QA/Team Meeting/QA Team Meeting-2015-03-04

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Mozilla QA Meeting March 4, 2015

# Every other Weds @ 1:30p Pacific Time - Mozilla HQ, Room: QA
# Vidyo:
# Phone:  +1 650 903 0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99456 (US/INTL)
#         +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99456 (US Toll Free)
#         +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 99456 (Canada)
# IRC:    irc://

Template available at:

Actions From Last Week

Deadlines and Schedules

Next Merge: August 5, 2024 Next Release: August 6, 2024
Central: 130 Aurora: 54 Beta: 129 Release: 128

Other Notable Dates/Events (Read Only)

Mobile World Congress 2015

Game Developers Congress 2015

Discussion & Updates for Team

  • Pick a notetaker for our notepad
  • This meeting, going forward
  • Fx OS V3 idea announcement last week
  • QA Tea Time reminder -
  • [ashughes] Organizing Test Days going forward
  • 36.0.1 coming for both desktop and mobile
  • Web QA's Jenkins is now open and fully in-use:
    • Blog post from Dave Hunt coming soon (when posted, I'll link back to it here, probably next week) - [stephend]

Lightning Talk


Blog posts from the new Community Development Team:


New Contributor Spotlight

These are new contributors, if you see them around, say hello

Contributor Honor Roll

For those that went above and beyond this week, we salute you here.

  • [mbrandt] justinpotts & tericharles for actively welcoming and on-boarding new contributors

Quarter Goals

Action Items and notes from the meeting

  • In the middle of the short 5 week release cycle. Next merge end of month march 30th. 39 is on nightly. 38 is our big spring release. 37 is on beta and we are doing a 36.0.1 with a bunch of stuff. 38 is the next ESR
  • V3 design is done. It will be a big initiative. Details to be announced.
  • MWC and GDC ongoing.
  • Announcements: Clint is stepping down. He will pursue other interests. Stephen will run this meeting. Different moderators will take turns leading the meeting.
  • Questions about the re-org? You can ask now or office hours with Clint or Doug. Everyone is welcome, staff and volunteers.
  • Lightning talks are useful!
  • Tea-time signups are ongoing. Check the wiki for schedules. It's a friendly reminder.
  • Testdays: Last week during the Champions meeting Anthony mentioned that we are trying to rebrand testdays into more mentorship and training and less about volunteers doing testing. Everyone, testdays don't need to be day-long events. For example, Gaby is organizing a local event in Spanish. What type of events are engaging and attractive to our audience? If you need help with ideas organizing an event please ping Anthony.
    • Do we have anything going currently with Hello/Loop? Something where we encourage the organization to use it and report problems.
      • Not currently.
      • Keep services in the loop when we do organize a testing event related to Hello.
  • Justin will demo how to use Vagrant. What it is, and how to use it. "A virtual box in a terminal."
    • Are Vagrant and Docker related? Similar. It's a very power and flexible system already used by several teams at Mozilla.
  • New Jenkins is fully operational. It is public facing. It can do LDAP authentication for staff and it can do authentication for volunteers. Dave Hunt, props.

Travel / PTO (Read Only)


Kitten, fox, or other cute animal gif of the week:

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