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Name: Jennifer Zickerman

Area of Contribution (Team Name): Thunderbird (I'm moving to the MDN team in the fall)

Paid or Non-paid Staff: Paid

How are you currently involved with (or in) the community?: I work on community development with Thunderbird; I am a Mozilla Contributor Steward; I need to learn more about how the MDN team and community works so I can be effective when I switch over.

Location of Work (where do you reside?): Vancouver

How you would like to participate in MozCamp: I would like to help out with the wiki. I have some experience with conference organization and lots of experience with Mozilla wikis (including but not limited to this one). Also, I will already be in Warsaw to attend the Thunderbird meeting prior to MozCampEU.

Goals in Attending MozCamp:

  • Engage / encourage Thunderbird community members into the larger Mozilla community. (Thunderbird is having a community meeting the week before MozCampEU, so many contributors will be in attendance.)
  • Both my current work with Thunderbird and my future work with MDN are in areas that rely on a strong community. I would benefit from learning more about how to engage people in the community, and I think I also have some techniques and information that I could share.
  • As a steward, I feel I need to learn more community events and how other groups work.
  • Colleagues on the MDN team (including my new boss Ali Spivak) are attending, so it will give me a chance to meet them face-to-face.