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Platform Meeting Details

  • Tuesdays - 11:00 am Pacific
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 95312
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 95312
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 95312
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 95312
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 95312
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 95312
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 95312
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 95312
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 95312
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 95312
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • Warp Core Vidyo Room
  • join #planning for back channel

Notices / Schedule

  • We are here in the schedule
  • Beta 5 will go-to-build this evening PT (2/28). Please nominate/land any applicable bugs asap. If you have a bug currently nominated for mozilla-beta approval, please make sure to be available after today's 2-3PM PT channel meeting to land approved bugs once we complete our discussions. Alternatively ping akeybl in IRC to expedite the process.
  • Code freeze for FF11 is this Friday (3/2).
  • Final sign-off for FF11 will be scheduled for next Wednesday (3/7). Details to be announced on dev-planning
  • Please see our Channels Triage queries to find tracked bugs for each release. Please let release-mgmt ( know if any of these bugs no longer need to be tracked or need support from QA or the crash-kill team (for Socorro/crash-stats data).

Firefox Development

  • Marco Bonardo landed the livemarks re-write - this was a big chunk of work which has plenty of benefits, including no more synchronous IO, and less entanglement with the rest of places (bug 613588)
  • Paolo Amadini has flipped the default value of the "load tabs on demand" pref, which should help with responsiveness during session restores and memory use for large profiles (bug 711193)
  • Frank Yan's about:home revision that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago is very close to landing, just need to sort out coordination issues with the server-side snippets service (bug 711157)
  • Silent update: Brian landed the remaining patches for the UAC dialog work.

Firefox Developer Tools

Add-on SDK


  • Snappy weekly summary
  • Livemarks are now async thanks to Marco (bug 613588)
  • There was an increase in negative feedback regarding Firefox 11 beta relative to Firefox 10 beta on SUMO. Cheng and Taras are investigating.
  • Olli and Jan cooked up about:ccdump addon for assist with finding leaks. See Jan’s blog post for more details.
  • Bill landed incremental GC this week, bug 719492. Most users will not benefit from incremental GC until Bill finishes up handling frequent “corner cases” that end up disabling incremental GC.
  • Avi ported his smoothscroll logic to C++, Jared pushed it to the UX branch (bug 206438. If you are interested in fluid scrolling, give it a try, play with acceleration prefs to help us find optimal values.


  • Fennec "maple" builds are getting usable, and we could probably use more technical eyes on them.
    • This is "off-main-thread-compositing", or OMTC.
    • Probably not ready for every-day use, but already much more usable on anything with an Adreno GPU (Nexus One, HTC Desire HD, etc).
    • Known issues: Some jankiness, some WebGL issues (i.e. upside-down on some devices), some checkerboarding issues.
    • File whatever bugs you find in Core :: Graphics, and put "MAPLE" in the whiteboard.
    • Note: This testing is only needed on Android devices; desktop should be unaffected by these changes.



Notable Patches:

  • bug 726582 - Prevent nsSMILCSSProperty::ValueFromString from reading uninitialized out-param
  • bug 614732 - For SVG leaf frames, use mRect to store the frame's user space bounds, and stop using it to store its covered region
  • bug 725903 - PathExtentsToMaxStrokeExtents needs to take a transform argument.
  • bug 725897 - Remove the inaccurate nsSVGUtils::ToAppPixelRect, and use nsLayoutUtils::RoundGfxRectToAppRect instead.
  • bug 707959 - followup, move font cache telemetry into gfxFontCache::Lookup.
  • bug 725376 - Don't do column balancing deeper than 5 nested levels to avoid hang.
  • bug 718516 - Replace call of FinishReflowWithAbsoluteFrames() with FinishAndStoreOverflow() for nsColumnSetFrame to prevent crash.
  • bug 718516 - Remove call to FinishReflowWithAbsoluteFrames until nsColumnSetFrame is fully implemented as an absolute container.
  • bug 724776 - Change SetForcedCharset to BrowserSetForcedCharacterSet.




  • Updated WebAPI wiki page to contain status for all APIs we're currently working on.
  • New API drafts for Device Storage, Wifi Information, Mobile Network information, Idle, Sensor and Settings APIs.
  • Philikon has initial implementation of Mobile Network Information API.






Tree Management

  • Dongles installed on all OSX 10.7 test slaves - test results and wait times should be better now


Security Reviews & Threat Modeling Sessions Scheduled for this week

Date / Time Item
Mon Feb 27 / 13:00 PST Threat Model: Metlog
Wed Feb 29 / 13:00 PST Threat Model: Token Server
THU Mar 1 / 10:00 PST SecReview: WebSMS, bug 674725
Fri Mar 12 / 10:00 AM PST SecReview: Snappy Symbolic Server

Calendar and Meeting details

General Meeting Details 
* IRC Channel: #security 
* Etherpad: 
* Vidyo: (Room 9058)
* Dial-in Info (phone): 
** In office or soft phone: extension 92 
** US/INTL: 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 then extension 92 
** Toronto: 416-848-3114 then extension 92 
** Toll-free: 800-707-2533 then password 369 
** Conference num 99058

For updates to meetings please see the Security Review Calendar

Review Needed

  • Feature pages triaged to need review, review unscheduled
Feature Feature List Target Rel Prod Mgr Lead Engr Security lead Security status Security notes Last Modified
Client-side XPI construction Jetpack Add-on Builder 2 Daniel Buchner Piotr Zalewa/Sean McArthur `sec-review-needed `2012-04-12T20:05:12
Add-On Tab API ` Add-on SDK 1.5 David Mason ` Dan Veditzsec-review-needed bug 7449132012-04-12T20:10:51
B2G App Security and Privacy Model ` B2G 1.0 Lucas Adamski Jonas Sicking, Chris Jones Paul Theriaultsec-review-needed bug 7449152013-11-22T18:35:41
Style Editor Desktop Firefox 11 Kevin Dangoor Cedric Vivier `sec-review-needed bug 7449212012-08-30T13:42:53
Migrate Chrome settings and data Desktop Firefox 11 Asa Dotzler Makoto Kato, Marco Bonardo `sec-review-needed bug 7449192012-04-12T20:17:13
Generic Thumbnail Service Platform Firefox 12 ` Tim Taubert `sec-review-needed 2012-05-16T23:15:03
Easy UI Feature Testing and "Success Evaluation" (integrate TestPilot like features) ` Firefox 13 ` ` `sec-review-needed Please schedule with curtisk2012-03-02T23:41:56
Hang Detector and Reporter Desktop Firefox 14 Asa Dotzler Vladan Djeric `sec-review-needed bug 7449262012-04-18T19:50:16
Install and Uninstall Web Apps in Firefox ` Firefox 15 Ragavan Srinivasan ` `sec-review-needed 2012-06-05T21:53:38
Responsive View Desktop Firefox 15 Kevin Dangoor Paul Rouget `sec-review-needed 2012-08-30T13:40:32
In-content preferences Desktop Firefox 15 Asa Dotzler Jon Rietveld `sec-review-needed bug 7449362012-05-07T14:15:25
Camera API Phase 2 - based on getUserMedia Mobile Firefox 15 - Mobile only, still image support only Maire Reavy Anant Narayanan Lucas Adamski (currently) Curtis Koenig (soon)sec-review-needed bug 7492212012-10-16T07:15:46
Media Plugin API (MPAPI) Mobile Firefox 15 or 16 (TBD) - Mobile only, by the end of Q2 Maire Reavy Rob O'Callahan (formerly Andreas Gal) TBDsec-review-needed bug 7492212012-06-06T02:40:33
Feature name here ` Firefox 16 Karen Rudnitski Brad Lassey `sec-review-needed 2012-08-31T17:39:44
Firefox Social Integration Desktop Firefox 17 Asa Dotzler Shane Caraveo Michael Coatessec-review-needed bug 7334142014-04-11T05:29:17
HTML Tree Editor Desktop Firefox 17 Kevin Dangoor Dave Camp `sec-review-needed 2012-09-17T17:04:20
Show PDF inline Platform Firefox 18 Asa Dotzler Bill Walker `sec-review-needed 2012-10-04T13:16:57
Per-Site Third-Party Cookie Setting Platform Firefox 18 ` ` Curtis Koenigsec-review-needed 2013-02-08T17:31:48
Windows Plugin Hang UI Desktop Firefox 19 asa Aaron Klotz `sec-review-needed 2012-10-29T15:51:21
Tools In Windows Desktop Firefox 20 Kevin Dangoor Paul Rouget `sec-review-needed 2013-08-01T20:30:23
JavaScript Profiling Desktop Firefox 20 Kevin Dangoor Anton Kovalyov `sec-review-needed 2013-08-01T20:31:39
Network View Desktop Firefox 23 Kevin Dangoor ` `sec-review-needed assigned to mgoodwin2013-08-14T21:07:34
Downloads API Desktop Firefox 26 ` Paolo Amadini `sec-review-needed assigned to mgoodwin to look at via sec-review? in bug 8255882013-10-25T09:40:01
Panel Menu Desktop Firefox 29 Asa Dotzler Blair McBride `sec-review-needed sec review work to be done by freddyb2014-05-15T03:04:34
FlightDeck as a Client-side App Jetpack FlightDeck 1.0 Daniel Buchner Sean McArthur `sec-review-needed when ready sched w/ curtisk2012-01-25T22:43:38
IndexedDB Support for Multi-Process Firefox Platform Future, distant future. Chris Blizzard ` `sec-review-needed 2011.10.17: sid recommends we wait on this one but likely needs a review. bug 7449402012-04-12T20:52:20
Simplify signing XPIs in Jetpack Jetpack Jetpack Future Dave Mason ` `sec-review-needed 2012-06-05T22:46:09
Purchase PIN Marketplace Marketplace July Justin Scott Unassigned Raymond Forbessec-review-needed 2016-04-01T02:19:58
Notifications Other Q3 None Assigned, One has been requested JR Colin David Chansec-review-needed bug 7498062012-05-09T17:00:36
Sharing textures cross-process for Electrolysis Platform Q4 of 2011. Chris Blizzard Chris Jones `sec-review-needed bug 7449442013-07-22T07:19:02
SDK Support for Firefox for Mobile Addons Jetpack SDK 1.5 David Mason Matteo Ferretti `sec-review-needed bug 7449462012-04-12T21:04:55
Apps Management App ` TBD ` ` `sec-review-needed 2012-08-31T17:38:35
Modern MIME Parser Thunderbird Thunderbird 16 ` Joshua Cranmer `sec-review-needed bug 7449522012-05-31T14:31:02
Thunderbird Metro Thunderbird Thunderbird 17 ` ` `sec-review-needed 2012-07-22T02:29:05
SMS support in Thunderbird Thunderbird Thunderbird 19 ` ` `sec-review-needed
Modern Address Book - V1 Thunderbird Under revision ` Mike Conley `sec-review-needed bug 7449552012-05-16T17:16:47
Speedy Session Restore Desktop ` Asa Dotzler Dietrich Ayala `sec-review-needed bug 7449342012-07-23T20:43:45
Enhancements to help mitigate search hijacking Desktop ` Asa Dotzler Gavin Sharp Al Billingssec-review-needed bug 7449572012-07-18T01:36:50
Blocklist UX enhancements [Plug-ins] Desktop ` Kev Needham ` `sec-review-needed bug 7449622012-04-12T21:40:01
Sign into the browser Other ` Dan Mills Ben Adida `sec-review-needed bug 7449482012-07-26T22:36:15
Add plugincheck functionality to Add-on Manager Desktop ` Kev Needham ` `sec-review-needed bug 7449672012-04-12T21:46:41
DOMCryptAPI (a Crypto API in the DOM) Platform ` Chris Blizzard David Dahl Brian Smithsec-review-needed bug 7449382013-11-22T19:02:09
Native Sign In to Website Desktop ` ` Austin King (ozten) `sec-review-needed `2013-10-18T23:50:02

Bugs marked sec-review-needed that need to be scheduled

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Stability Report


  • Correlation reports for Aurora and Trunk are available in subdirectories of starting with today as bug 723182 is fixed now (for some reason Socorro isn't picking them up correctly, but this whole mechanism is a bit wonky and will be replaced with a better model in the next months anyhow). Will work on getting the version for the next Firefox cycle there near to the source uplifts.
  • Next incremental Socorro release landing on Wednesday - no big changes, a couple of skiplist additions, fix for bug 724670 which unbreaks report lists for some Java signatures.
  • Stackwalking fix for MSVC2010 (and possibly browser-side hang signatures on FF11+) could also land with this release on Wednesday, see bug 726570.
  • Main focus of work for next release is ESR support.



  • bug 730550 Crash in gfxUserFontSet::OnLoadComplete @ __delayLoadHelper2
  • bug 730277 Crash @ nsWindowGfx::Data32BitTo1Bit
  • bug 730274 Startup crash in nsAppShell::ProcessNextNativeEvent @ DispatchHookA
  • bug 730633 crash in nsNSSSocketInfo::SetCertVerificationResult or nsNSSSocketInfo::StartTLS @ dyld_stub_binder




Graph and Soccoro work can be seen in the Testing Meeting notes 2/29/2012


  • bug 730688 - java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {org.mozilla.fennec/org.mozilla.fennec.App}: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=2, result=-1, data=Intent { (has extras) }} to activity {org.mozilla.f...
  • bug 730890 - crash @<address>
  • bug 725167 - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Given view not a child of android.widget.AbsoluteLayout@4... at android.view.ViewGroup.updateViewLayout(


  • bug 725295 - [Skia] Crash Report @ _ZN8SkBitmapaSERKS_ on HTC devices
  • bug 730890 - crash @<address>
  • bug 729129 - crash @ dlmalloc_walk_free_pages dvmHeapSourceTrim
