if it's within normal business hours.

How to Request Use of Mozilla Space and/or WPR Support For Your Event

  • If you are a paid-staff member, please use Service Now to request support for your event.
  • If you are a volunteer, please email your request to
  • Requests for Brown Bags or Air Mozilla don't require WPR involvement. Both paid-staff and volunteers should file a request through Service Now request

To be sure your event has the impact you intend (and nobody goes hungry), WPR needs at least one-week (5 business days) lead-time to approve and coordinate requests.

Getting Around the Space

  • Address:
Mozilla Canada - Vancouver
163 West Hastings Street
Suite 209
Vancouver BC
V6B 1H5
  • Phone Number:

+1 778 785 1540

  • Contact:
  • Access Details: Buzz 209 at the front call box. Mozilla is located on the second floor. Community area is located on the East side of the floor.
  • Community Space location: East wing. 2nd Floor.
  • Map:

Suggested places around the office