Compatibility/Core Bugs

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Web compatibility

The work we are tracking in this page focuses on tools and processes to deal with web compatibility issues where the priority has been set.

There is a list of bugs which have not been prioritized yet.

Webcompat P1 - OPEN

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Webcompat priority Keywords Assigned to
1524772 Webcompat: Offline unavailable in Gmail Site Reports ASSIGNED P1 webcompat:contact-ready Ksenia Berezina [:ksenia]
1600397 Firefox prompts twice to save a password: once with the password and once with the munged client-side hash/encrypted value Password Manager NEW P1 regression, webcompat:platform-bug Sergey Galich [:serg]

2 Total; 2 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Webcompat P2 - OPEN

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Webcompat priority Keywords Assigned to
543435 Make initial about:blank loading into iframe not get overwritten by an async channel load DOM: Navigation ASSIGNED P2 html5, webcompat:platform-bug Henri Sivonen (:hsivonen)
786382 Font inflation not consistent for elements with similar positions like in forums and tables, e.g. on Layout: Text and Fonts NEW P2 webcompat:platform-bug
904846 Caret positioning is incorrect in an empty contenteditable element with ::before pseudo Layout: Block and Inline ASSIGNED P2 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio)
941146 NS_ERROR_FAILURE when other browsers work fine when setting font on a canvas context in a display:none iframe Graphics: Canvas2D NEW P2 webcompat:platform-bug
997189 Absolutely positioned inline-block (or inline) element with floating nextSibling and auto "left" is positioned to the right of the float Layout: Floats NEW P2 webcompat:platform-bug
1179084 Implement MediaStreamTrack::getCapabilities() and MediaTrackCapabilities WebRTC: Audio/Video NEW P2 dev-doc-needed, parity-chrome, parity-safari, webcompat:platform-bug Dan Baker[:dbaker]
1232055 When div is set to display: table, overflow: hidden doesn't work (overflowing abspos content leaks out) Layout: Tables REOPENED P2 css3, webcompat:platform-bug
1274354 [meta] Date.parse, amirite JavaScript Engine NEW P2 DevAdvocacy, meta, webcompat:platform-bug
1287715 loadedmetadata is fired even before the script has a chance to run to register event handlers Site Reports REOPENED P2 webcompat:needs-sitepatch
1291467 Implement contenteditable="plaintext-only" DOM: Editor NEW P2 parity-chrome, parity-safari, webcompat:platform-bug
1342569 mouseenter/mouseleave fire differently on <select>s in e10s mode. DOM: Events NEW P2 Mike Conley (:mconley) (:⚙️)
1392046 <a> href with javascript behavior differs between modern browsers DOM: Navigation NEW P2 parity-chrome, parity-edge, webcompat:platform-bug Simon Pieters [:zcorpan]
1422891 [Rethink] Support mkv|matroska|video/x-matroska in Firefox Audio/Video: Playback UNCONFIRMED P2 webcompat:platform-bug
1446011 Make getCTM and getScreenCTM compatible with other browsers SVG NEW P2 parity-chrome, parity-edge, parity-safari, site-compat
1447524 Double session history entries from DOM: Navigation NEW P2
1461852 Firefox honors small heights on <td> (for sizing of that <td> and percent resolution on children), unlike other browsers Layout: Tables NEW P2 webcompat:platform-bug
1470025 User Agent stylesheet default opacity for placeholder text Layout: Form Controls NEW P2
1479017 No referer header sent on http-header: Refresh DOM: Navigation NEW P2 parity-chrome
1481876 [css-grid] Resolve percentage grid rows against the grid's block-size that was computed in first pass (in auto block-size containers) Layout: Grid REOPENED P2 webcompat:platform-bug Tiaan Louw
1526207 Calling `drawImage()` fails when drawing a video on android Graphics: Canvas2D NEW P2 regression Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro]
1527627 window.getSelection() and document.getSelection() do not work with selected text in an <input> element DOM: Selection UNCONFIRMED P2 parity-chrome, testcase
1529953 Consider supporting the legacy mousewheel event for interop. DOM: Events NEW P2 dev-doc-needed
1535985 `<datalist>` HTML element should display autocompletion drop-down UI General NEW P2 leave-open, webcompat:platform-bug Makoto Kato [:m_kato]
1536482 Web Authentication - Support macOS Touch ID DOM: Web Authentication ASSIGNED P2 parity-chrome, parity-safari, webcompat:platform-bug John Schanck [:jschanck]
1547246 <br style="display:block"> (e.g. due to being a flex item) has zero height Layout: Block and Inline NEW P2
1598458 height:100% on a block child inside an auto-sized table-cell within a definite size table doesn't resolve the percentage Layout: Tables NEW P2 testcase, webcompat:platform-bug
1601297 Slight stuttering on 8K 60 fps YouTube videos on NVidia cards Graphics: WebRender NEW P2
1640222 "Paste special" is not working properly within Google doc's spreadsheet DOM: Selection NEW P2
1655525 Using <embed> for PDFs does not result in a download if PDF.js is disabled PDF Viewer ASSIGNED P2 webcompat:platform-bug Calixte Denizet (:calixte)
1730666 LinkedIn video meetings not available for Firefox Site Reports NEW P2 webcompat:contact-ready, webcompat:needs-diagnosis
1734343 The text in the sidebar tree is displayed as grayscale AA instead of subpixel AA. Graphics: WebRender NEW P2 intl, nightly-community, regression
1739163 MediaStreamTrack muted is always false even when microphone is muted on the system WebRTC: Audio/Video NEW P2 webcompat:platform-bug
1778923 Firefox sends mouseout events with a null relatedTarget when a select control opens DOM: Events NEW P2 webcompat:platform-bug
1786138 Consider supporting webkit-user-drag for webcompat CSS Parsing and Computation NEW P2 webcompat:platform-bug
1788721 Firefox on Android selects Roboto as serif font even for weight:100, while Chrome avoids it and selects Noto Sans Graphics: Text NEW P2
1827887 Firefox on Android cannot find morphyrichards, but desktop (and other Android browsers) can Networking: DNS NEW P2 webcompat:platform-bug
1840731 Changing document location to invalid protocol twice in rapid succession is not ignored DOM: Window and Location NEW P2 webcompat:platform-bug
1848440 Scrolling YouTube Taste Profile page causes unresponsive content process after enough slow scrolling JavaScript Engine NEW P2 perf:responsiveness, top50
1872755 Consider supporting `-webkit-fill-available` as an alias for `-moz-available` (extended to work in the height axis) CSS Parsing and Computation ASSIGNED P2 webcompat:platform-bug Daniel Holbert [:dholbert]
1872862 app login via embedded Custom Tab does not work Logins NEW P2 webcompat:needs-diagnosis, webcompat:needsinfo
1883494 Firefox does not line-break/wrap between dashes, Chrome and Safari do Internationalization NEW P2
1886820 Consider adding support for Error.captureStackTrace JavaScript Engine NEW P2 parity-chrome, parity-safari, webcompat:platform-bug

42 Total; 42 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Webcompat P3 - OPEN

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Webcompat priority Keywords Assigned to
36539 Accessibility: Saving focus & selection in session history (back - forward should preserve focused/active link for keyboard navigation) DOM: Navigation REOPENED P3 access, embed, helpwanted, topembed-
85686 window.getSelection() fails when text selected in a form field DOM: Selection NEW P3 spec-needed, webcompat:blocked, webcompat:platform-bug
92921 contenteditable should not replace linebreaks by <br> inside a <pre> DOM: Editor NEW P3 parity-chrome, parity-safari, topembed-
137367 Implement orphans and widows Layout: Block and Inline NEW P3 css2, dev-doc-needed, parity-chrome, parity-edge, parity-ie, parity-opera-mini, parity-safari, testcase
137687 Computed CSSDeclarations need to implement GetCssText DOM: CSS Object Model NEW P3
406488 Copy highlighted text to clipboard ignores non-inlined CSS styling when pasting as rich text (to HTML editors, MS Word, Excel, Outlook etc.) DOM: Serializers NEW P3 parity-chrome, testcase
417826 In table cell, width="0px" is ignored, but style="width: 0px" is honored CSS Parsing and Computation NEW P3
445952 display:table-caption box in <td align=right> overflows Layout: Tables REOPENED P3 regression, testcase
505521 Set screen coordinates during HTML5 drag event DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop NEW P3 DevAdvocacy, html5, parity-chrome, parity-ie, parity-safari Neil Deakin
549114 Support column breaks part of CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 Layout REOPENED P3 css3, dev-doc-needed, DevAdvocacy, webcompat:platform-bug
568313 Impossible to make <button>s draggable DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop NEW P3
662496 autofocus not work when the element is added to the DOM after the document is done loading (e.g. in window.onload) DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
695868 Unable to set document.body.innerHTML of IFrame DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
700123 Keyboard Lock DOM: Events UNCONFIRMED P3 parity-chrome, parity-edge, parity-opera, spec-needed, webcompat:platform-bug
713608 HTML5 Video controls are missing in Fullscreen Video/Audio Controls NEW P3
728151 Dynamically created iframe contents don't stay if script that creates iframe is dynamically created without src DOM: Core & HTML UNCONFIRMED P3
751292 Firefox windows build fails to highlight background of selected text on some "special" pages DOM: Selection NEW P3
759922 Tabindex cannot be applied to <img> tags on Mac DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW P3 regression
761236 InvalidAccessError from cssRules.length DOM: CSS Object Model NEW P3
774376 SVG descendant of <defs> don't have bounding box SVG NEW P3
827585 window.getSelection() returns null for hidden iframe DOM: Selection REOPENED P3 testcase
836897 [meta] Implement the WebMIDI API DOM: Device Interfaces NEW P3 dev-doc-complete, meta
890692 maybe support textLength="" and lengthAdjust="" on tspan and textPath SVG NEW P3 access
906411 user event.dataTransfer.clearData in ondragend doesn't allow modifications DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop UNCONFIRMED P3 html5
987629 Size of svg ignored when embedded through <object> or <img> SVG UNCONFIRMED P3
1007286 Using keyboard on inputs causes viewport to resize, shrinking elements that are sized with viewport units (vh), or with a percent-height resolved against viewport height IME NEW P3
1039871 Add support to HTML media element for determining the mimetype of a loaded media file Audio/Video: Playback NEW P3
1043118 Do not select leading/trailing spaces on double clicking. DOM: Selection NEW P3
1085214 Implement Location.ancestorOrigins DOM: Window and Location NEW P3 dev-doc-needed, webcompat:platform-bug
1105051 Meet the specification for line breaking within ruby bases Layout: Ruby NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1184059 compatibility issues with domain labels beginning or ending with hyphens Security: PSM NEW P3
1186177 height:100% on element inside a table-cell ends up behaving like "auto", if the table-cell has height:auto Layout: Tables UNCONFIRMED P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1187591 Click events on elements with overflow != visible fire after the mouse is dragged out of the element DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW P3
1199665 Consider making <input type=number> always fall back to parsing numbers as English formatted numbers if parsing them as numbers formatted using the user's locale fails Layout: Form Controls ASSIGNED P3 parity-chrome, parity-edge Jonathan Watt [:jwatt]
1239595 textarea element | Can't scroll down placeholder text in Firefox Layout: Form Controls REOPENED P3 parity-chrome, parity-edge, parity-ie, testcase, webcompat:platform-bug
1259924 [quirks mode] mousemove fails because <body> element height doesn't fill the viewport Layout ASSIGNED P3 parity-chrome, parity-edge, webcompat:platform-bug Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio)
1261296 Click handlers are not triggered at all on checkbox inputs in a block with contenteditable="true" DOM: Editor NEW P3
1266140 Object.keys 50% slower than JavaScript Engine UNCONFIRMED P3
1267004 Offscreen elements cause scrollable overflow even if they are completely beyond the top or left edge of the scrollable area Layout NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1273010 Blocky and slow rendering on Firefox Android Nightly - filter: drop-shadow() Graphics ASSIGNED P3 perf Markus Stange [:mstange]
1273836 Copy-Paste of simple HTML adds extra new lines that are not present in original content Layout: Text and Fonts UNCONFIRMED P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1305387 No "input" event should be fired immediately after "compositionend" event DOM: Events NEW P3
1318126 Improve prefetch Networking NEW P3 stale-bug
1319687 Fire 'canplaythrough' aggressively after loading first frame Audio/Video: Playback NEW P3
1320588 JPEG with embedded ICC profile renders very dark Graphics: Color Management NEW P3
1323005 css transform causes flickering on mouse drag Graphics UNCONFIRMED P3
1336245 Geolocation should return available low-res location when high-res location is not yet available DOM: Geolocation NEW P3
1343705 WebGL: drawArraysInstancedANGLE with gl.POINTS not working Graphics: CanvasWebGL UNCONFIRMED P3
1344052 Firefox cannot decode an mp3 with leading CRLF with decodeAudioData, but can play it if dragged onto a new tab. Audio/Video: Playback NEW P3
1355574 Consider adding support for ::-webkit-outer-spin-button and/or ::-webkit-inner-spin-button on <input type=number> CSS Parsing and Computation NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1360238 window.getSelection().toString() displays extra "\n" characters on multiple block elements, even if they are display:inline DOM: Serializers NEW P3
1362499 Support unit-less values for CSS -webkit-perspective (for interop) CSS Parsing and Computation NEW P3 dev-doc-needed, good-first-bug
1362898 content with ::before gets painted at the wrong place Web Painting NEW P3
1367461 SVG background-images with preserveAspectRatio='none' render differently to Chrome/WebKit Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1370630 preventDefault() on form.dispatchEvent(new Event('submit'))? DOM: Forms NEW P3 dev-doc-needed, site-compat Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.)
1376369 -moz-user-select:none triggers dragging also when @draggable="false" DOM: Selection NEW P3 regression, testcase Olli Pettay [:smaug][]
1414402 Support playback of mp4v video Audio/Video: Playback NEW P3
1429653 [mobile] - scrolling is not happening on position fixed element with overflow scroll Web Painting NEW P3
1435665 input type=button background-color should be rgb(240, 240, 240) on Android. IME NEW P3 Dennis Schubert [:denschub]
1436801 Vertical border and padding influences alignment of text in spans with "vertical-align:middle" (only in Firefox) Layout: Block and Inline NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1437761 position:sticky inside partially-offscreen position:fixed container has a different behavior in Chrome/Edge vs Firefox Layout NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1452646 while clicking and navigating back, an outline is drawn Web Painting NEW P3
1453467 Reader Mode can use different favicon from our choice for the webpage due to the favicon service returning apple-touch-icon but the tab never using that Reader Mode NEW P3 webcompat:needs-contact
1455565 Alias ::-webkit-progress-value to ::-moz-progress-bar CSS Parsing and Computation NEW P3
1456885 Not able to use Voice for Google Docs Integration due to missing SpeechRecognition support Site Reports NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1470017 Consider to not change prototype when adopting nodes DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1471231 iframe.contentWindow.getComputedStyle(..) returns an empty style if the iframe is display: none. DOM: CSS Object Model NEW P3 dev-doc-needed
1473501 Improve the way Gecko selects images based on srcset values (don't just round up, when rounding up is a huge jump) Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames NEW P3
1476051 Interop issues with select element styling with appearance:none. CSS Parsing and Computation NEW P3
1481581 [meta] More closely align the behavior of '-moz-appearance' with Chrome's '-webkit-appearance' Layout NEW P3 meta Jonathan Watt [:jwatt]
1482733 Geolocation.watchPosition() doesn't work in background on Android O and above DOM: Geolocation NEW P3
1483225 Behaviour of SVG element with invalid mask differs from other browsers and W3C spec SVG NEW P3
1486365 The City selection page slightly bounces after opening CSS Transitions and Animations NEW P3
1493434 Inconsistent table column sizing between Firefox and Chrome (with percent sizes on colgroup and col) Layout: Tables NEW P3
1493878 iframe.contentDocument is changed across loading even when it has no src or srcdoc DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1494708 Should setting a button disabled in the onclick event prevent form submission? DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1497973 Firefox does not show correct colors when displaying a URL of a JPEG with sRGB in the ICC tags Graphics: ImageLib REOPENED P3
1499443 [css-align] Implement CSS Alignment "Overflow and Scroll Positions" section (justify-content/align-content should influence initial scroll pos) Layout: Scrolling and Overflow NEW P3
1499986 Handling javascript URL returning a non-string value DOM: Navigation NEW P3
1501480 mask-image and SVG on input element fails in Firefox, Safari, and Edge, works in Chrome Layout NEW P3
1503427 Firefox 63 pushing Bootstrap 3 date input text down Layout: Form Controls NEW P3 regression
1510248 Firefox shows an mp3's length to be different than other programs Audio/Video: Playback NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1510450 Show form validation errors General NEW P3 Makoto Kato [:m_kato]
1513435 Incompatible column layout with 'height:0' and definite 'column-width' Layout: Columns UNCONFIRMED P3 parity-chrome, testcase
1515452 Firefox on Android (Moto G5) layout different than chrome for CSS Parsing and Computation NEW P3
1519578 [contenteditable] Elements made block via CSS use <br> for newlines rather than <divs> DOM: Editor NEW P3 webcompat:site-wait
1520894 Low-latency video playback via MediaSource causes extremely high CPU/GPU usage and poor playback performance. Audio/Video: Playback NEW P3 perf:responsiveness
1521660 Adding a selected and disabled option as the first of a select's list of options forces the first user selection to be the first option after it. DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1522706 History.pushState limit may be too low for some live sites DOM: Navigation NEW P3
1526776 Scroll position back to previous position, or sometimes, flicker page. Layout: Scrolling and Overflow NEW P3 regression, webcompat:platform-bug
1527955 Chromium shows images even when server says they're plain text content-type, Firefox does not. Graphics: ImageLib NEW P3
1529471 objectBoundingBox, clip-path behave differently in Chrome and Firefox SVG NEW P3
1538075 vertical alignment of button containing a block is different from Chrome Layout: Block and Inline NEW P3
1539619 Implement event.fromElement and event.toElement DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1544413 Broken SVG with large coordinates (with Skia and WebRender backends, though not with Cairo) Graphics: WebRender NEW P3
1544428 Setting window.location.hash to an empty string on a site without a hash causes a popstate event DOM: Navigation NEW P3
1550635 window.document.caretRangeFromPoint is not supported in Firefox DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3 dev-doc-needed, parity-chrome, parity-safari
1554226 Add new Safe Browsing categories. General NEW P3
1554489 End-line characters are ignored on Gitlab instances DOM: Serializers REOPENED P3
1558274 Test-case where active content cannot be clicked in Firefox, but can in Chrome. Web Painting NEW P3
1558362 Google Image search Zoomed in .gif images swipe is janky CSS Transitions and Animations NEW P3
1566650 Interop issues with where focus and cursor are placed when clicking ::after content in contenteditable elements. DOM: Selection NEW P3
1568313 Textarea wrap=hard does not actually insert newlines when posting DOM: Forms NEW P3 regression
1569211 getSelection, getRangeAt return wrong anchorNode, endContainer and endOffset if selection contains SVG(or unselectable text inside) DOM: Selection NEW P3 parity-chrome
1569510 button inside a summary element doesn't open the full details element DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1578346 Can't expand list as ihover over men's, as it disappears by the time I go to reach for the link. DOM: Events NEW P3 webcompat:needs-contact
1584881 support -webkit-transform-origin-x/y for webcompat reasons? CSS Parsing and Computation NEW P3 dev-doc-needed
1587267 BiquadFilterNode - lowpass filter is delayed in Firefox Audio/Video NEW P3
1589404 Firefox defaults to a different font and size for table cells than Chrome Site Reports NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1589539 text selection with fillColor and backgroundColor being the same Site Reports ASSIGNED P3 webcompat:platform-bug, webcompat:site-report, webcompat:site-wait Ksenia Berezina [:ksenia]
1590489 Have a test case to ensure keyup and input events are fired when typing in inputs. DOM: Events NEW P3
1592017 Empty display:inline div element has positive offsetHeight value Layout NEW P3
1593064 Consider aligning with Chrome's behavior for restoring the scroll position on back button presses. DOM: Navigation NEW P3
1593883 Allow content to handle Accel+N and Accel+T in Full Screen mode Keyboard Navigation UNCONFIRMED P3 parity-chrome, webcompat:platform-bug
1596399 Delete key is not working as expected with handwriting input in macOS DOM: Editor NEW P3 inputmethod
1596960 Google Translate Widget creates keyboard trap on use DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW P3 parity-chrome, webcompat:needs-diagnosis
1598913 I am unable to select some text on DOM: Selection NEW P3 parity-chrome, parity-edge, parity-ie
1599345 At least one youtube keyboard shorcut doesnt work with firefox and AZERTY keyboard DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW P3
1599680 - composition is interfering with value input. IME NEW P3
1600848 Links with 'user-select: none' or svg content duplicates on copy DOM: Selection NEW P3 parity-chrome
1603609 Different history behavior seen on a Economic Times webpage DOM: Navigation NEW P3 parity-chrome, parity-safari
1607081 SVG image with no intrisic size returns a naturalWidth of 0 DOM: CSS Object Model NEW P3
1608332 video fails to open inside a canvas element Graphics: Canvas2D NEW P3
1615948 svg fill css transition issue when in defs SVG NEW P3
1628965 large font size becomes blurred Graphics: WebRender NEW P3 testcase
1633888 Hard to scroll info-text on "card" at (sometimes the whole page scrolls instead) Panning and Zooming NEW P3
1639119 SVG text positioning attributes should address entire Unicode characters, not UTF-16 code units SVG NEW P3
1640726 The user is unable to copy a table from Microsoft Excel to Microsoft Word Online DOM: Editor NEW P3 parity-chrome
1641019 Exporting table from Microsoft Excel Online to the clipboard replaces `<a>`s with their content for the "text/html" flavor DOM: Serializers NEW P3 parity-chrome
1643554 Need to press back many times on to go back in history DOM: Navigation NEW P3
1645311 Flashes when using fcitx5 - Chinese input DOM: Editor NEW P3
1647173 When in dark theme, some favicons (like github's) are not displaying correctly Address Bar NEW P3
1647178 The site is not being zoomed out to occupy the full width of the viewport Panning and Zooming NEW P3 regression
1648124 Click event not firing for links without href inside iframe with CSS transformations DOM: Events NEW P3
1648621 Align document.referrer url decoration detection with HTTP Referrer and Referrer Policy Privacy: Anti-Tracking NEW P3
1650288 lazy-loading images don't always show up (until you scroll past them) on Site Reports NEW P3 webcompat:needs-diagnosis
1653710 FOUC presumably caused by the page reading documentElement.clientWidth too early while the page is loading Layout NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1654288 Enable layout.forms.input-type-search.enabled by default Layout: Form Controls NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1654336 Navigation bar does not stick to the bottom of the page Panning and Zooming NEW P3
1656279 Unitless line height interop issue CSS Parsing and Computation NEW P3
1657635 SVG in Firefox on iMac 5K Retina is rendered in p3 wide gamut instead of sRGB Graphics: Color Management NEW P3
1658226 Flickering cursor when `cursor: ...` set in CSS and spacebar is held Widget: Cocoa NEW P3
1658315 <input type="radio">/<input type="checkbox"> do not block the default action of parent links DOM: Core & HTML UNCONFIRMED P3
1659174 Can't play VP8 encoded video on because of lack of content sniffing Audio/Video: Playback NEW P3 parity-chrome
1660384 Implement CSS Containment content-visibility Layout NEW P3
1662057 opacity on text with overlapping letters should not show darker areas (ex: RTL Arabic) Graphics: Text NEW P3 regression
1663380 SVG textPath startOffset - curved text is not positioned correctly in Firefox SVG NEW P3
1663570 Extremely slow rendering of SVG items. Impossible to scroll. Graphics NEW P3 perf, regressionwindow-wanted
1664223 When using an AudioContext across iframes, get confusing "Connecting AudioNodes from AudioContexts with different sample-rate is currently not supported." error Audio/Video: MediaStreamGraph NEW P3 regression
1665524 Fedex Get Status Updates form does not offer autocompletion for 2nd email field Form Autofill NEW P3
1667878 An absolutely positioned div with a tabindex causes the viewport to jump up when selecting text DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW P3
1668061 Element doesn't receive click event if the body has negative z-index Web Painting NEW P3
1670520 Copy/Paste adds extraneous whitespace when copying text inside a dl DOM: Serializers NEW P3
1672475 Angled border is blurry on Graphics: WebRender NEW P3 correctness, regression
1672804 picture tag doesn't show fallback image if sources type are not specified DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1679677 Twitch streaming video performance slowly degrades until it can't keep up even at lower video quality, requiring a browser restart Audio/Video: Playback UNCONFIRMED P3
1679746 Incorrect rendering or joining of kurdish (ckb) texts from specific websites which their content is kurdish(ckb) texts. Layout: Text and Fonts NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1680997 focus styling on label on double click remains in firefox DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW P3 parity-chrome, parity-safari
1680999 - Instant browser crash Graphics NEW P3
1684076 pages from fail to paint outside of the initial viewport Site Reports NEW P3 webcompat:needs-diagnosis
1684810 Fish bowl animation is slow (14fps) in portrait mode, fast in landscape mode Graphics: Canvas2D NEW P3
1687370 Cannot log into when schemeful sameSite cookie is on Networking: Cookies NEW P3
1691374 Image inside "preserve aspect ratio" solution invisible (back-computed percent height) Layout NEW P3
1694298 Table flex item's max-width/max-height is not respected Layout: Flexbox NEW P3
1694719 Background image is not rendered on DOM: Navigation NEW P3
1698629 Tapping SVG shape in use element invokes text selection UI DOM: Selection NEW P3
1698988 Intermittent elements with transform-style: preserve-3d when animated Graphics NEW P3 regression Boris Chiou [:boris]
1704419 Nintendo Switch gamepad support DOM: Device Interfaces UNCONFIRMED P3
1706218 Give priority to name over id for usemap reference in image map DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3 parity-chrome
1712667 Images not loaded after multiple refresh Graphics NEW P3
1713039 -apple-system Font Weights Inconsistent with Safari Layout: Text and Fonts UNCONFIRMED P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1718366 Slight flicker when switching between images on Smugmug Site Reports NEW P3 webcompat:site-wait
1719164 Terrible stuttering of mouse and "drag preview" on if you click-and-drag on a pen . Hang on Parent Process Web Painting NEW P3 parity-chrome, perf:responsiveness
1719273 CSS aspect-ratio doesn't occupy space inside grid with auto columns. Layout: Grid NEW P3 Boris Chiou [:boris]
1723485 Consider moving the dynamic toolbar even if the root content height is smaller than 100% height but there's a position:fixed element whose height is over 100vh Layout NEW P3
1724660 Virtual book rendering is janky on zoom Graphics: ImageLib NEW P3 perf:responsiveness
1725208 [css-content] content:none should have no effect on elements Layout: Generated Content, Lists, and Counters NEW P3
1726152 H2 server push requires new authentication on every page load/refresh Networking: HTTP UNCONFIRMED P3
1730684 empty object element has a default size of 300px x 150px on Blink and WebKit DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1732599 First word of a shadow DOM with slots is not selectable by double-clicking DOM: Selection NEW P3
1733307 - Very slow page load Performance NEW P3 perf:pageload
1735114 image flickering when during dragging for the animation Graphics: ImageLib NEW P3 regression
1735384 [css-ui-4] Implement "input-security" CSS property Layout: Form Controls NEW P3 dev-doc-needed Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio)
1738838 Scrolling down to the footer will show the white background shortly when passing the band photo Panning and Zooming NEW P3
1739319 [Bug] Background color not rendered correctly with bottom toolbar in toolbar area for Layout NEW P3
1743376 Highlight dropped during selection and mouse move to extend selection DOM: Selection NEW P3
1745680 Ignore apple-touch-icon when icon is available in link html header DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1749163 contenteditable has a different wrapping behavior in Gecko and WebKit/Blink Layout: Block and Inline NEW P3
1750959 Tabbing buttons in an overflowed container doesn't align the button with the bottom of the container. DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW P3
1751574 outline of tag "a" rendered differently from Blink when it contains tag "img" Layout NEW P3 regression, testcase
1753086 Incorrect starting or earliest possible position and origin of a media timeline Audio/Video: Playback NEW P3
1753124 Address not found error returned for Networking NEW P3
1753568 scrolling text hidden with mask-image is flickering Graphics NEW P3 perf, testcase-wanted
1755326 Can't unmute HLS video on Audio/Video: Playback NEW P3
1755498 The click event isn't dispatched when mousedown is on some element but mouseup on another widget element DOM: Events NEW P3
1755632 Site hangs for a long time on PWebGL or BHR? Graphics: CanvasWebGL NEW P3 perf
1755746 When mousedown is on an element, but mouseup outside of the window, window gets "mouseup" but no "click" DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW P3
1755852 [meta] Tracking regressions on deactivated dom.netinfo.enabled pref on mobile (navigator.connection undefined) DOM: Navigation NEW P3 meta, regression
1763744 text inside button can't be selected by "Select All" DOM: Selection NEW P3
1764177 Support HTML drag-and-drop API with touch events on Android DOM: Events NEW P3
1768622 Support Google's "built-in security key" on phones DOM: Web Authentication NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1771501 Copy/Paste from adds extra characters (since Firefox considers the adjacent "height:0; overflow:hidden" element to be selectable, while other browsers do not) DOM: Selection NEW P3
1781108 High CPU usage & jank with simple svg animation on android SVG UNCONFIRMED P3
1787288 Images are flickering in Firefox, but not Chrome, when scrolling around on Graphics: ImageLib NEW P3 Timothy Nikkel (:tnikkel)
1787632 Possible interop issues with order in which video events fire versus setTimeout(0) callbacks DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3
1789177 Consider using SamsungColorEmoji on Android where available instead of just Noto Sans Symbols Layout: Text and Fonts NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1790458 Consider not bringing up text-selection UI when the user taps an SVG with pointer-events:none DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling NEW P3
1791192 pointerout event with mouse button held reports button == 0 when moving out of window DOM: Events NEW P3 parity-chrome
1799911 Pointer Lock implementation on touchscreens is not web compatible DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1799928 Pointer Lock API does not play nicely with Pen Tablets DOM: Core & HTML NEW P3 webcompat:platform-bug
1806931 Can't Page Down in Pubmed Articles Site Reports NEW P3 access, webcompat:platform-bug
1807417 PWA notification is not displayed at PWA NEW P3
1820614 Table borders are also colored in Gecko when td is given a color attribute, not in Blink/Webkit. Layout: Tables NEW P3
1826657 Extra 0xa4 byte throws off EUC-JP detection in Firefox and Safari, but not Chrome Internationalization NEW P3
1833337 MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_REQUIRED_TLS_FEATURE_MISSING - please allow a bypass of the error Security: PSM NEW P3
1840166 Difference in scroll anchoring suppression between Firefox and Chrome Layout: Scrolling and Overflow NEW P3 parity-chrome, regression, webcompat:platform-bug
1840668 Date picker is not shown with `.click()` or dispatched click events, unlike in Chrome for Android General NEW P3
1869187 Ruby rt element is improperly cropped with line-height Layout: Ruby NEW P3 parity-chrome, parity-safari, webcompat:platform-bug
1878876 Autoscroll feature on fails Panning and Zooming NEW P3

219 Total; 219 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Webcompat Any - RESOLVED

Full Query
ID Summary Component Status Webcompat priority Keywords Assigned to Priority
137688 getPropertyValue on computed style (getComputedStyle) does not do shorthand properties DOM: CSS Object Model RESOLVED P2 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
221154 table cells do not support 'overflow' correctly Layout: Tables RESOLVED P3 css2, testcase Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
290125 [CSS21] floated :first-letter pseudo-element should act like normal inline (e.g., support line-height) Layout: Floats RESOLVED P3 testcase Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] P3
306344 Marquee should be able to animate smoothly (either via smooth scrolling or transform animations) DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P1 webcompat:platform-bug Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
367028 Dragging a scrollbar of a block anchor is not possible as expected, because link's drag-and-drop operation is started. XUL VERIFIED P3 testcase Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.) P5
385615 {inc} style of :first-letter used to erroneously calculate (intrinsic) width of element Layout RESOLVED P2 parity-chrome, regression, testcase Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] --
390936 Implement Internet Explorer zoom property for css CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-complete, parity-chrome, parity-edge, parity-ie, parity-safari, webcompat:platform-bug Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
416771 Allow window.focus() to switch tabs at times when popups are allowed Tabbed Browser VERIFIED P1 regression, testcase Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
608812 Outer <SVG> element should snap to pixel coordinates SVG RESOLVED ? violet.bugreport --
612118 SVGLocatable.getBBox() fails unless the SVG element it is applied to is attached and rendered SVG RESOLVED P3 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
697151 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest (XHR) does not block readyState events for async XHR DOM: Networking RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-complete Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] P2
700533 drawImage() fails silently when drawing an SVG image without @width or @height SVG RESOLVED P2 webcompat:platform-bug Dan Robertson (:dlrobertson) --
737785 Implement 'tab-size' (dropping the -moz- prefix) CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED revisit dev-doc-complete, site-compat Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] P4
748518 padding-bottom/right(block-end/inline-end) is ignored with overflow:auto/scroll because it extends in from the border-box rather than out from the scrollable area Layout: Block and Inline RESOLVED P1 regression P2
793686 [css3-multicol] Column balancing breaks page-break-inside:avoid child Layout: Columns RESOLVED P2 testcase Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) --
827096 on a samsung galaxy s3 with nightly, I am unable to load General RESOLVED ? --
851441 [css3-page] implement @page rule size attribute CSS Parsing and Computation VERIFIED P1 css3, dev-doc-complete, DevAdvocacy, parity-safari, testcase Emily McDonough [:alaskanemily] P1
866102 ellipsis multiple lines text doesn't work (i.e. add support for -webkit-line-clamp) CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-complete, perf:responsiveness Cameron McCormack (:heycam) --
878346 Make SVG transform="" a presentation attribute (map it into the style property) SVG RESOLVED P3 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
903746 Missing textinput event DOM: Events RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-needed, webcompat:platform-bug Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) --
941356 drag image not correctly created when parent has css transform DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop RESOLVED P2 parity-chrome, parity-edge, testcase Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
966844 Consider hiding the spin buttons for <input type=number> when its width is too narrow, e.g. at Layout: Form Controls RESOLVED P2 webcompat:platform-bug P4
970802 [UI Events][Input Events] implement beforeinput event DOM: Editor RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-complete, parity-chrome, parity-safari Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) P3
981248 <input> has focus/blur issues when it has focus and its type changes to/from type=number Layout: Form Controls RESOLVED P1 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1043520 Tracking bug for web content breaking due to new "min-width:auto" / "min-height:auto" behavior on flex items Layout RESOLVED ? --
1081542 ctrl-click on a link which uses event.preventDefault() and should still obey browser.tabs.loadInBackground DOM: Navigation RESOLVED P3 Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] --
1092007 For flex items in a vertical flex container, only treat heights as definite (for resolving % heights on children) if the flex-basis (or flex container's height) is also definite Layout RESOLVED P1 Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] P2
1112032 [meta] Implement MediaSession API Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED P3 dev-doc-complete, DevAdvocacy, feature-testing-meta, meta C.M.Chang[:chunmin] P3
1174452 Copying text with the style "white-space: pre;" does not preserve white space (spaces, tabs, newlines) (Pretty old bug 116083 has come back after change by bug 1151873) DOM: Serializers VERIFIED ? parity-chrome, regression Mirko Brodesser (:mbrodesser-Igalia) P3
1178763 TouchEvent.pageX/pageY should be undefined DOM: Events RESOLVED P2 compat, dev-doc-complete, site-compat Olli Pettay [:smaug][] P3
1200585 when RecomputePosition optimization moves an element, we don't move fixed positioned elements whose hypothetical box comes from that element Layout: Positioned RESOLVED ? regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1205133 Ship inputmode attribute DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED revisit dev-doc-complete, parity-chrome, parity-safari Makoto Kato [:m_kato] P3
1218456 does not trigger if element is not in document DOM DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1220810 Consider hardcoding localhost names to the loopback address Networking: DNS RESOLVED ? dev-doc-complete, perf-alert Andrea Marchesini [:baku] P3
1225665 Implement RegExp lookbehind JavaScript Engine RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-complete, parity-chrome --
1248897 Expose SpeechRecognition to the web Web Speech RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-needed, feature André Natal P1
1253840 text-align: justify; doesn't work together with white-space: pre-wrap; Layout: Text and Fonts RESOLVED P2 webcompat:platform-bug Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] P3
1256980 "z-index" has an effect on transformed content in Firefox, but not in Edge/Safari/Chrome Layout RESOLVED P2 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1262842 [CSP] Blocks the use of style attributes inside SVG without generating console errors DOM: Security RESOLVED ? Christoph Kerschbaumer [:ckerschb] P2
1312588 implement fit-content(<length-percentage>) value of width/min-width/max-width property Layout RESOLVED revisit dev-doc-complete, DevAdvocacy Boris Chiou [:boris] P3
1316534 [css-flexbox] A non-default "flex-basis" incorrectly prevents min-size:auto from being clamped by specified size Layout: Flexbox RESOLVED P1 Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) --
1319215 The "Contre Jour" game does not start DOM: CSS Object Model RESOLVED ? P3
1328672 Date.parse() or new Date() doesn't allow hours only for timezone offset on ISO 8601 JavaScript: Standard Library RESOLVED P1 parity-chrome, parity-edge Eric Skoglund [:tephra] P3
1358633 window.find does not work in Firefox for Android and throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P3 regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P5
1361856 Implement RegExp s (dotAll) flag JavaScript Engine RESOLVED ? dev-doc-complete, parity-chrome, parity-safari, triage-deferred Iain Ireland [:iain] P3
1362154 Implement RegExp named groups JavaScript Engine RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-complete, parity-chrome, parity-safari Iain Ireland [:iain] P2
1362907 option text in select element with min-height is top aligned instead of centered Layout: Form Controls VERIFIED P3 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1365806 empty element has an offsetheight if given overflow-y:scroll, unlike other browsers Layout: Scrolling and Overflow RESOLVED P3 polish, testcase Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1366115 SVG element with artifacts at certain sizes (on Web Painting RESOLVED ? --
1371386 Firefox does not always prefer `` when showing emojis Layout: Text and Fonts RESOLVED P3 Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] P3
1377072 `display: flex` causes the `position: sticky` does not work Layout RESOLVED P2 testcase Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) P3
1383650 Implement SVG geometry properties in CSS SVG RESOLVED ? dev-doc-needed violet.bugreport P3
1388931 Unship SVGPathSeg APIs SVG RESOLVED ? dev-doc-complete, site-compat Boris Chiou [:boris] P2
1392460 deltaMode default should be DOM_DELTA_PIXEL DOM: Events RESOLVED P2 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1396732 - Video is truncated in full-screen mode, when entered from "sticky" small player Site Reports RESOLVED P1 regression, webcompat:site-wait Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow P1
1402369 Implement Web Share API on Fenix General RESOLVED ? dev-doc-needed Dylan Roeh (:droeh) (he/him) P1
1407167 aria ROLE values are case sensitive Disability Access APIs RESOLVED revisit marcos P5
1409200 Implement CSP-3 support for hashes matching external resources with an integrity attribute DOM: Security RESOLVED P3 dev-doc-complete Tom Schuster (MoCo) P3
1409490 meta-viewport makes elements with inner :active content unclickable. DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling RESOLVED ? P2
1409526 Investigate whether an alias for webkitSpeechRecognition is needed for webcompat. Web Speech RESOLVED ? :gerard-majax --
1414600 viewport units incorrect in print CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED ? testcase Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1415789 -moz-appearance button-bevel should behave like -webkit-appearance: button-bevel Layout: Form Controls RESOLVED P3 Louis Chang [:louis] P3
1418472 abs-pos placeholder may end up on the wrong side of a line-break [was: Wrong position of github issue name on hover] Layout RESOLVED ? Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] P3
1422334 reload after history.replaceState after 3xx redirect shows wrong url in URL bar and Location api DOM: Navigation RESOLVED P2 regression Boris Zbarsky [:bzbarsky] P2
1423746 CSS 'filter' on the root element (documentElement) should not establish a containing block for absolute/fixed positioned descendants Web Painting RESOLVED P1 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1439800 new Date("01-Apr-08") accepted in Chrome but is invalid in Firefox JavaScript: Standard Library RESOLVED ? compat, DevAdvocacy Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] P3
1440506 Dropdowns probably should be preserved among reframe Layout: Form Controls RESOLVED revisit Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1440677 - Problems with spaces in filenames (content-disposition not quoted) Networking RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-complete :Gijs (he/him) P2
1441048 Right floated element disappears when using column-count property in ol element. Layout: Floats RESOLVED revisit Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) --
1442050 Add UA override for Interventions RESOLVED ? Dennis Schubert [:denschub] P2
1444343 Unable to edit question text on Keyboards and IME RESOLVED ? P3
1448730 After a longpress in an input or textarea, Firefox Android selects the previous word even when there's a space DOM: Selection RESOLVED ? Makoto Kato [:m_kato] P1
1454290 Automatic Caption does not work Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED ? webcompat:site-wait P3
1456052 Textarea padding crops text to the content box in the block direction, unlike other browsers. Layout: Form Controls RESOLVED revisit Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1461611 Youtube videos only appear with a page title of "YouTube" in Firefox on Android Site Reports RESOLVED ? P1
1475316 Consider adding support for -webkit-autofill (and a default stylesheet using it) for interop with Chrome CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED revisit dev-doc-complete Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1475738 Fennec and Geckoview do not fire letter or number keypress events while typing into a contenteditable element. Keyboards and IME RESOLVED ? Makoto Kato [:m_kato] P2
1481112 User Agent Stylesheet Default for select, button Layout: Form Controls RESOLVED P2 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1481400 [Youtube] Play/Pause video using spacebar is not functional after clicking on Play/Pause button DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling VERIFIED P2 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1481923 [Android] preventDefault() in contextmenu listener cancels touch event generation (sends touchcancel) Panning and Zooming RESOLVED P1 Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P2
1483828 Inconsistent focus behaviour of iframes DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling VERIFIED P2 Sean Feng [:sefeng] P3
1492361 Tracking issues with SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP Security: PSM RESOLVED P2 P3
1493271 Clicking on "share icons" does not open new window DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling RESOLVED ? P2
1498512 Enable by default setSinkId pref Audio/Video RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-complete, webcompat:platform-bug Karl Tomlinson (:karlt) P3
1498729 Updating the content for a viewport meta tag should discard old values DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P1 Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P2
1503241 The CloudShell on Google Cloud Platform does not load (prompt missing) DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P2 regression P2
1505471 (intersection-observer) intersectionRect not mapped to the document containing the target in iFrames Layout RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1507495 Enable Pointer events on GeckoView by default DOM: Events RESOLVED ? dev-doc-needed Olli Pettay [:smaug][] P3
1507744 word-break: break-all on an inline doesn't cause breaks Layout: Text and Fonts RESOLVED ? Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] P3
1508177 Consider shrinking content even if no content area gets visible Panning and Zooming RESOLVED ? correctness Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P3
1509394 Unable to drag text or design on Spreadshirt shirt designer SVG RESOLVED ? regression Jonathan Watt [:jwatt] P2
1509527 Update the values supported by our 'inputmode' implementation DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P3 dev-doc-complete, parity-chrome Jonathan Watt [:jwatt] P2
1511231 PointerEvent.getCoalescedEvents return empty when using pen input and while the pointer is down DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling RESOLVED revisit Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.) P3
1514538 SVGMatrix and DOMMatrix are not interchangeable in Path2D.addPath SVG RESOLVED ? compat, parity-chrome Kagami Rosylight [:saschanaz] (they/them) P3
1514655 Plaintext documents in subframes (or <object>) don't get word-wrapping CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1515073 Back/forward buttons should expose only pages with user-interaction DOM: Navigation VERIFIED ? site-compat Johann Hofmann [:johannh] P2
1515980 Make viewport sizing in the presence of URL bar transitions consistent with other browsers Layout RESOLVED P3 Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P3
1517172 Going into fullscreen mode makes the bottom area of the viewport permanently concealed by the software keyboard (cannot scroll down to the bottom area) Layout RESOLVED P2 P2
1520297 Preload Intermediates on Android Security: PSM RESOLVED P1 webcompat:platform-bug Dana Keeler (she/her) (use needinfo) [:keeler] P1
1520869 Setting disabled=true in a checkbox onClick handler cancels onChange handler DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P3 Kagami Rosylight [:saschanaz] (they/them) P2
1520983 Interop issues with composition events and IMEs like the OSX emoji picker and accent menu of Western keyboard layout DOM: Events RESOLVED revisit Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) P3
1521631 Implement overflow:overlay (non-standard) CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED P3 webcompat:platform-bug Jonathan Watt [:jwatt] P2
1521655 [meta] Support client-side printing in Google Docs and GSuite (Google Workspace) Printing: Setup RESOLVED P2 meta P1
1523541 window.innerHeight changes with the dynamic toolbar on Firefox Layout RESOLVED P3 Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P3
1525107 Support the color-scheme meta tag Layout RESOLVED ? dev-doc-complete Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1526268 Text selection caret incorrectly positioned in search box inside position:fixed element DOM: Selection RESOLVED ? regression Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) P3
1527949 Implement whatever more-interoperable behavior the CSSWG comes up with, for making block-end padding scrollable on scrollable elements Layout: Scrolling and Overflow RESOLVED P3 Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) P3
1528305 Behavior on meta and location.href redirects to an unknown protocol can break pages. DOM: Navigation RESOLVED ? dev-doc-needed, site-compat Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1528958 [Bing search page] - Functionality error of the back button attempting to return to the previous page after a searching term process Site Reports RESOLVED P2 webcompat:needs-diagnosis Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] P1
1529338 Implement CSP 'style-src-elem' and 'style-src-attr' directives DOM: Security RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-complete Tom Schuster (MoCo) P3
1530370 [meta] Support CTAP2 (FIDO2) Passwordless Web Authentication DOM: Web Authentication RESOLVED P1 meta, webcompat:platform-bug P1
1531888 If clip-path IRI is missing, Firefox does not ignore it (at least for the purposes of mouse-interactions). SVG RESOLVED P3 Robert Longson [:longsonr] P2
1533630 Gecko fires click events for middle and right clicks, against the uievents spec. DOM: Events RESOLVED ? John Dai[:jdai] P2
1540203 overflow-anchor difference in behavior compared to Chrome Layout: Scrolling and Overflow RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1542784 Support <img loading="lazy"> lazy-loading DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED revisit dev-doc-complete Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) --
1543312 caret and characters insertion are erratic in a contenteditable with tinyMCE on Android DOM: Editor RESOLVED ? Makoto Kato [:m_kato] P3
1544455 [webvtt] cue class spans get rendered as block elements instead of inline elements Audio/Video: Playback VERIFIED ? Alastor Wu [:alwu] P2
1545823 The lack of StyleSheet.rules (instead of cssRules) make videojs player fails (also addRule() and removeRule() ) DOM: CSS Object Model RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-complete, webcompat:contact-ready Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1547624 cannot scroll on mobile version Web Painting VERIFIED ? regression Matt Woodrow (:mattwoodrow) P2
1548753 list numbering recovery with wrong markup has changed behavior. Layout: Generated Content, Lists, and Counters RESOLVED ? regression Mats Palmgren (inactive) P1
1550105 Negative values in meta viewport result in different initial viewports on Firefox and Chrome Layout RESOLVED ? Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P3
1550248 Consider sniffing to detect m3u8 sent as content-type:text/plain, as Chrome seems to Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED P3 parity-chrome Paul Adenot (:padenot) P3
1550710 SVG containing downsized image displayed with img tag has pixel aliasing ( logo) Graphics: ImageLib VERIFIED ? Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him) P3
1551247 Adding PWA to home screen does nothing on Fennec DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED revisit P2
1551272 Washington Post web site reader comments no longer display DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED ? --
1551276 Autodetect legacy encoding on unlabeled pages Internationalization RESOLVED ? Henri Sivonen (:hsivonen) P3
1551729 Cannot login to Verizon Fios Quantum Gateway router Networking: Cookies RESOLVED ? regression, site-compat Andrea Marchesini [:baku] P2
1552473 Scrolling an element with opacity: 0; does not fire "scroll" events Layout RESOLVED P3 P3
1556275 Handle unknown values for width and height as 'Auto' in viewport meta tag Layout VERIFIED ? regression Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P3
1556511 initial render of a Coinbase svg graph is wrong in Firefox Nightly SVG RESOLVED ? regression Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] P2
1560055 img with negative integers for the width or height attributes are ignored DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED ? Boris Zbarsky [:bzbarsky] P3
1561794 The select does not show the second digit Layout: Form Controls VERIFIED P2 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1563649 Computed value of 'bottom' for a position:fixed element is different in Firefox than in Chrome for Android Layout VERIFIED ? regression Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P3
1565838 Android 6 mpeg audio "Media Resource" "could not be decoded, error: Error Code: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR (0x806e0005) Details: ProcessOutput", html5 ended event does not fire Audio/Video VERIFIED ? regression John Lin [:jhlin][:jolin] P3
1566795 In Outlook - Ctrl+B doesn't work on already embolden pasted input DOM: Events RESOLVED P3 Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) P2
1567237 overflow:scroll on elements not needing to scroll prevents keyboard panning on main document, unlike Chrome Layout: Scrolling and Overflow RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1570566 isn't displayed properly in landscape mode on Android Site Reports RESOLVED ? regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1570722 Firefox and Chrome differ on how to treat an invalid CSP header (need WPT test) with non ASCII characters DOM: Security RESOLVED P2 good-first-bug Tom Schuster (MoCo) P3
1573245 Web Authentication - Change AuthenticatorTransport to be other than an `enum` DOM: Web Authentication RESOLVED ? J.C. Jones [:jcj] (he/they) P1
1573648 site scaling is off, showing desktop version instead of mobile due to mis-handling trailing characters in scale values Layout VERIFIED ? regression Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) --
1573918 Scrolling doesn't work inside fixed position element (mouse/touch scroll events get blocked by nested fixedpos overlay) Layout: Scrolling and Overflow RESOLVED P2 webcompat:platform-bug P3
1574223 Consider treating document level ontouchmove as passive DOM: Events RESOLVED ? site-compat Olli Pettay [:smaug][] --
1575947 UTF-8 and UTF-16 atomization functions don't produce the same atom (was: The page goes blank after loading on JavaScript Engine RESOLVED ? regression Jeff Walden [:Waldo] P1
1578503 [filter-effects-2] Enable the CSS backdrop-filter property by default (letting it ride the trains to release) Layout RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-complete, DevAdvocacy, parity-chrome, parity-edge, parity-safari Glenn Watson [:gw] P3
1578609 Media element didn't start loading from its source element child with type="" Audio/Video RESOLVED ? Alastor Wu [:alwu] P2
1579186 element.innerText within an <foreignObject> is incorrect SVG RESOLVED ? Robert Longson [:longsonr] P3
1581512 Align XTCO-Nosniff behaviour with Chrome DOM: Security RESOLVED P1 Sebastian Streich [:sstreich] P2
1584890 abspos root element (html) ignores top/right/bottom/left properties, if it has "display:flex" or "display:grid" Layout RESOLVED revisit Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) P3
1585485 [css-flexbox] Treat input elements with percent sizes as having "compressible" min-content sizes Layout: Flexbox RESOLVED P2 Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) --
1586909 infinitely scrolls Layout: Scrolling and Overflow RESOLVED ? regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1590435 Preventing default for click events on GeckoView browsers prevents <select> options from opening General RESOLVED ? Dylan Roeh (:droeh) (he/him) P1
1590839 Background is not clipped appropriately when using -webkit-background-clip: text and background-attachment: fixed on animated gif background Web Painting RESOLVED revisit P3
1591219 Chrome and Firefox differ in visual ordering of certain table cells Layout: Tables RESOLVED ? testcase Mats Palmgren (inactive) P3
1591329 [GamePad] Require secure context for getGamePads() in Nightly DOM: Device Interfaces RESOLVED ? dev-doc-needed, site-compat Marcos Caceres [:marcosc] P2
1591366 Bad performance with deeply-nested display: grid elements Layout: Grid RESOLVED P2 perf, perf:resource-use, testcase Sean Feng [:sefeng] P3
1591374 Numerous sites fail to load after upgrade to Firefox 70.0 Storage: localStorage & sessionStorage RESOLVED ? P2
1592435 causes completely broken scrolling on Fenix with scroll-anchoring on. Panning and Zooming RESOLVED ? Botond Ballo [:botond] P2
1593327 Firefox maintains cursor position on contenteditable after right-clicks elsewhere, so users can believe they are still editing when they are not. DOM: Selection RESOLVED P3 Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) P2
1594449 Experimentally implement <link rel="preload"> in the content process as a speculative load with higher priority DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-needed Honza Bambas (:mayhemer) P1
1595435 login - can't enter username or password DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling VERIFIED ? regression, webcompat:needs-diagnosis Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1595620 Considering aliasing -webkit-font-feature-settings to font-feature-settings for webcompat CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED P3 dev-doc-complete, good-first-bug Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] P3
1596164 navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition success callback not called when maximumAge option is specified General RESOLVED revisit Makoto Kato [:m_kato] P2
1598145 does not adjust to the screen size in portrait mode Panning and Zooming RESOLVED ? regression Brad Werth [:bradwerth] P2
1602347 Firefox returns strange value for dpi. DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1603629 dominant-baseline hanging is inconsistent with other UAs SVG RESOLVED revisit parity-chrome Robert Longson [:longsonr] P5
1605803 content property of getComputedStyle is being returned as none CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1609427 Add microphone and camera to PermissionDescriptor for navigator.permissions.query WebRTC: Audio/Video RESOLVED P3 dev-doc-complete, webcompat:platform-bug Jan-Ivar Bruaroey [:jib] (needinfo? me) P2
1610093 SVG getScreenCTM does not return correct position if parent is transformed SVG RESOLVED P3 Robert Longson [:longsonr] P3
1610899 Closed captions list is cut off if there are many tracks Video/Audio Controls RESOLVED ? :Gijs (he/him) P3
1615452 Poor performance on Graphics RESOLVED ? perf P3
1615930 MP4 video does not diplays the last frames of the video Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED ? John Lin [:jhlin][:jolin] P1
1616132 getProgramParameter(ATTACHED_SHADERS) always returns 2 Graphics: CanvasWebGL RESOLVED P2 regression Kelsey Gilbert [:jgilbert] P1
1616620 input type='number' with maxlength attribute is enforced on firefox and not chrome and safari Layout: Form Controls VERIFIED ? regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1617515 Gaps in the underline don't align right when an emoji is placed in the text Layout: Text and Fonts RESOLVED ? Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] P2
1617987 redirects to in Chrome but not Firefox [SSLCommonNameMismatchHandling] Security VERIFIED ? parity-chrome :prathiksha P2
1619166 Uploaded .ics file <input type="file"> has an empty mime type on Windows DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED revisit P3
1619169 Planet mozilla content gets visibly clipped when dynamic toolbar is hidden on WebRender Panning and Zooming RESOLVED ? Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P2
1619550 Video plays with only sound and no visual but a black screen on Android Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED P3 John Lin [:jhlin][:jolin] P3
1621523 Firefox 74 has drawing issues with Amazon Sumerian Editor Graphics: CanvasWebGL VERIFIED P1 regression Kelsey Gilbert [:jgilbert] P1
1623239 Latest version of Firefox no longer accepts MacOS text clippings in the google search field. This is a standard part of our work flow. DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop VERIFIED P1 regression Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) P2
1623536 Re-enable TLS 1.0 in Firefox 75 (Beta) Security: PSM VERIFIED P1 site-compat Martin Thomson [:mt:] P1
1625384 Remove window.onappinstalled event, as it was never used or shipped DOM: Events RESOLVED P3 dev-doc-complete, parity-safari Marcos Caceres [:marcosc] --
1626142 The map is no longer displayed when bringing the app in foreground Graphics: Canvas2D RESOLVED ? regression Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] P3
1626997 Enable <link rel=preload> support by default Networking RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-needed Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1627347 getComputedStyle() should return implicit grid tracks DOM: CSS Object Model RESOLVED ? regression --
1628739 Hit region for scrolling div is wrong on specific page `will-change: transform;` and a filter on parent Web Painting RESOLVED revisit P3
1631263 Support RTCRtpScriptTransform (formerly webrtc insertable streams) WebRTC: Networking RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-complete, webcompat:platform-bug Byron Campen [:bwc] P2
1633621 - Unable to type General RESOLVED ? Makoto Kato [:m_kato] P3
1633708 Scrollbars overlap content in tab-modal content JS prompts/dialogs when the line cannot break Notifications and Alerts RESOLVED ? Tim Nguyen :ntim P3
1636988 paste of url from Google Sheets/'Get link to this cell' fails in Slack DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop RESOLVED P1 Mirko Brodesser (:mbrodesser-Igalia) P2
1637922 Consider disabling dom.netinfo.enabled on mobile General RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-complete Karl Dubost💡 :karlcow P3
1638773 device-width conflict values in between initial-scale and width Panning and Zooming VERIFIED ? regression Brad Werth [:bradwerth] P1
1638937 Firefox resolves the default "flex-basis" to 100% on svg elements that have viewBox (and no intrinsic size attributes) Layout: Flexbox RESOLVED P2 Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) P3
1639972 Table is not kept when pasting to Google docs DOM: Selection RESOLVED ? Mirko Brodesser (:mbrodesser-Igalia) P1
1641139 Absolutely-positioned element in <ruby> is not shown Layout: Ruby RESOLVED ? Xidorn Quan [:xidorn] UTC+10 --
1642570 Form History isn't saved for input fields with `defaultValue === value` Form Manager RESOLVED P2 Sergey Galich [:serg] P1
1648344 Items are overlapped Panning and Zooming RESOLVED ? Brad Werth [:bradwerth] P3
1648947 Broken print output from Yahoo Mail, because element with "display:table" doesn't print correctly - initial blank pages, missing content, and content that runs off the page Layout: Tables RESOLVED P3 Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) --
1650286 Vuepress layout can‘t adjust for mobile view in Fenix Site Reports RESOLVED ? webcompat:site-wait P3
1653474 dynamic insert http-equiv='refresh' meta on an already loaded document doesn't create navigation DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P3 Sean Feng [:sefeng] P3
1653882 <input> doesn't fire document mouse events when disabled DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-needed, webcompat:platform-bug Kagami Rosylight [:saschanaz] (they/them) --
1654723 Scrolling is very laggy on image gallery on Graphics RESOLVED ? Jamie Nicol [:jnicol] P2
1655965 defect in the third party WYSIWYG HTML (CKEditor) when using Mdaemon email DOM: Editor RESOLVED ? --
1656171 Unable to login with Facebook/Google/Twitter on Kinja form with ETP - Standard enabled Privacy: Anti-Tracking VERIFIED ? Paul Zühlcke [:pbz] P2
1659218 <input disabled> incorrectly responds to dispatchEvent() DOM: Events RESOLVED ? Kagami Rosylight [:saschanaz] (they/them) P2
1659515 CSS table column (col, th or td) resize (horizontal) doesn't work. Should (also) respect min & max width values Layout: Tables RESOLVED P2 --
1659818 Implement and expose window.print General RESOLVED P1 webcompat:platform-bug Olivia Hall [:olivia] P1
1661147 [WebRender] blurred content is mispositioned, in abspos within fixedpos Graphics: WebRender RESOLVED P3 correctness, regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1661316 "Add to cart" button disappears on hover on Layout RESOLVED ? regression Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) --
1661423 Content-Security-Policy upgrade-insecure-requests is applied to <form>s on DOM: Security RESOLVED ? Frederik Braun [:freddy] P2
1663836 HTTP headers with spaces in the name in HTTP2 should send ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR Networking: HTTP RESOLVED ? Manuel Bucher [:manuel] P3
1667348 Blob isolation regresses sandboxed iframe downloads Privacy: Anti-Tracking RESOLVED P3 regression P2
1668952 Can't upload photos from the photo gallery on General RESOLVED ? regression (No longer employed by Mozilla) Aaron Klotz P1
1669050 Cannot paste SVG images inside contenteditable DOM: Editor RESOLVED ? dataloss, parity-chrome Mirko Brodesser (:mbrodesser-Igalia) P3
1669742 window.matchMedia result doesn't match original query for aspect-ratio 1/1 CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED P2 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1673006 Incorrect position/offset for display: table; elements inside flex with width: 100%; Layout: Flexbox RESOLVED ? Mats Palmgren (inactive) --
1673511 [Bug] weird sticky keyboard pop up behaviour IME RESOLVED ? Makoto Kato [:m_kato] P1
1673885 breaks sometimes after a reload (Can't access rules of still-loading stylsheet) CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1675847 Update click/auxclick/contextmenu and click() to use PointerEvent DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling RESOLVED P2 parity-chrome, parity-edge, webcompat:platform-bug Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) P2
1676952 HTMLImageElement x and y coordinates are 0 if its parent container has position: relative DOM: Core & HTML VERIFIED P3 Martin Robinson ( --
1677568 Element disappears when mouse hovers over it in Firefox, but not in Chrome Web Painting VERIFIED P3 Timothy Nikkel (:tnikkel) P2
1678795 NS_ERROR_DOM_ABORT_ERR while opening and (frequently involving hit quota limits) DOM: Service Workers RESOLVED P1 regression Eden Chuang[:edenchuang] P2
1680677 - First paint is incomplete Graphics RESOLVED ? --
1681375 Chrome seems to force empty contenteditables to have some height, while Firefox may not Layout: Text and Fonts RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1681493 [meta] Deprecate and remove network.cookie.lifetimePolicy Networking: Cookies RESOLVED P3 meta P3
1684004 Can't export Google Contacts on Nightly Privacy: Anti-Tracking RESOLVED P3 P2
1684817 Laggy scrolling on Graphics: WebRender RESOLVED ? regression, reproducible Glenn Watson [:gw] --
1684973 Event offsetX/Y differ in Chrome and Firefox for mouse events in SVGs DOM: Events RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1686326 [quirks] Chrome allows negative top margin on <button> to position them in transitional DTD, Firefox does not. Layout: Block and Inline RESOLVED ? parity-chrome, testcase Mats Palmgren (inactive) P3
1688783 - Framerate drop is quite high Audio/Video: cubeb RESOLVED P2 regression Paul Adenot (:padenot) P1
1688888 Audio scrubber on is draggable outside of the area it should be Layout RESOLVED P2 regression Michael Comella (:mcomella) [NI reported issues only: ex-Mozilla] --
1692285 The page isn't redirecting properly on with schemeful sameSite enabled Networking: Cookies RESOLVED ? P3
1692380 marquee tag scrolling overflows when the parent is a flexbox element Layout VERIFIED ? regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1696333 top bar partially painted Panning and Zooming RESOLVED ? --
1701828 meta within head but after a kilobyte triggers a reload DOM: HTML Parser RESOLVED P2 Henri Sivonen (:hsivonen) P3
1702404 Background color flickers after a scaling effect Graphics: WebRender RESOLVED ? --
1702713 "Web page is slowing down your browser" error makes Pub/Sub topic pages in Google Cloud Platform unable to be opened Site Reports RESOLVED ? webcompat:needs-diagnosis P3
1703668 [meta] Google Meet lacks "Change Background" feature to add a background/blur to video stream Site Reports RESOLVED P1 meta P1
1704631 Expand background-attachment:fixed in response to dynamic toolar moving Layout: Scrolling and Overflow RESOLVED P2 Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) --
1706003 Automatic reconnect for server sent events does not work at all DOM: Networking VERIFIED P2 Sunil Mayya P2
1708326 Up/down buttons do not work properly on Site Reports VERIFIED ? regression, webcompat:needs-contact --
1709152 Mac accent menu insertion misbehaves when suppressing beforeinput event DOM: Events RESOLVED ? inputmethod Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) P3
1709790 Add support for element.outerText DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED ? dev-doc-complete Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1712122 Implement Promise support in the ClipboardItem constructor DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop RESOLVED P2 Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.) --
1712780 Page becomes unresponsive while loading an svg with a lot of nodes SVG RESOLVED ? perf:pageload, regression Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] P2
1717760 initKeyEvent on KeyboardEvent should return undefined DOM: Events RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-complete Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) P3
1719855 Can't drag elements on when starting with a long-tap Panning and Zooming RESOLVED P3 webcompat:needs-diagnosis Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P2
1724027 DRM protected content on Apple TV+ does not play Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED P1 az [:az] P3
1727016 slow scroll leaves the image in a fixed position until its heights has passed Panning and Zooming RESOLVED P3 regression Timothy Nikkel (:tnikkel) P2
1727995 Websocket cannot send data larger than 500 kilobytes Networking VERIFIED P1 regression Kershaw Chang [:kershaw] P2
1730834 Image doesn't animate if loaded after location.replace() call. Performance VERIFIED P3 regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1731120 Rendering difference with Chrome/Safari being seemingly caused by a line box being forced by white-space:pre. Layout: Block and Inline RESOLVED ? Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] --
1733475 stickers panel is not fully displayed on CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED ? regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1734261 [Android] Top-aligned content is 1px away from top of the screen, when scrolling upwards at e.g. (with top:0 and position:sticky or fixed) General RESOLVED P3 regression Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P3
1735575 Investigate adding aliases for ::-webkit-slider-* CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-needed Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1736391 Firefox for Android: Preventing context menu / `"contextmenu"` event through `preventDefault` for an `img` or `a` element does not work. General RESOLVED P3 Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) P3
1736570 Outlook OWA Automatic Replies not working - _event error or broken fields. DOM: Navigation RESOLVED ? perf-alert, regression Henri Sivonen (:hsivonen) P1
1737500 mailchimp setup pages fails on loading JavaScript: Internationalization API RESOLVED P2 regression André Bargull [:anba] P3
1738134 Google Sheets ignores first Ctrl+Enter newline when entering text in a cell Site Reports RESOLVED P1 regression, webcompat:site-wait --
1738791 (intersection-observer) Chrome allows an empty string for rootMargin, Firefox throws an exception, breaking some shopping sites. Layout RESOLVED P1 dev-doc-complete Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1739489 Emoji input via macOS IME crashes Draft.js editors - impacts Interventions RESOLVED P1 inputmethod, regression Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] P1
1739561 Broken "Trips" flight preview in Gmail, with flexbox nested in multicol Layout: Flexbox VERIFIED P2 regression Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) P2
1739992 Firefox 94 auto-fills spam-detection honeypot field on / Password Manager: Site Compatibility RESOLVED P3 regression Dimi Lee [:dimi] P2
1743074 user-select: none on html suppress selection even if redefined locally with user-select:text Layout RESOLVED P2 Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) --
1745310 Behavior-difference with Chrome/WebKit, with larger float next to display:flex/grid/flow-root with negative margin Layout: Floats RESOLVED P1 Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] --
1746349 discard in case of set document.domain in script DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P3 regression Tim Huang[:timhuang] --
1746684 redirect works in Chrome and Safari but not Firefox Site Reports RESOLVED P2 parity-chrome, parity-safari, webcompat:platform-bug P3
1748339 content-based 'flex-basis' produces a width of 0, in case where descendant with aspect ratio and resolvable percent height should prop it up Layout: Flexbox RESOLVED P3 webcompat:platform-bug Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) --
1748577 Cannot delete a product from "Your List" on if network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault= true Networking: Cookies RESOLVED P2 jp-critical, nightly-community, regression P2
1748963 OOM error on Google slides Performance VERIFIED P2 --
1752559 WebRTC fails to share the screen with VP9 WebRTC: Audio/Video VERIFIED P3 regression Andreas Pehrson [:pehrsons] P2
1753352 - links fail with Firefox DOM: Content Processes RESOLVED P3 regression, webcompat:platform-bug Henri Sivonen (:hsivonen) P2
1754323 env(safe-area-inset-right) value is too big on some Android devices in landscape mode General RESOLVED ? Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1754802 Screen.width / Screen.height don't react to orientation in GeckoView General RESOLVED P1 Makoto Kato [:m_kato] P1
1755206 wordle game not working for some users after move to nytimes (page remains empty/white/blank); console: Uncaught DOMException: The quota has been exceeded. Storage: localStorage & sessionStorage RESOLVED P2 webcompat:platform-bug Jari Jalkanen P2
1755215 text selection is lost on in Firefox, but not in Chrome DOM: Selection RESOLVED P2 --
1755490 cross-origin Iframe is not interactable behind an element with an polygon() clip-path with more than 16 vertices Graphics: WebRender RESOLVED ? regression Botond Ballo [:botond] --
1757971 Video is frozen after seeking on Audio/Video: Playback RESOLVED P1 regression Jon Bauman [:jbauman:] P1
1758164 Some Google properties not working with the changes from bug 1178639 DOM: Bindings (WebIDL) VERIFIED P1 regression Edgar Chen [:edgar] (Parental leave until Oct. 09.) --
1759412 "too much recursion". on accepting cookies. JavaScript Engine VERIFIED P3 regression Jan de Mooij [:jandem] P1
1760529 Some 4320p60 (8K 60fps) videos on YouTube will always fill the video SourceBuffer and cause the player to reload once. Audio/Video: Playback VERIFIED P2 webcompat:needs-diagnosis Alastor Wu [:alwu] P2
1760534 scroll is stuttering or not happening on Panning and Zooming RESOLVED ? webcompat:needs-diagnosis P3
1760734 Deprecate -moz-hidden-unscrollable CSS Parsing and Computation RESOLVED P3 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1763027 - drag and drop attachments not working Site Reports RESOLVED P1 --
1763832 Discord broken: Chromium users can't see&hear me talk WebRTC: Signaling VERIFIED ? nightly-community, regression Byron Campen [:bwc] P1
1764238 - Typing the second letter duplicates the first letter in Hebrew language DOM: Editor RESOLVED P1 inputmethod, regression Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) P1
1764875 - CSS transform is blurry Graphics: WebRender VERIFIED P2 regression Glenn Watson [:gw] P1
1773355 Google Docs toolbar buttons disappear when zooming the page Graphics: WebRender VERIFIED P1 access, regression Timothy Nikkel (:tnikkel) P3
1779269 Can't copy from a textarea with disabled attribute on, mobile only DOM: Selection RESOLVED P2 webcompat:needs-contact Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) P3
1781772 HTTPS-only mode drops origin header from media requests with crossorigin=anonymous DOM: Security RESOLVED P3 regression, regressionwindow-wanted Kershaw Chang [:kershaw] P2
1785412 Ship ARIA reflection (non-idref) Disability Access APIs RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-complete, webcompat:platform-bug James Teh [:Jamie] --
1787072 Element.getBoundingClientRect performance on CloudFlare mirage script is horrible on pages with lots of images, unlike Chrome. DOM: CSS Object Model RESOLVED P2 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1788125 Flickering in Firefox, but not in Safari/Chrome, while a page does repeated sync XHRs to reload their product list Layout VERIFIED P2 perf-alert Olli Pettay [:smaug][] --
1788504 IntersectionObserver not triggering to populate infinitite-scrolling comments on YouTube, in Fenix with dynamic toolbar (but does fire on Chrome, and in Fenix with always-present toolbar) Layout: Scrolling and Overflow RESOLVED P2 webcompat:platform-bug Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P2
1788785 ::first-letter font-size seems to be ignored when there is also a ::before, breaking a dropcap effect Layout: Text and Fonts RESOLVED P3 Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) --
1790666 Unable to use Google account to login to dall-e OpenAI image generator Storage: localStorage & sessionStorage RESOLVED P2 Nika Layzell [:nika] (ni? for response) P2
1792110 Difference between Firefox and Chrome event propagation when using pointer-events: none on :active pseudo selector DOM: Events RESOLVED P2 Sean Feng [:sefeng] --
1799111 [css-grid] Grid items crossing flexible tracks should not participate in auto min sizing Layout: Grid RESOLVED P2 Tiaan Louw --
1800882 Implement HTMLVideoElement.requestVideoFrameCallback() Audio/Video RESOLVED P2 dev-doc-needed, parity-chrome, parity-safari, perf-alert, webcompat:platform-bug Andrew Osmond [:aosmond] (he/him) --
1800969 Consider aliasing -webkit-clip-path to clip-path Layout RESOLVED P2 good-first-bug Thomas Wisniewski [:twisniewski] P1
1804233 Avoid sync wait of remote texture in RenderThread Graphics RESOLVED P1 Sotaro Ikeda [:sotaro] P1
1805597 Text is right justified and overlaps text in Firefox, but left justified in Chrome and Safari Layout: Floats VERIFIED ? regression Ting-Yu Lin [:TYLin] (PDT, UTC-7) --
1806042 Sites affected by the new date-time format change Internationalization RESOLVED P1 regression Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] --
1806604 Enable new Mac camera backend by default WebRTC: Audio/Video RESOLVED P3 Andreas Pehrson [:pehrsons] P3
1808789 can't play a video on Audio/Video: Playback VERIFIED P1 regression John Lin [:jhlin][:jolin] P2
1811187 No easy way to clear the date field (was: Clear-Button in date-field removed) Layout: Form Controls VERIFIED ? regression Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) P3
1817530 Frozen `rv:` segment in the User Agent string breaks websites that use a certain anti-spam script Interventions RESOLVED P2 regression --
1818126 Tab key does not trigger infinite scroll on Youtube video lists Layout: Scrolling and Overflow VERIFIED ? access Dan Robertson (:dlrobertson) --
1819108 Can't paste a copied image to Skype on Windows DOM: Copy & Paste and Drag & Drop RESOLVED P2 webcompat:needs-diagnosis --
1822412 Google sign in doesn't work on Privacy: Anti-Tracking RESOLVED P2 regression, webcompat:site-wait P3
1825938 can't reserve a seat on a JAL flight Site Reports RESOLVED P1 nightly-community, regression Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] --
1826629 Consider supporting -webkit-text-security for webcompat Layout: Text and Fonts RESOLVED P2 Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame] --
1827512 script with only whitespace between opening and closing tags is not run if its src and type change, unlike in Blink and WebKit DOM: Events RESOLVED P1 Adam Vandolder [:avandolder] --
1827684 ORB is blocking an IceCast stream on, but it plays on Chrome and Safari Audio/Video VERIFIED P2 regression Andreas Farre [:farre] P2
1828185 Consider increasing Windows Gamepad polling interval DOM: Device Interfaces RESOLVED P3 Dennis Schubert [:denschub] --
1829778 "Ad Blocker Detected" message is shown on, preventing access to the page DOM: Networking RESOLVED P2 regression Andreas Farre [:farre] P2
1839233 Firefox not sending a referer header for a logo img while Chrome and Safari do DOM: Security RESOLVED P2 webcompat:platform-bug P5
1843227 Accessible::ScrollTo SCROLL_TYPE_ANYWHERE doesn't trigger infinite scroll on YouTube video lists Disability Access APIs RESOLVED P1 James Teh [:Jamie] --
1845865 Wrong item underlined in debugger when Uncaught TypeError Debugger RESOLVED P3 Tooru Fujisawa [:arai] P3
1858664 Unable to sign in to since the user agent rv was unfrozen Site Reports RESOLVED P2 dogfood, regression Ksenia Berezina [:ksenia] --
1861847 Freeze UA string and navigator.platform on Android and Linux to match Chrome's frozen navigator.platform Networking: HTTP RESOLVED P3 Chris Peterson [:cpeterson] P3
1863300 Logging on Sony websites such as the PlayStation store causes firefox to freeze and consume RAM indefinitely Password Manager: Site Compatibility RESOLVED ? Issam Mani [:issammani] --
1864612 ICU 74 update breaks common date format hack Site Reports RESOLVED P1 regression --
1873601 Google front page not loading on Firefox for Android Site Reports RESOLVED P1 regression Dennis Schubert [:denschub] P1
1877815 Unexpected focus behaviour after pointerup event target is removed from the DOM DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling RESOLVED P1 regression, webcompat:platform-bug Masayuki Nakano [:masayuki] (he/him)(JST, +0900) --
1882670 iframe with loading="lazy" is not loading when src is set with location.replace DOM: Core & HTML RESOLVED P2 regression, webcompat:platform-bug Sean Feng [:sefeng] P2
1886067 Copy button is misplaced in youtube share interface Site Reports RESOLVED ? regression --
1888904 Unable to create an account into kia website (unable to click fission iframe) Panning and Zooming RESOLVED P2 regression Botond Ballo [:botond] P2

328 Total; 0 Open (0%); 282 Resolved (85.98%); 46 Verified (14.02%);

Webcompat interventions

Tools P1

Full Query
ID Summary Status Whiteboard Keywords Assigned to
1741576 blocked (UA filter) but works UNCONFIRMED webcompat:site-wait

1 Total; 1 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Tools P2

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Fixed bugs - View in Bugzilla high priority issues (On GitHub)