Releases/Firefox 37/Test Plan/37.0.1

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Firefox 37.0.1 Test Plan

QE recommendation regarding the quality of the build

Recommendation based on results from manual testing GOOD FOR RELEASE

Risks with this Beta and actions to mitigate them through testing

  • Verify fixes driving this release
  • Verify fixes Ride Along with the release
    • bug 1137716 NO VERIFY: Dual GPU startup crash
      • not verified - no HW available, need to use Socorro data to verify
  • Additional testing
    • 1. General Web Compatibility
      • Testing to ensure that major web sites still work without issues
      • Will be covered by Sanity testing
    • 2. WebGL
      • Some graphics fixes that landed in the build
      • Testing to ensure the fixes did not cause any new regressions in graphics
      • Will be covered by Sanity testing on WebGL Games, Animations, and Maps


Bug Summary

  • New bugs
  • New bugs to this Build
  • Known Issues
Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
749824 Cannot "view image" or "save image as" on webgl canvas, result is blank No status
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content No status FIXED
962560 Audio volume UI resets to full volume after toggling the screen size of a video No status FIXED
1124427 Microsoft WebGL Stress Test crashes Firefox No status WORKSFORME
1142992 Youtube video stops after some minutes (with 1080p) No status WORKSFORME

5 Total; 5 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Exploratory Testing

  • Testing is performed around areas most affected by fixes since the previous Beta (in cases when there are no Regression tests to cover these areas, or those tests have already been run as part of the Full Beta Regression set)
Platform Assignee Result: report
Windows 7 64-bit (GPU: Intel HD 2500) Camelia Badau [DONE]
Windows 8 32-bit (GPU: AMD Radeon HD 5450) Catalin Varga [DONE]
Mac OS X 10.9.5 (GPU: Intel Iris Pro 1536 MB) Alexandra Lucinet [DONE]
Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit (GPU: Intel HD Graphics 2500) Petruta Rasa [DONE]
Tested Area Testing Type Results (report)
Web Compatibility Sanity testing PASS
WebGL Sanity testing PASS

Status tags

  • [NOT STARTED] - {{mnotstarted}} - little or no work has started on this task
  • [ON TRACK] - {{mok}} - task is actively being worked on and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [DONE] - {{mdone}} - task is completed and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [AT RISK] - {{mrisk}}- blocking bug / high number of bugs / other confidence-shakers makes us feel not comfortable with the quality of the build.
  • [IN PROGRESS] - {{mprog}} - actively being tested on
  • [INVESTIGATION NEEDED] - {{minvest}} - more investigation needed