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Thunderbird:Help Documentation:Background

5 bytes added, 08:54, 17 December 2004
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Thunderbird Help has always been neglected to some extent. The very first Thunderbird Help was an extension created as an outshoot of the [ Firebird Help project] at [ Mozdev]. It had the absolute minimum when it came to documentation, and the best it reached was a 0.1a release. Unfortunately, this has been somewhat typical of the status of Thunderbird Help. It's always been something of a secondary citizen in the documentation world.
When Firefox 1.0 was released, it had relatively comprehensive built-in help documentation. As a 1.0 product, it would be ludicrous to expect it wouldn't have help docs. Of course Thunderbird 1.0 would have help docs, right? But it didn't. No one made an effort to write help docs, no one made an effort to get the help viewer working, and consequently Thunderbird 1.0 was Helpless.

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