TestEngineering/UI/AMO/Test Plan/EntryExitCriteria

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Entry Criteria

  1. Staging server is available and is updated with the features to be QA'ed.
  2. QA has been provided with mocks/specs for any new changes
  3. QA has all the details including specs and scope of things to be verified for a particular release.

Exit Criteria

  1. All P1s, P2s, and Blocker and Critical bugs have been verified by QA or have been marked [qa-] as not needing verification
    1. (This gives us leeway in cases where, say, there are critical backend bugs that development files but we can't verify easily, or it's not needed.)
  2. QA has appraised WebDev either on IRC or through email of the testing performed, and the outstanding bug list
  3. QA and development have assessed and vetted Moztrap-testrun failures
  4. Stakeholders from QA,development and Product have met to discuss the pre-release readiness of the release.
  5. All stakeholders have signed off on the release
  6. QA runs the sanity test run after the push and verifies the push bug.

Criteria to block a release

  1. Loss of features during redesign/rewrites
  2. Incomplete implementation of a feature
  3. General unhappiness on fligtar's side about the release

Criteria to revert

  1. Crashes/Loss of Data
  2. Development is unable to troubleshoot and resolve issues on prod for >5 hours