
< Balkans(Redirected from Balkans:2010)
Balkan Inter-Community Meetup

Skopje, May 21-23, 2010



The Mozilla Balkan Inter-Community Meetup is the second of a series of community gatherings aiming to bring together lead contributors of different communities for a day of presentations, discussions and workshops. The aim of the event is to enable Mozilla communities in the Balkans to share and learn from each other's experience working on the Mozilla Project and improve collaboration in the future. All participants are asked to help each other define joint quarterly goals for the year.

Practical Info

Date and Location

The meetup will take place in Skopje, Macedonia and will begin on Friday 21 May, with a private Mozilla staff/community meeting, followed by a public event open to everyone on Saturday 22 May, and finish on Sunday 23 May, with a private wrap-up meeting with Mozilla staff and community. (take a look at downtown Skopje trough the interactive webcam)

More about Skopje, Getting Around, Maps and Phones.


Hotel Skopski Merak
Adress: St. Anton Dukov 27, 1000 Skopje
Phone: ++389 2 3090 755

Breakfast from 7:00 - 9:00
Check-in after 12:00
Check-out before 12:00 - 13:00

See website here

See rooming list


Faculty of Electrotechnics and Informational Technology
St. "Rugher Boshkovikj" 1000, Skopje
Main building, in the amphitheater. 



Free WiFi networks at the hotel named:

  • merak1
  • merak2

Ask Gorjan/Reception for password.

Free WiFi network at the University.


The following Balkan communities will each be represented by lead contributors:

  • Bosnian community (Kerim Kalamujic & Aleksandar Savic & Muris Herak)
  • Bulgarian community (Emil Stanchev & Martin Linkov)
  • Croatian community (Edo)
  • Greek community (Pierros Papadeas)
  • Macedonian community (Gorjan Jovanovski & Damjan Georgievski & Igor Stamatovski)
  • Romanian community (Alina Mierlus & Anamaria Stoica)
  • Serbian community (Milos Dinic & Ivan Milenkovic)
  • Slovenian community (Matjaz Horvat & Brian King)

Mozilla Staff participating:

  • William Quiviger - European Community Manager, Mozilla
  • Seth Bindernagel - Director of Localization, Mozilla
  • Kadir Topal - Support Community Manager, Mozilla
  • Zbigniew Braniecki - Community Ninja, Mozilla
  • Pascal Chevrel - Web Localization, Mozilla
  • David Tenser - User Support Lead, Mozilla

Everyone who is attending please fill out this table!

Format and Schedule

The Balkan meetup will be comprised of 3 partsĀ :

  • Day 1: [Private event] working sessions led by staff and community
  • Day 2: [Public event] presentations given by staff and community to the general public (FREE and open to everyone who registers) in university auditorium + workshops
  • Day 3: [Private event] Wrap-up and Goals setting



Contact People

Gorjan Jovanovski - Local Community Leader


  • What are the local Mozilla communities
  • How to enlarge local communities and how can people get and stay involved
  • Mutual cooperation
  • Promoting the Mozilla and its projects in the Balkans
  • Why would one contribute to Mozilla projects
  • Examine Firefox market share in the region, and work on strategies to consolidate/improve
  • Share l10n experiences and promote the value of native speaking users

Goals Brainstorming

  • Goals brainstormed on Friday can be found here

During the event


We're will be providing streaming to users that won't be able to attend the meet-up. For more info, follow the link below:

Balkans 2010 video streaming


Friday: Mozilla Night out in the town
Saturday: Balkan SurpriseĀ :)


Official Facebook Event


UPDATE: Meeting with the balkan community have been moved here:

-- We have met every Thursday at 19:30 CET. Meetings lasted for about an hour, depending on the circumstances. Notes from the meetings can be found below:

Meetings Notes

Logo proposals


Slides, Photos, Blogposts etc. are linked here.