Festival Report/Ch1LocalLearning

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Local Learning INGRID: ALLAN-local is the new black 2 walk shops around the city what does Barcelona look like Mobile learning urban youth development

Pippa; downstairs inthis building use the open web to teach the open web Choclate flavored tools Why tbales are broken We want to get the thumbs up from everyone who uses the web help us make it better

OFFICIAL DESCRIPTOIN As learning becomes more virtual, it also becomes more local. Explore, play and build with projects that mash up cyberspace w/ your neighborhood or community. • Citizen Identities and Neighborhood Literacies for Open Learning -- Brainstorming session around how notions of civic engagement and participation can be supported by open data and open tools. Focus on learning through engagement. Host: MacArthur Digital Media and Learning folks • Rethink Reading and Remake Libraries -- Learn how libraries are rethinking traditional print literacy in the digital age. Develop ways that library patrons of all ages can enhance traditional collections by adding “new” content to “old” materials. Collaborate and learn from librarians to are developing digital maker spaces for youth, help them improve their programs. Host: YOUmedia @ the Chicago Public Library, iRemix, New York Public Library. • Make an open web learning widget -- Develop or help improve simple programs that teenagers can use to learn, play and hack with the web. Host: Mozilla and Chicago You Media Centre. Audience: web developers, librarians, teenagers, anyone who wants to teach or learn basic web development in a fun way. • City Walkshop --Collective, on-the-field discovery around city spots intensive in data or information, for preparing a mobile digital learning context and story engine using mobile devices, geo-tagging and video publishing. Host: UrbanLabs • OpenRaval classroom -- Help turn Barcelona's Raval neighbourhood into a open learning classroom. The sessions here will focus on preparing for a youth-centered event to follow the festival on November 6th. Host: Mozilla and New Youth City Learning Network. • PrintingLab -- Dynamic space for sprint-writing and translating, from open web related manual books to chapbooks with collections related to microblogging-like ideas, advices and comments generated during the festival. Host: FLOSS Manuals Hosted by You Media Chicago, New Youth City Learning Network and UrbanLabs Organizers: Ingrid Erickson/NYCLN (ierick@gmail.com), Taylor Bayless (tbayless@chipublib.org), Enric Senabre Hidalgo (esenabre@cibersociedad.net)

People: Jack Martin Assistant Director for Public Programs and Lifelong Learning The New York Public Library 455 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10016 212-340-0851 917 414 9678 I first got involvd thru the NYPL’s relationship w/ the NYC Learning Network: MacArthur run thru Social Science Research Center in bKlyn we’re at 3 yrs this yr and they created a loaning network to pull together cultural/educaiotnal instituoins/organizations around the city to provide kids w/ a seamlessl earning experience, to create learning pathways so that kid cna begin an exp at any insitution and discover other possibilityies along the way come ot the library and do research ,they might find something that intrigures them and then learn more deeply at Cooper Hewitt (architechture)

3 yrs of fudning which is exciting

as part of my being a part of the learning network the MacArthur foundatoin sent me to Chicago to Meet w/ mark and we had a really exciting day of brainstorming to find out what kind of open source cool tool cd Mozilla create that cd be used in libraries/ new media ctrs aross the country to uspport kids hanging out messing round and geeking out online The Drumbeat festival is Phase 2 of that

I don’t know yet it does not have a name, we’re calling it a SAND BOX the concept is it’s a content creation SANDBOX for kids to psosibly edit video, photo editing, create game environments, have a social network to give each other feedback and become experts and al be embedded into a web browser

I’m really interestd to find out what’s happening in the world of drubmeat lots of diff ways you can participate and learn about what new techs are happening out there and what ppl are doing about them exicitd to cllab w/ other experts learn what’s new in the world of tech b/c i work w/ libraries : how they can be applid in a library setting after school applied to infomral learning share some of my own thoughts and own ideas about kids and learning after school Learning has changed in the 21st c and social media plays a really big rol and i’m very interesed in finding out everythign from baby step to big picture ideas on how libraries ando ther public orgs can support that whether on local hacker level or widespread system that spreads acros a whole infrastructure

Learning network projecs that supported/ gives you an idea of how learning goes thru these diff levels we’ve recently finished ap roject w/ an org called Global Kids Digital expresssions explored social/glboal issues using social media online comics about social issues interactive Google maps “Serious video games” http://www.olpglobalkids.org/social_media/

Trad public libraries primary focus has been on crafting and gaming and things that are book relatd i think there’s been a fear some librarie4s that these intense levels of learning after schol lmight be offputting for kids since hty’ve been sutding these subjects so intensely but by blending these tech and gaming and social media we’re discovering taht kids are interested in engaging w/ serious content using social media and instruments like gaes we’re making these programs much more appealing they’re more deeply

One of thef inal project of th entire program which ran around 10 weeks the kids had to create a voice thread portfolio : online tool where like a powerpoint but yu can add voice commentary just to see how and those voice threeads really showed how deeply the kids ewre engaged Remix where they talked about intlellecualt property/ opyright and they also were able to reflect upon what that learning experience was like and copyit kids creating and then step back and think about : what did it mean to me as a learner and that was exactly what we were ooking for 8th grade and UP


1 of the tenets of thel ibrary is to promote lifelong learning these programs introduce kids to topics and themse affecting their lives hopefuly by showing all these doors are possibities they’ll become lifelong learners more curious about what’s happening in the world aroudn them.

Again i think kids are sort of learning kids are already learning after school there are studies out there that show they’re online finding interest from peer circles and becoming experts and coaching theirmentors thru these things i n away that learning is already happening it’s just a matter ,all that we really need to do is for libraries and school s and other likeminded agencies how they can be a apart o that learning that’s alrady happening

organizationally and in temrs of an educational mission mybe that is a shift

Thijs is important--making a space for

I believe I think the’re gg to ahve something Mocked up we’re gg to seei t and work on some tweaks we’ll have a chance to see what it looks like maybe we’ll have a chance to try something with kids

HTML coding for kids i”m also initially curious I really want ot know what other people are doing out there and how that can be applied to learning in the library

Public libraries have always sorto f been a place where kids can discover themselves artistically educationally technologically inspirationally those thingsh appen after school: books music movies online media that they can take their interest and the library and once they’re in there they can look at talll the great stuffthel ibrary has i think we’re a natural fit for this new 21st c learning i’ve been tlaking about we jut have ot figure out t where we can learn from analog to online

I don’t work at any one branch I’m the ass’t driector for public progrms and lifelong learning birth/parenthood/ grandparenthood teens tweens toddlers babies, 89 libraries across thebronx manhattan

my mom volunteered me to work for my local public library when i was 13 NY Publc in 2001 Pratt Institute library program Probably the things that have the biggest impact on me are the ppl i collaborate with the organizations and the teens the kids i work w/ ourselves we talk to them all the time brainstorming about what kinds of programs we shd be hosting for them or th books, movies and music awe shd have on our shelves for them to chekc out

I’m actaully i’m now an adjunct prof at Pratt so i teach all of this i nclude 21st c learning nd social media and everything in my classes so hoepfully we’l be infiltrating at that level too

                Enric Senabre

Enric Hidalgo I was working here in Barcelona About 2 yrs ago hosted venue for Euro Mozilla conf in 2008 We got in touch w/ mark surman That’s when we got the plans

Work in the Educational field Startd my PHD in info society Close contact w/ the student Then I saw opporutnies that ne techs bring to formal education Conference the 2nd or 3d Open ed conference I realized there was more than conferences

I got interested in this approach that the open edcuatioanl resources Websites or something going on the open web can do for education after the formal education w/ ICT

We are preparing several sessions at the local learning incubator which focus on the possibilities that the urban environment can bring to location of learning And we have similar intrests and worries about youth or citizens can learn and teach each other

Working around smaller devices when they are not in the classroom

We made contact also w / Taylor and She’s bringing this other view/approach in terms of why libraries

Skills can bing to lernaing w/ ICT

Ages will be between 12 and 16 Range is wide They will engage in activities that they are passionate about Making a radio program They are free to bring laptops engage in envirnments hwere that’s Help them geti ntou c hwith other ppl getting a job and earning some money travel around

Preparing surf boardsgoing to the beach to surf when they earn some money If they save they can travel to other parts of Spain and surf You learn how to prepare things

About 50 I’m in contact

To see very closely some projects I’m interested in like Arduino

Ifit Mixed w/ ppl more oriented Similar skills and ways of solving problems Working together with a common goal like learning and education

The other one is the format itself It’s kind of Hackathon mixed with Maker Faire

Gonna be what needs to build a lot of testing and working w/ students

So it’s this kind of meta structure Va a ser un festival... Con esa frase hecha hemos ido bromeando algunxs de los que estamos en el equipo local del Festival Drumbeat, que tendrá lugar del 3 al 5 de noviembre en el corazón del Raval de Barcelona. Llevamos viéndonos periódicamente, chateando y editando el wiki desde finales de junio, cuando nos reunimos por primera vez (y nos conocimos algunos) convocados por Mark Surman para explicarnos que la Fundación Mozilla iba a organizar a nivel internacional algo que nunca antes había hecho. Se trata de materializar en un lugar del mundo el proyecto Drumbeat, una llamada a otros proyectos que ayuden a promover y proteger la web abierta en estos tempos extraños que corren, de dispositivos propietarios y parcelas vedadas, y hacerlo en clave no sólo de educación sino también de aprendizaje. Una zona temporalmente autónoma (durante una semana de "todo abierto" en Barcelona, donde se encadenan antes los oXcars, el Free Culture Forum y el OpenEd) para compartir ideas, proyectos y desarrollos en curso, basados en materiales educativos abiertos, en la capacidad creativa de profesores y desarrolladores, en el software libre, en lo edupunk. Así que hemos ido robando horas al sueño y al fin de semana para sumar a más gente cercana, invitar a proyectos afines, mover la convocatoria por diversos canales, conseguir más voluntarios... "¿Pero de qué va todo esto?". Ésa suele ser la pregunta y la respuesta no es fácil. O es tan cambiante como el propio wiki, donde el programa parece un animal con vida propia. O no es una sino muchas respuestas a la vez, tantas como actividades propuestas. Otra explicación es lo que el festival no es: no es una conferencia al uso (aunque habrá unos pocos speakers imprescindibles), tampoco es un barcamp o una desconferencia (no se trata de dar charlas, sino de talleres y metodologías en que la gente pueda aportar, y de herramientas a medio hacer que se puedan acelerar o testear participativamente). Un pequeño gran caos organizado, en definitiva, un bazar con wifi, una construcción permanente, una fiesta de hakers, un experimento equilibrista y un festival (va a ser un auténtico festival :)

          Ingrid Erickson: Tell us about you and MacArthur. How did you personally connect with the Drumbeat movement?

I work on a project under the larger Digital Media and Learning Initiative at the MacArthur Foundation called the New Youth City Learning Network. NYCLN is a group of museums, libraries, and afterschool programs working together to create learning opportunities for middle and high school-aged kids in New York City around a set of integrated projects and programs that focus primarily on design, citizen science, civic engagement, and urban ecology and sustainability. It's based on the notion that kids are motivated by their own interests or encourages by their peer groups to try new things and explore the world around them. We're sort of taking that literally by developing opportunities for 'structured autonomy' by using the city as the context for learning--city streets as game board, for example. I came to Drumbeat via collaboration between the MacArthur and Mozilla Foundations to create tools for youth to learn about and use the open web. I'm particularly excited to be a part of a group working on creating a curriculum for libraries and other out-of-school programs where kids can use the open web to teach themselves the open web. Kinda zen, kinda awesome. Atul Varma is the genius behind this at Mozilla. What inspires you about learning and the web? I am personally a big believer in the idea: If we can understand, expand and control the means to author and create, we can do just about anything. The web is really just a playground for exploration and learning if you look at it this way. Even cooler since the web is a network, once you learn one small part of it you're always going to be connected to many more parts as well. The connections are endless! I'm also particularly interested in using the web in physical contexts to add a layer of meaning to the world around us. So we also need open tools for mobile web to really bring the notion of an OPEN Internet of Things to its fullest potential. What session would you like to attend? I'm co-organizing the session in the Local Learning Incubator. You can find me there both days of the Festival! Original post by Heather Leson.

Session Notes DRUMBEAT LOCAL LEARNING - Session 1 - Thursday

participants: Jack NYC Alison Chicago Eddie Avila: Global Voices Rising Voices Teachers without borders Modern Poland Project (guy with the toughbook), OER Poland Roberta, Rio, MacArthur Foundation, libraries Rio-Chicago partnership, tiny dingy houses between the sewage and DMV, no-one goes to, building a library in the middle of the 7 most violent favelas in Rio, Carnegie Mellon project M&M web comic design Torben, freelance journalist from Denmark Claudio Ruiz, lawyer from Chile, Creative Commons Leader (claudio at derechosdigitales.org) lawyer from Colombia, Creative Commons leader …, Open Univeristy of Catalonia Basti Hirsch, Berlin, https://twitter.com/cervus — freelance education activist/journalist Tobias Eigen, http://www.kabissa.org @kabissa

Question: What do you think of when you hear the world "library"?

Some cite the traditional role of libraries as "book warehouses" where the librarian is responsible for checking out books and cataloguing the books.

however, there were examples cited that the definition of libraries is changing: Brasil, Colombia, Chile,

peer-2-peer libraries? Alison, Chicago, Goodreads API for teenagers to share what they're reading, swap copies "The library is not only related to books, it's more about connection." lawyer from Chile connecting family members during an earthquake Berlin library bus comng every Tuesday

826 Valencia, 826 National … pirate store in San Francisco & super-hero supply store in Brooklyn, NYC

Some children/teenagers claim that they do not read or read online, but much of the content that they access online is reading, even though it may not be linear, but it jumps from site to site which leads to the question, "what is reading?

In some non-Western countries, many of the movies and other forms of media are only available with subtitles which require a lot of reading.

Jack: people just cannot let go of books! why cannot I go to the library and read anything on my Kindle? why am I restricted to the physical copies that are there?

A Library Designed for the Post-Print Era (Dutch example) http://www.fastcodesign.com/1662561/what-happens-to-libraries-in-the-post-print-era

--- notes from tobias start below here -- goodreads - teenagers can list books they don't want anymore for their friends to pick up in rio: mobile - what people do in poor communities is get wagons to collect books, bring it out in the street and kids and families will come out and read the books. issues with language because only portuguese country in latin america. kids can't read english - only informal use of english. what is a library? - ideas have changed alot. used to be like a warehouse of books. now more of a knowledge center. - community space where people from community can come and learn, create, use resources for that. - colombia library got ars technica award for giving workshops to teach kids about blogging, online games, etc. now has community of bloggers who are telling story babout experiences in medellin.. - rio - create a bridge between libraries and schools. schools need to come to the libraries. blog called sector x where people publish their own stories, do workshops on graffitti, fashion shows, things people are interested in. - chile - long country with aot of differences, many disconnected people. prosumer (producer/consumer) -- place to get connected. during earthquake, libraries were central part of community, individuals interested in reaching out and being part of their community. - bolivia - libraries are - library bus in berlin, in georgia - bookmobile goes tow here someone has airconditioning and everybody meets there - libraries are not warehouses - don't just ship old books to africa that nods and they just take up space - libraries could print books produced by people in their communities - libraries will change architecturally - eg amsterdam library books are not on shelves but on stacks on the floor. lockers where people can store their own stuff. - kids today say they are not reading online. colombia: peoplegoing to movies are reading subtitles - kids read alot more than they probably realize. 9 year old daughter is reading twilight - trying to prevent her from reading the 3rd book, but she did lots of researcfh online and found it that way - pew internet research - kids do social networking.. they are reading, writing, blogging. it's diferent format than books, non-linear. people "surf" on the internet, jumping around. even in games there is alot of chat. - dictionary def of read is "interpreting symbol" has other multiple definitions. when kids say they are not reading online this is where educaton and reality come together. libraries need to support new learning needs, but this is a change that has to happen allt he way up in the educational system. - wikipedia - kids need to learn how to use it. Library Assets:

 Special collections @ YouMedia
 urban planning program @ chicago

Content Creation:

 Teenagers were given a guided tour of special collections department
 They used materials at special collections
 Teenagers made a plan for the next 100 years of their neighborhood,
   influenced by the materials in the special collection

The content creation activity should lead to 21st century literacy skills

Things we think of when we think of libraries:

 * books, dewey decimal, buildings/space, cubicles, quiet, librarians/info experts, computers/internet, DVDs, CDs, games, solitude/common space, catalog, confusing/imperfect system (books are sometimes unavailable), free stuff, bookstores, e-readers, e-resources, DRM issues, space for wkshp/public debate, playing w/ new tools (turntables, 3d printers)
 * values: openness, community/democracy
  • Libraries should be called information common spaces, libraries should be called information experts.
  • when jack is teaching library school he asks students why they're in library school. if they say "because i love books", then he tells them to work in a bookstore, b/c librarians help people find things they need.
  • how do we throw out old/out-moded things, do cool new things, but keep the positive values?
  • user content:
   micropublishing (e.g., 826 National)
 how to integrate this w/ catalog? make the catalog 'social'? what would we call it? 
  • crowdsourcing
  • What would a Reimagined Library look like?
 catalog: open search, open metadata, downloadable content, sharing,
          ppl can contribute content
          * what's a better word than catalog?
 space: experimentation w/ new tools, no more stacks, user-focused
        and community-focused, not stuff-focused. physical
 learning: access to tools, instead of library dictating the program,
           it's the patrons. community-created programming.
           community teachers. experimentation zone.
 all this should connect to the outside world.

Fred says:

U.N. Def'n of teacher is "anyone w/ valuable information to share". How are librarians connected, how do they share w/ each other?

How does the physical space be seen as places for information exchange for people w/ information to share? What if Post Offices were part of libraries?

I particularly loved the gathering of those interested in the future of the library and the ease with which the facilitators helped us tell and gather stories of libraries in several countries: libraries as book-mobiles on donkeys, libraries as community centers, libraries as information hubs. My jet lag downright evaporated when we collaborated on new designs that validated the need for accessibility, availability, accessibility, affordability, and adaptability (UNESCO). It was electric, rather than electronic. --Fred Mednick “Teachers without Borders”

Home > Drumbeat > Mozilla Drumbeat Festival (#drumbeat): An Elder’s Perspective Mozilla Drumbeat Festival (#drumbeat): An Elder’s Perspective November 6, 2010 Fred Mednick Leave a comment Go to comments

I’ve never put a hash-tag in a title of an article, but this is a new era in which @-signs and #-tags indicate destinations and signals, as if they were tiny digital air-traffic controllers guiding in an airplane whose pilot you have not yet seen and for a country you’ve not yet visited.

This past week here in Barcelona at the Mozilla Drumbeat Festival: Freedom, Learning, and the Web, I decided to volunteer, rather than pontificate – setting up chairs, carrying water, and taking notes for a new generation of internet pioneers. I went “like way analog” this time, scribbling away on a steno-pad while the wired and exuberant hacked and hashed and mashed their way through a landscape and community they are convinced they can build and shape. Those little air-traffic controllers were very, very busy. Perhaps this crowd can – and will – be the change they wish to see in the world (or, at least, the catalysts). Information exhaled and inhaled each day, participants simultaneously giddy and distracted, many peering over shoulders to catch a glimpse at others’ screens – a natural inclination when newness presents itself. I, for one, vacillated between skepticism of -and affection for – those connecting the teacher and the technician, the educator and the e-tool creator. I believe the conference was a success largely because of face-to-face connections. I particularly loved the gathering of those interested in the future of the library and the ease with which the facilitators helped us tell and gather stories of libraries in several countries: libraries as book-mobiles on donkeys, libraries as community centers, libraries as information hubs. My jet lag downright evaporated when we collaborated on new designs that validated the need for accessibility, availability, accessibility, affordability, and adaptability (UNESCO). It was electric, rather than electronic. Though I cannot remember whether my designation at Drumbeat was as a “Document Scholar” or “Scholar Documenter,” I nonetheless felt both appreciation for the title and an obligation to be, in fact, scholarly. In that spirit, here are a few words of wisdom extracted from my steno, turned into sentence form, transferred to Etherpad, backtracked to my blog, and flicked over to my Kindle and itouch (I feel a need to add all of these references to technical gadgets so that I would not be dismissed as a Luddite – a word, by the way, referring to bands of English workers who destroyed machinery they felt was threatening their jobs). Hmmm. Here goes: Stand on the shoulders of giants and validate the contributions made by generations that were, themselves, also restless, undaunted, dissatisfied with the status quo, exploratory, and driven to make something happen overnight. Remember that tweets were once haikus. Symbols first appeared on the walls of caves. Moveable type helped make classics accessible. P2P was once a form of basic trading in the village marketplace. Be careful not to build a digital form of the very institutions you find so distasteful, even the online ones. Words bandied about or overheard in sessions: “institutional inaccessibility,” “Blackboard-dominating,” “frontal teaching,” “corporate machines,” “colonial,” “exclusive.” Several demos focused on building global repositories of social media for teachers made viable only if the community of users is large enough, resources plentiful enough, and bandwidth ubiquitous enough. I have now a stack of business cards and brochures and URLs and photographs of Post-It Notes. Sure, today’s classrooms can be stifling and anachronistic. At the same time, classrooms can, by their very existence, also be a form of liberation and the ultimate expression of human rights. 70+ million children do not go to school at all. Most of them only dream of putting on a uniform, carrying books, seeing each other. Figure out how your application (and your motive for building it) can work even if the electricity is off, then build it because its effectiveness can scale. Challenge yourself at the level of the worst-case scenario. In South Africa, for example, there are some classrooms of 60+ children who, in alternating rows, bend over so that the children behind them can use their backs as a desk. Can your app work there? Watch your grammar when you’re in a foreign land. If you hack an RSS news reader to include a social component or html5 video with tags or other meta-data, consider what it might mean to a Pakistani who pays too much at a local cyber-cafe in order to stay up to date and skims the following headline: “20% of Pakistan is Submerged in Flood Water,” followed by: “56 people like this” (next to the thumbs-up icon). Really? They do? They like this? I don’t. Though it is true that the best meetings are impromptu and largely unscripted, seek diversity as a natural starting point. Try not to convene a group of hackers in a basement unless educators know where the stairs are and can find you (literally and figuratively). I promise, we won’t slow you down. Similarly, to educators: don’t convene a private cabal without corralling an equal number of Red-Bull hackers who, indeed, are your friends if you just let them dream with you after class or in the faculty lounge. Really… lighten up. At the Drumbeat Festival, I learned two important things that challenged and changed me: First, my insistent, and somewhat obnoxious, drive for instant practicality can obscure and squash creativity. While I may have often felt that many creations were solutions looking for problems, I also realized that innovation does not need a rationale in order to flourish. The rough and inaccessible could, indeed, be made smooth and useful if only given a chance. The innovator should not feel the need to justify pure creation. Art does not need a reason to exist. There is a reason we all carry within us a certain measure of arrogance; it’s motivating, as long as it’s not foisted on me. I learned to let it all be and to pay attention. Second, I realized that the Mozilla Drumbeat Festival (faithfully, #drumbeat) may have used somewhat hackneyed, manic Marxist rhetoric and caffeine to fuel itself, but so what? My organization, Teachers Without Borders, needs you. We need your repositories and platforms, your xml and html5, your acronyms and hash-tags and @-signs and mashups. We need your conviction and drive for social justice, provided you’re open enough to embrace the courage of your contradictions and give it to us for free so that we can focus on giving away our own assets, too. Together, let’s continue to ask both difficult and playful questions and honor each other. I know that I will do my best to connect it all to a human narrative, to solving problems, and to the pressing and emerging issues facing those who work in classrooms far away from our three-day festival at a gorgeous Museum of Modern Art in Europe. To the conference organizers, fellow volunteers, and fellow travelers at the Mozilla Drumbeat Festival: Freedom, Learning, and the Web, as well as for those who are connected through those tiny internet traffic controllers, I am truly grateful. - Dr. Fred Mednick, Founder Teachers Without Borders