MozCampEU2012/Minors and Mozilla

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Overview of Session

Title of Session: Minors and Mozilla

Facilitator(s): Mary Colvig

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid

Area of Contribution: Contributor Engagement

How are you currently involved with the community?: I over see contributor engagement and aim to help all Mozillians achieve crazy and ambitious goals!

Location of Work (where do you reside?): San Francisco

Talk Length: 60 minutes

Summary: As a project we've grown *a lot* over the last few years - both on the paid staff and volunteer side. We're in the thousands now in terms of core contributors. Our sheer size and our ethos around doing what's best for our users, means that we bear a responsibility to ensure that everyone has a great and safe experience volunteering for Mozilla.

This means taking a look at how we engage with minors -- balancing minor participation with accountability structures for their safety. As you'll recall in April 2011 we required Mozilla Reps to have a parental consent form signed if they were under 18. More recently we've limited new application to Student Reps and Mozilla Reps to those over 18. This is while we review and set about creating best practices and policy.

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals: We have incredibly ambitious goals and many people that would like to help achieve them - let's make sure it happens comfortably and safely!

Expected Outcome or Deliverable: A working set of best practices and needs/resources identified.

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Community builders, staffers from the People team, Privacy expertise, and our minor attendees and guardians.