Contribute/L10n/Team Health Evaluations

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Below you will find goals and criteria for performing l10n team health evaluations. Because of the self-governing nature of our l10n teams and various tool sets they use to execute their l10n efforts, it is very difficult to get a "bird's eye" look of any given l10n team's overall health and status. We hope to resolve that by periodically checking in with each team, evaluating their status based on the criteria below, and recording these evaluations in a high-level dashboard and on each team's wiki page. The criteria and goals are not set in stone and can be adjusted according to the needs of round of evaluations.

Our Goals

  • Accurately evaluate and record health of each l10n team.
  • Get all teams to update their wiki pages.
  • Get all l10n contributors into mozillians phonebook under L10N and L10N:[locale-code] groups.
  • Identify those with potential to gain hg/SVN commit access and make plans to help them.

Recording health assessments

  • Consolidate table on
    • Columns:
      • Locale code with link to ELMO dashboard
      • Lang name with wiki page link & state color
      • State of health
      • Region (Europe, Asia, LATAM, Africa, Mid-east)
      • Hg/SVN access (Y/N & #) (?+-)
      • Links to online tools used
      • Offline tools used
      • Link to onboarding process
      • Links to l10n assets
      • Remo
      • Needs
  • Legal or community issues (e.g., Tamil and Balkans)
  • Track names of people who have attended MozCamp.
  • Use as bird's eye view of l10n health based on determined criteria.
  • Recorded assessment for each team on their individual team wiki page.

States of health

Dead (red)
  • Outdated contact info on team wiki page.
  • No logged activity in 1+ years based on view of:
    • Bugzilla
    • Push logs
    • Dashboards from online tools (e.g., Narro, Verbatim, locamotion Pootle, Webdashboard)
  • No team member responds to attempts to contact
  • No onboarding process for new contributors.
  • No l10n assets.
Inactive (red-orange)
  • Team wiki page does not have new template applied to it.
  • Very limited activity in >6 months based on view of:
    • Bugzilla
    • Push logs
    • Dashboards from online tools (e.g., Narro, Verbatim, locamotion Pootle, Webdashboard)
  • No team member responds to attempts to contact.
  • No onboarding process for new contributors.
  • Some l10n assets.
Moderately active (yellow)
  • Team wiki page does not have new template applied to it, but no content updates.
  • Very limited activity in >3 months based on view of:
    • Bugzilla
    • Push logs
    • Dashboards from online tools (e.g., Narro, Verbatim, locamotion Pootle, Webdashboard)
  • Team members respond to attempts to contact via email, but unwilling to speak in call.
  • No onboarding process for new contributors.
  • Some l10n assets.
Active (green)
  • Team wiki page has new template applied and content updates within the last 3 months.
  • Visible activity based on view of:
    • Bugzilla
    • Push logs
    • Dashboards from online tools (e.g., Narro, Verbatim, locamotion Pootle, Webdashboard)
  • At least 1 person has hg & SVN commit access.
  • Regularly shipping all projects which they have currently undertaken on time.
  • Occassional recruiting done for new localizers, but without solidified onboarding process or desired skill sets for new localizers.
  • Maintains l10n assets like:
    • TM
    • Bilingual glossary of terms
Peak (blue)
  • Team wiki page has new template applied and updates content regularly to include new localizers.
  • More than 2 people have hg & SVN commit access.
  • Regularly shipping all projects which they have currently undertaken on time with willingness to take more.
  • Regular recruiting done for new localizers which is based on solidified onboarding process and desired skill sets for new localizers.
  • Maintains l10n assets like:
    • TM
    • Bilingual glossary of terms and/or termbase
    • Locale style guide
  • Mentors other l10n teams.

Identify the key/active contributors of each team

  • All info must be as outlined in wiki team page template. Names, numbers for each team, designations (e.g., localizer in training, team leader, etc.).
  • All contributors need to be signed up in mozillians phonebook under L10N and L10N:[locale-code] groups.

Keep track of people with commit access

Assignments for Q1 2013

  • Jeff & Arky to talk to all Indian teams and Asian locales in person at MozCamp Asia.
  • Jeff = all LATAM teams.
  • Jeff = Western European teams
  • Arky = Eastern European teams
  • Arky = Middle Eastern teams
  • Arky = East African teams
  • Jeff = West African teams

Stock emails


Intial contact


Hope you are well! I'm interested in scheduling a call or chat with you about the awesome work your Mozilla l10n team is doing. We'll talk about your l10n team's activity, goals, and overall health. I would love to do this as soon as possible, if you have some time available. Please let me know what day at time will work for you by scheduling a 30 minute time slot at Once you've scheduled a day and time, I'll contact you about the best way to get in touch.

Looking forward to talking with you,



Hi [person],

I'm sorry that we haven't been able to connect over Skype. I'm still very interested in getting to know you and the work that your l10n team is doing. Since we've had difficulty connecting via Skype, could I ask you some questions via email instead? If you're fine with connecting via email, here are my questions :-)

  • Tell me about how you got involved in Mozilla l10n.
  • What motivates your team to localize Mozilla projects?
  • How many people are on your team? How many would you consider to be "in-training"?
  • Are these people listed on your team's wiki page and on mozillians?
  • Do any of your team members have HG or SVN commit access? If so, which ones?
  • Does your l10n team have any participants in the Mozilla Reps program?
  • Does your team have an onboarding process for new localizers? Is this documented on your team's wiki page?
  • What l10n assets does your team use and maintain? Are they publically accessible and linked to from your team's wiki page?
  • Has your team encountered any legal or cultural issues with localizing Mozilla projects?
  • Does your team have any needs that are unsatisfied that we can help with?
  • Does your team have any suggestions on what would make localizing easier and more fun?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. You and your team are truly awesome and we're very grateful for your fantastic contributions.

Link to send survey participants in English.


Initial contact

¡Ma da mucho gusto conocerle! Mi nombre es Jeff y soy parte del equipo de localización de Mozilla. Me gustaría programar una llamada consigo para conocerte. En esta llamada también hablaremos de la obra y salud de su equipo de localización en [locale_code]. Si tiene tiempo libre en la semana siguiente, me encantaría hacerlo lo más antes posible. Por favor avíseme del día y la hora que más le salga bien y hablaremos a través de Skype (mi usuario de Skype es jbeatty00).


Hola [person],

Muchas gracias por seguir en contacto conmigo. Disculpe que no hayamos podido charlar através de Skype en los últimos días. Si prefiere, me gustaría presentarle unas preguntas acerca del equipo [locale] de l10n que me interesa mucho saber más de usted, los miembros del equipo, y cómo se organizan para efectuar la localización de proyectos Mozilla. Si bien lo ve, a continuación hay varias preguntas. Por favor contéstelas detalladamente y con mucha franqueza.

  • Cuénteme sobre cómo se inspiró a contribuir a la l10n de proyectos Mozilla.
  • ¿Qué tipos de cosas motivan a los de su equipo a contribuir a la l10n?
  • ¿Cuantos son en su equipo? ¿Cuantos se consideran en capacitación?
  • ¿Cuantos de ellos se encuentran en el wiki de su equipo y con perfiles en
  • ¿Cuantos de ellos tienen acceso de push y commit a HG o SVN y quienes son?
  • ¿Cuantos de ellos participan en el programa de Mozilla Reps y quienes son?
  • ¿Tiene su equipo un proceso para reclutar a gente a su equipo? ¿Si es que sí, cómo es y se ha documentado con acceso público?
  • ¿Tiene su equipo recursos de l10n, como glosarios, memorias de traducción o manuales de estilo? ¿Cómo los mantienen y se han publicado en el wiki de su equipo?
  • Hay unos equipos que se han dado con dificultades culturales y legales al contribuir a la l10n de proyectos Mozilla. ¿Se han dado ustedes con dichas dificultades?
  • ¿Tiene su equipo algunas necesidades que aún no son satisfechas?
  • ¿Tiene su equipo algunas sugerencias para nosotros que pueden mejorar el programa de l10n?

Muchísimas gracias por su participación y por tomar el tiempo para contestar estas preguntas. De verdad agradecemos mucho el esfuerzo y la dedicación de cada uno de ustedes.

Link to send to people taking this survey via email.