Project/2010 Goals/MozCampEU Discussions/MoFo
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MozCamp Europe Discussions
- There was a strong desire to explain the open web to a broad public.
- We want people to understand and embrace the values that underly Mozilla.
- Also, there is an opportunity to help others teach and evangelize about the open web.
- This can include formal computer science teaching like at Seneca.
- But it could also simply about giving school teachers in high school materials that make it possible to offer an open web lesson once in a while.
- We should be leading they way on policy issues that relate to open standards and the open web.
- There is a chance to help the EU and governments on the issues where we are expert and that we care about.
Detailed Notes
- Community members talk at schools and universities
- Simple open web evangelism pack
- Embed mozilla in all levels of education
- Make it easy for neighbours to talk to neighbours about why they chose our product
- Get people to express themselves in public about this
- Firefox + addon bundles e.g an EduFox bundle
- Contest for the best values based add ons
- Bringing the internet access to places where it isn't present (eg. Africa)
- The fact that so many people use Firefox in Europe means that people will listen to us when we talk about values
- Independence is an important value and message
- Peace symbol as the kind of brand we want to be
- Local MozCamps that are for more than just contributors
- These cover ideas about the open web
- Mozilla is the host, but other orgs also present and participate
- Express our voice on important topics in policy context
- Create a 'values PR' department in Mozilla
- Helps the community evangelize
- Create spaces where we can talk about open web and standards policy
- What does it look like to use an open source process to develop policy?
- Use and expand the Firefox network for work on our values
- Promote multiple browser testing while designing a web site as a basic practice. Get communities to create tutorials.
- Work with other standard friendly browers to minimize implementation wear points.
Subsequent notes
- This is where you want to add ideas you have on the Mofo Goals if it was not captured earlier.
- Help our contributors to grow. Suggestion: invite a few of them individually to a Mozilla office (all expenses paid) for 1 hacking week with their peers