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No change in size, 00:45, 25 July 2009
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# <font color="gray">Static analysis of code implementing IPDL interfaces</font>
# <font color="gray">Model checking of inter-protocol interactions</font>
== Other projects ==
* [[IPDL/Unit test generation]]: use IPDL specifications to generate unit tests that "extensively" explore the protocol-level interaction of two (or more) actors. The unit tests are intended to check the C++ implementation(s) of the actor interfaces.
== Reference ==
The [[IPDL/Low level setup]] walks you through setting up the support infrastructure (processes, threads, and sockets) that IPDL needs to send messages. Few people should need to read this.
== Other projects ==
* [[IPDL/Unit test generation]]: use IPDL specifications to generate unit tests that "extensively" explore the protocol-level interaction of two (or more) actors. The unit tests are intended to check the C++ implementation(s) of the actor interfaces.

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