Project Management/2011 Q4/Updates/2011-11-17

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  • mrz (it)
  • cshields (it)
  • mcoates (security)
  • cmore (web prod)
  • jvier (ops)
  • smooney (engineering)
  • stephend (qa)
  • ckoehler (web prod)
  • IRC Channel: #mozpm


  • What is this all about?
  • Why do we need this?
  • What does this mean for how we are doing project management in our group?
  • Survey
  • Short-term proposal
  • Long-term proposal
  • Is there anyone else that should be included in this meeting?
  • Mailing List



cmore gives introduction

cshields: Expectation that IT can work on requests same day. Lots of pre-emption in IT due to lack of planning from other teams.

mcoates: Other teams seem to be getting used to the idea that 3 weeks lead time is needed. However, there are always surprise projects at the end of the quarter.

stephend: we try to go by the request-teams' goals, but also cross-check with the org's goals. Additionally, we ask questions about importance and scope / priorities, to try to get a consistent story from a given team.

smooney: Internally focused. Lots of churn in engineering. Work with some outside teams (like socoro). Don't have a good view of how teams outside of engineering interact. What kind of visibility to teams outside of engineering want? Would like to learn how other teams work. How can we provide good tools for developers to know what to work on. jvier: No conversations with ops to prep products for production. Lacking awareness of what is required to deploy things at scale. Code review and fixes. Plan, budget, installation, testing and load testing, etc. Lead time is months or quarters.

Mozilla is bad at communicating.

Asher: Issue isn't so much communication, but prioritization.

jvier: Have had issues with capital expenditures and resourcing hardware. These things need to be considered earlier on in the project planning process.

Mcoates: Brownbag for how long it takes to do common tasks (very different from group to group)

Review survey results:

Review and discuss short term project funnel proposal:

Add a question: Which teams need to be involved in this project?

Good info, but not everyone has good awareness of which other teams need to be involved.

Shelia: What is the type of projects that should be entered on the short term form?

  • Cross team projects
  • Projects that take a long time (?)

Anything that sits on our infrastructre is a cross-team effort.

Reviewing project value matrix;

Time to market criticality is missing.

Would like to move forward with the project funnel form, with two small additions:

  • project url (required)
  • teams involved

Action Items

  • cmore and ckoehler to finalize project form and distribute to group for final review