Releases/Firefox 37/Test Plan

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This page is to track testing of Firefox 37 from mozilla-central (Nightly) through to mozilla-release. This is intended to be a minimal set of information to help Firefox QA understand and communicate the quality of upcoming releases. Our current walkthrough of the release and QA process will be changing during December 2014.


Milestone Checks Due
Nightly Conduct daily stability and bug triage, ensure features are owned (Release date: 2014-12-01 )
Aurora Migration Conduct testing to ensure Firefox 34 Aurora builds are okay (Migration date: 2015-01-12)
Aurora Conduct daily stability and bug triage, ensure features are tested (Aurora release date: 2015-01-13)
Beta Follow up on stability and verification. (Release date: 2015-02-24)
Release Firefox 37 release date. 2015-03-31


Meeting Purpose When Vidyo Room IRC Backchannel
Channel Status Raise quality concerns with the Release Management team 10:00 Pacific on Tuesday & Thursday ReleaseCoordination #planning
Firefox QA Meet the Desktop QA team and hear what they're working on 8:30am Pacific on Wednesdays DesktopQA #qa
QA Team Meet the entire QA team and hear what they're working on! 1:30am Pacific on Wednesdays QA #qa


During the 6 weeks that Firefox 37 is on the Nightly channel, QA will focus on helping with the Firefox iteration planning, as well as with crash reporting and triaging newly reported bugs. The earlier we can get these bug reports into shape for developers to prioritize them and work on them, the more likely they'll be fixed by release in April.

During the 37 Nightly cycle we will be working to help determine the state of the Electrolysis (e10s) project. e10s will be ready to move to Aurora if all bugs marked with tracking-e10s:m6+ and lower are fixed in Nightly.


Questions for workweek
  • Each topcrash should have a developer assigned, a QA contact, and tracking + or -.
  • We should decide on a threshold for "crisis" level crash spikes/crash rates. (Different for startup, plugin, crashes or specific platforms)
  • What do we want to do with the iteration process. Continue assigning QA contact, verification + or -?
  • We should encourage the use of "feature" or verification needed keywords/flags.
  • What, if any, conditions would actually block or delay the move to aurora?
End of cycle status
  • Total bugs filed affecting 37:
  • Bugs fixed / verified on 37:
  • Conditional signoff for merge: (date, who signed off)
  • QE signoff:


Continue triaging incoming bugs with community help. Test e10s issues.

  • File crashes, escalate bad crashes.
  • Track feature milestones (for example the e10s tracking flags.)
  • Should have testing plans for features that we know may be turned off /on conditionally.
  • link to release notes. review & update.

Reference (and migration / signoff plan:


During the Beta cycle, there are at least 9 beta releases. Communication with the release coordination, release engineering, and automation teams is key.

QA analyzes the results of functional, remote, and update tests running on jenkins. We create config files for the update tests, check their validity on mciconf and run them on at least two channels for each beta release cycle. A big part of this work currently is going through the test results to figure out why test failures occurred (infrastructure, tests themselves, actual Firefox bug).

Pivotal bugs may need verification during each beta cycle.

  • link to release notes. review & update.
  • crash evaluation/escalation.
  • feature evaluation.

QA Activities

QA wanted

The following tracks bugs which have requests for urgent QA assistance.

  • Choose a bug to test from the list below
  • Read it and make sure you understand what information is needed (this may be steps or URLs to reproduce, a regression range, or something else altogether)
  • Use the latest build of this Firefox version and test until you've discovered the information necessary. Ask for help if you need it.
  • Report this information to the bug and remove the qawanted keyword

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


This section tracks bugs representing the most urgent stability issues. Consult this wiki for more information.

  • Ensure new and explosive crashes have actionable bug reports which are in progress
  • Top Crashes - ensure the highest ranked crashes have actionable bug reports which are in progress
  • Untriaged Bugs - ensure bugs are actionable and in the correct component
Full Query
ID Summary Component Op sys Status firefox37
983817 [x86 Linux Ubuntu packages] crashes during spellchecker initialization (various textfield/textarea interactions/message compose) due to compiler bug using a 32-bit read for a read from an array of unsigned short Spelling checker Linux fixed
1072151 crash in OOM | unknown | js::CrashAtUnhandlableOOM(char const*) | js::Nursery::moveToTenured(js::gc::MinorCollectionTracer*, JSObject*) JavaScript: GC Windows 7 affected
1088148 [e10s] crash in mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent::AddChildDoc(mozilla::a11y::DocAccessibleParent*, unsigned __int64) DOM: Content Processes Windows NT fixed
1089454 crash in DrawingContext::FillRectangle(D2D_RECT_F const*, ID2D1Brush*) Graphics Windows NT fixed
1093683 [10.10] Firefox crashes opening or saving files (in the OS X native file picker) on Yosemite Widget: Cocoa macOS affected
1097626 crash in gfxFont::AddRef() Graphics Windows 7 fixed
1098597 startup crash in igd10umd32.dll@0x18f35 from [@ CContext::ID3D11DeviceContext_UpdateSubresource_<2>(ID3D11DeviceContext*, ID3D11Resource*, unsigned int, D3D11_BOX const*, void const*, unsigned int, unsigned int) ] Graphics Windows NT affected
1103833 Shutdown crash in mozilla::`anonymous namespace''::RunWatchdog(void*) General Windows NT affected
1104008 crash in CompositorD3D11::UpdateRenderTarget Graphics Windows NT fixed
1109257 crash in _PR_MD_SEND | SocketSend | SocketWrite | PR_SetPollableEvent | nsSocketTransportService::OnDispatchedEvent(nsIThreadInternal*) Networking: HTTP Windows NT fixed
1113980 crash in js::ScriptedIndirectProxyHandler::defineProperty(JSContext*, JS::Handle<JSObject*>, JS::Handle<jsid>, JS::MutableHandle<JSPropertyDescriptor>) JavaScript Engine Windows 7 fixed
1114034 crash in nsTArray_base<nsTArrayInfallibleAllocator, nsTArray_CopyWithMemutils>::IncrementLength(unsigned int) | _PR_NativeRunThread | pr_root General Windows 7 fixed
1115776 Crashes in EnterIon on Pinterest JavaScript Engine All fixed
1120331 crash in mozilla::ipc::MessageChannel::Send(IPC::Message*) DOM: Content Processes Windows 7 fixed
1127569 shutdownhang in mozilla::ReentrantMonitor::Wait(unsigned int) General Windows NT affected
1133629 crash in mozilla::IMEContentObserver::OnMouseButtonEvent(nsPresContext*, mozilla::WidgetMouseEvent*) DOM: Editor Windows NT fixed
1135272 crash in imgStatusTracker::SyncNotify(imgRequestProxy*) Graphics: ImageLib All fixed
1135286 crash in js::types::TypeSet::addType(js::types::Type, js::LifoAlloc*) JavaScript Engine macOS affected
1135295 crash in OOM | large from [@ mp4_demuxer::MP4Demuxer::Init()] Audio/Video Windows NT fixed
1137343 crash in XPCWrappedNative::AddRef() while calling AsyncStatement::cleanupJSHelpers() SQLite and Embedded Database Bindings Windows NT fixed
1137716 Startup crash on Optimus w/ Intel Ironlake Graphics mozilla::layers::CompositorD3D11::GetTextureFactoryIdentifier() Graphics Windows NT fixed
1138520 shutdownhang in mozilla::dom::ContentParent::Observe DOM: Content Processes Windows NT disabled
1138557 crash in IsMediaSourceURI(nsIURI*) DOM: Core & HTML All fixed
1143866 crash in shutdownhang | WaitForSingleObjectEx | WaitForSingleObject | PR_WaitCondVar | PR_JoinThread | mozilla::dom::DOMStorageDBThread::Shutdown() DOM: Core & HTML Windows affected
1146036 Adobe Flash crashing on Flash thread in libGL.dylib in FF 34 and up Flash (Adobe) macOS affected
1152379 crash in nsRefPtr<mozilla::dom::DocumentFragment>::nsRefPtr<mozilla::dom::DocumentFragment>(mozilla::dom::DocumentFragment*) | AsyncPaintWaitEvent::AsyncPaintWaitEvent(nsIContent*, bool) Plug-ins Windows NT affected

26 Total; 26 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Notes for followup

Unconfirmed Bug Triage

The following tracks triage and testing of incoming, unconfirmed bug reports.

  • Choose a bug to test from the list below
  • Use the latest Nightly build to confirm the bug reproduces
  • Flag with reporter with needinfo if you cannot reproduce and need more information
  • Set the status to NEW and ensure the bug is in the appropriate component if you can reproduce the bug (provide as much detail about your testing as possible)
  • If it's a Firefox bug you may want to add the firefox-backlog=? flag to it.

All Unconfirmed Bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Component Op sys
411268 Tooltips won't disappear / appear outside of the window General Windows
760244 Some spelling suggestions are missing Spelling checker Windows 7
1108543 Broken references via window.frames DOM: Core & HTML macOS
1110523 Files being downloaded twice when proxy enabled Networking: Proxy Windows 7
1111116 Visibility of the close button in an error notification in a <notificationbox> is too low XUL macOS
1113318 Add-on browser buttons can't be found by users after being removed from toolbar. Toolbars and Customization macOS
1116956 Switching networking Location on OS X causes crash Networking macOS
1126761 Alt+key activates menu bar if alt released before key Keyboard Navigation Linux
1129730 Ui.key.chromeAccess=0 is not respected DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Linux
1136343 [10.10] Keyboard doesn't execute commands in OS X Keyboard Navigation macOS
1139145 Panels sometimes get stuck closed Menus Linux
1149076 is not set correctly in contentEditable DOM: Events All
1149963 Technical Details of Page Info missing encryption type Page Info Window Windows 7
1149986 [Feature Request] Add desktop actions support Shell Integration Linux
1151151 Intermittent high CPU usage (under PresShell::Paint) on a complex page running no code Layout Windows 7
1151255 Network monitor returns misleading content on Unauthorized pages Netmonitor Windows 7
1151312 firefox is misbehaving by deleting downloaded files Downloads Panel macOS
1151341 Opening new window from link, window size is incorrect for some pages if titlebar is enabled XUL Windows 7
1152394 Switching Firefox to be the default browser does not update the UI to reflect so until after the dialog box is closed Settings UI macOS
1152729 [SVG] feColorMatrix inverse colors incorrectly Graphics Linux
1152768 When printed, elements with page-break-inside:avoid are pushed to the next page even when they will be page-broken there too Printing: Output Windows 7
1152867 Print OK fail Printing: Output Windows 7
1153223 Add a preference to control what happens when middle-clicking a tab Settings UI Linux
1153605 lagging response, high cpu usage, windows 7, FF36 vs FF37 General Windows 7
1153856 Media info shows "video" instead of "audio". Page Info Window Windows 7
1154909 checkbox input event not firing DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Windows 10
1155039 Certain text rendering too thin when hardware acceleration is disabled Graphics: Text Windows 7
1155157 Keyboard stops responding in Firefox after a while of use since upgrade to 37.0.1 DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling macOS
1155199 browser.sessionstore.max_resumed_crashes allows more crashes than given until the next crash/restart is showing about:sessionrestore Session Restore Linux
1155277 Split the long string showing the encryption type in 'Site Identity Button'|More Info|Security Page Info Window All
1155982 Artifacts on screen from selecting table cells General Windows 8.1
1156083 PDF file created with "Print to File" has bad FontBBox for Type-1 fonts Printing: Output Linux
1156286 window.getSelection returns the wrong object in a contentEditable label DOM: Selection Windows 7
1156699 Email body is not loading in webmail due to overly deep tag nesting Layout Windows 7
1156765 Tell the proxy host in connection error message Networking: Proxy Unspecified
1156827 rotated svg text badly rendered SVG Windows 7
1157443 JPEG Image without file extension is saved with jpe extension File Handling Unspecified
1158245 Command w does not work to close windows or tabs DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling macOS
1158435 input type number spin buttons on Windows Server 2012 R2 render issue Widget: Win32 Unspecified
1158477 Need hotkey to focus on content Keyboard Navigation Unspecified
1158555 Selection API is inconsistent with chrome and ie in some languages DOM: Selection Unspecified
1158559 Typing in address bar, then pressing enter caused the "Restore" button of about:sessionrestore to trigger. Session Restore Unspecified
1158662 Forward slash hotkey ("/") does not always work on pages that are fully loaded. DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling All
1158721 Make Ctrl+W to close video fullscreen consistent DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling All
1158827 [D2D] lack of hwa on computer with GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS Graphics Windows 7
1158829 On Firefox Mobile Unicode icons like &#128274; or &#128204; suddenly require double linespace. Graphics: Text Unspecified
1158841 Bookmark removal hotkey broken DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Unspecified
1159214 In contenteditable elements, -moz-user-select:none elements are copied instead of moved on drag/drop DOM: Selection Unspecified
1160826 Incorrect redraw when maximized and switching monitors with keyboard Graphics Unspecified
1160876 Joomla 2.5 backend animation not working Layout Unspecified
1161368 Dynamically-loaded image sometimes receives 206, never completes Networking: Cache All
1162409 MathML rendering/layout is slow (compared with mathml.css) MathML Unspecified
1163017 Show all tabs doesn't work in permanent private mode Private Browsing Unspecified
1163147 wqy-zenhei has lower priority than xorg bitmap fonts for japanese Layout: Text and Fonts Linux
1163669 Websocket Flow Control: Tell server to stop sending when client cannot handle it Networking: WebSockets Unspecified
1163713 IAccessible2: Not possible to select to caret when caret is outside of current object Disability Access APIs Unspecified
1163964 ntlm authentication os x Networking macOS
1164665 Support for events on desktop multi-touch trackpads DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Unspecified
1164960 Excessive cpu usage (100%) opening Google Map DOM: Core & HTML Unspecified
1165595 [quirks] intrinsic width of image with percentage height does not correctly account for the quirks percentage height behavior Layout Unspecified
1166034 incorrect CSS rendering with multiple transparent animated divs Layout Linux
1166178 Tel: URIs for no protocol FireFox versions/platforms General Unspecified
1167363 Default Printer Wont Stick Printing: Setup Unspecified
1171089 LDAP Address books sync but appear blank Address Book Unspecified
1177985 Crash on low disk space. TB should warn on low disk space. Untriaged Unspecified
1201971 Back button slow (also forward button) DOM: Navigation Linux
1264770 Tooltips not visible on chrome mode XUL Linux
1587255 Firefox browser is occasionally unresponsive in MAC 10.14.5 Widget: Cocoa Unspecified

68 Total; 68 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Unchanged Since One Week

These bugs may need extra attention.

Full Query
ID Summary Component Op sys
411268 Tooltips won't disappear / appear outside of the window General Windows
760244 Some spelling suggestions are missing Spelling checker Windows 7
1108543 Broken references via window.frames DOM: Core & HTML macOS
1110523 Files being downloaded twice when proxy enabled Networking: Proxy Windows 7
1111116 Visibility of the close button in an error notification in a <notificationbox> is too low XUL macOS
1113318 Add-on browser buttons can't be found by users after being removed from toolbar. Toolbars and Customization macOS
1116956 Switching networking Location on OS X causes crash Networking macOS
1126761 Alt+key activates menu bar if alt released before key Keyboard Navigation Linux
1129730 Ui.key.chromeAccess=0 is not respected DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Linux
1136343 [10.10] Keyboard doesn't execute commands in OS X Keyboard Navigation macOS
1139145 Panels sometimes get stuck closed Menus Linux
1149076 is not set correctly in contentEditable DOM: Events All
1149963 Technical Details of Page Info missing encryption type Page Info Window Windows 7
1149986 [Feature Request] Add desktop actions support Shell Integration Linux
1151151 Intermittent high CPU usage (under PresShell::Paint) on a complex page running no code Layout Windows 7
1151255 Network monitor returns misleading content on Unauthorized pages Netmonitor Windows 7
1151312 firefox is misbehaving by deleting downloaded files Downloads Panel macOS
1151341 Opening new window from link, window size is incorrect for some pages if titlebar is enabled XUL Windows 7
1152394 Switching Firefox to be the default browser does not update the UI to reflect so until after the dialog box is closed Settings UI macOS
1152729 [SVG] feColorMatrix inverse colors incorrectly Graphics Linux
1152768 When printed, elements with page-break-inside:avoid are pushed to the next page even when they will be page-broken there too Printing: Output Windows 7
1152867 Print OK fail Printing: Output Windows 7
1153223 Add a preference to control what happens when middle-clicking a tab Settings UI Linux
1153605 lagging response, high cpu usage, windows 7, FF36 vs FF37 General Windows 7
1153856 Media info shows "video" instead of "audio". Page Info Window Windows 7
1154909 checkbox input event not firing DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Windows 10
1155039 Certain text rendering too thin when hardware acceleration is disabled Graphics: Text Windows 7
1155157 Keyboard stops responding in Firefox after a while of use since upgrade to 37.0.1 DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling macOS
1155199 browser.sessionstore.max_resumed_crashes allows more crashes than given until the next crash/restart is showing about:sessionrestore Session Restore Linux
1155277 Split the long string showing the encryption type in 'Site Identity Button'|More Info|Security Page Info Window All
1155982 Artifacts on screen from selecting table cells General Windows 8.1
1156083 PDF file created with "Print to File" has bad FontBBox for Type-1 fonts Printing: Output Linux
1156286 window.getSelection returns the wrong object in a contentEditable label DOM: Selection Windows 7
1156699 Email body is not loading in webmail due to overly deep tag nesting Layout Windows 7
1156765 Tell the proxy host in connection error message Networking: Proxy Unspecified
1156827 rotated svg text badly rendered SVG Windows 7
1157443 JPEG Image without file extension is saved with jpe extension File Handling Unspecified
1158245 Command w does not work to close windows or tabs DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling macOS
1158435 input type number spin buttons on Windows Server 2012 R2 render issue Widget: Win32 Unspecified
1158477 Need hotkey to focus on content Keyboard Navigation Unspecified
1158555 Selection API is inconsistent with chrome and ie in some languages DOM: Selection Unspecified
1158559 Typing in address bar, then pressing enter caused the "Restore" button of about:sessionrestore to trigger. Session Restore Unspecified
1158662 Forward slash hotkey ("/") does not always work on pages that are fully loaded. DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling All
1158721 Make Ctrl+W to close video fullscreen consistent DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling All
1158827 [D2D] lack of hwa on computer with GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS Graphics Windows 7
1158829 On Firefox Mobile Unicode icons like &#128274; or &#128204; suddenly require double linespace. Graphics: Text Unspecified
1158841 Bookmark removal hotkey broken DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Unspecified
1159214 In contenteditable elements, -moz-user-select:none elements are copied instead of moved on drag/drop DOM: Selection Unspecified
1160826 Incorrect redraw when maximized and switching monitors with keyboard Graphics Unspecified
1160876 Joomla 2.5 backend animation not working Layout Unspecified
1161368 Dynamically-loaded image sometimes receives 206, never completes Networking: Cache All
1162409 MathML rendering/layout is slow (compared with mathml.css) MathML Unspecified
1163017 Show all tabs doesn't work in permanent private mode Private Browsing Unspecified
1163147 wqy-zenhei has lower priority than xorg bitmap fonts for japanese Layout: Text and Fonts Linux
1163669 Websocket Flow Control: Tell server to stop sending when client cannot handle it Networking: WebSockets Unspecified
1163713 IAccessible2: Not possible to select to caret when caret is outside of current object Disability Access APIs Unspecified
1163964 ntlm authentication os x Networking macOS
1164665 Support for events on desktop multi-touch trackpads DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Unspecified
1164960 Excessive cpu usage (100%) opening Google Map DOM: Core & HTML Unspecified
1165595 [quirks] intrinsic width of image with percentage height does not correctly account for the quirks percentage height behavior Layout Unspecified
1166034 incorrect CSS rendering with multiple transparent animated divs Layout Linux
1166178 Tel: URIs for no protocol FireFox versions/platforms General Unspecified
1167363 Default Printer Wont Stick Printing: Setup Unspecified
1171089 LDAP Address books sync but appear blank Address Book Unspecified
1177985 Crash on low disk space. TB should warn on low disk space. Untriaged Unspecified
1201971 Back button slow (also forward button) DOM: Navigation Linux
1264770 Tooltips not visible on chrome mode XUL Linux
1587255 Firefox browser is occasionally unresponsive in MAC 10.14.5 Widget: Cocoa Unspecified

68 Total; 68 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Unchanged Since One Month

These are likely to be confusing or non-reproducible issues. We should make decisions to either close these or tag these unactionable, and filter them out

Full Query
ID Summary Component Op sys
411268 Tooltips won't disappear / appear outside of the window General Windows
760244 Some spelling suggestions are missing Spelling checker Windows 7
1108543 Broken references via window.frames DOM: Core & HTML macOS
1110523 Files being downloaded twice when proxy enabled Networking: Proxy Windows 7
1111116 Visibility of the close button in an error notification in a <notificationbox> is too low XUL macOS
1113318 Add-on browser buttons can't be found by users after being removed from toolbar. Toolbars and Customization macOS
1116956 Switching networking Location on OS X causes crash Networking macOS
1126761 Alt+key activates menu bar if alt released before key Keyboard Navigation Linux
1129730 Ui.key.chromeAccess=0 is not respected DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Linux
1136343 [10.10] Keyboard doesn't execute commands in OS X Keyboard Navigation macOS
1139145 Panels sometimes get stuck closed Menus Linux
1149076 is not set correctly in contentEditable DOM: Events All
1149963 Technical Details of Page Info missing encryption type Page Info Window Windows 7
1149986 [Feature Request] Add desktop actions support Shell Integration Linux
1151151 Intermittent high CPU usage (under PresShell::Paint) on a complex page running no code Layout Windows 7
1151255 Network monitor returns misleading content on Unauthorized pages Netmonitor Windows 7
1151312 firefox is misbehaving by deleting downloaded files Downloads Panel macOS
1151341 Opening new window from link, window size is incorrect for some pages if titlebar is enabled XUL Windows 7
1152729 [SVG] feColorMatrix inverse colors incorrectly Graphics Linux
1152768 When printed, elements with page-break-inside:avoid are pushed to the next page even when they will be page-broken there too Printing: Output Windows 7
1152867 Print OK fail Printing: Output Windows 7
1153223 Add a preference to control what happens when middle-clicking a tab Settings UI Linux
1153605 lagging response, high cpu usage, windows 7, FF36 vs FF37 General Windows 7
1153856 Media info shows "video" instead of "audio". Page Info Window Windows 7
1154909 checkbox input event not firing DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Windows 10
1155039 Certain text rendering too thin when hardware acceleration is disabled Graphics: Text Windows 7
1155157 Keyboard stops responding in Firefox after a while of use since upgrade to 37.0.1 DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling macOS
1155199 browser.sessionstore.max_resumed_crashes allows more crashes than given until the next crash/restart is showing about:sessionrestore Session Restore Linux
1155277 Split the long string showing the encryption type in 'Site Identity Button'|More Info|Security Page Info Window All
1155982 Artifacts on screen from selecting table cells General Windows 8.1
1156083 PDF file created with "Print to File" has bad FontBBox for Type-1 fonts Printing: Output Linux
1156286 window.getSelection returns the wrong object in a contentEditable label DOM: Selection Windows 7
1156699 Email body is not loading in webmail due to overly deep tag nesting Layout Windows 7
1156765 Tell the proxy host in connection error message Networking: Proxy Unspecified
1156827 rotated svg text badly rendered SVG Windows 7
1157443 JPEG Image without file extension is saved with jpe extension File Handling Unspecified
1158245 Command w does not work to close windows or tabs DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling macOS
1158435 input type number spin buttons on Windows Server 2012 R2 render issue Widget: Win32 Unspecified
1158477 Need hotkey to focus on content Keyboard Navigation Unspecified
1158555 Selection API is inconsistent with chrome and ie in some languages DOM: Selection Unspecified
1158559 Typing in address bar, then pressing enter caused the "Restore" button of about:sessionrestore to trigger. Session Restore Unspecified
1158662 Forward slash hotkey ("/") does not always work on pages that are fully loaded. DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling All
1158721 Make Ctrl+W to close video fullscreen consistent DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling All
1158827 [D2D] lack of hwa on computer with GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS Graphics Windows 7
1158829 On Firefox Mobile Unicode icons like &#128274; or &#128204; suddenly require double linespace. Graphics: Text Unspecified
1158841 Bookmark removal hotkey broken DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling Unspecified
1159214 In contenteditable elements, -moz-user-select:none elements are copied instead of moved on drag/drop DOM: Selection Unspecified
1160826 Incorrect redraw when maximized and switching monitors with keyboard Graphics Unspecified
1160876 Joomla 2.5 backend animation not working Layout Unspecified
1161368 Dynamically-loaded image sometimes receives 206, never completes Networking: Cache All
1162409 MathML rendering/layout is slow (compared with mathml.css) MathML Unspecified
1163017 Show all tabs doesn't work in permanent private mode Private Browsing Unspecified
1163147 wqy-zenhei has lower priority than xorg bitmap fonts for japanese Layout: Text and Fonts Linux
1163669 Websocket Flow Control: Tell server to stop sending when client cannot handle it Networking: WebSockets Unspecified
1163713 IAccessible2: Not possible to select to caret when caret is outside of current object Disability Access APIs Unspecified
1163964 ntlm authentication os x Networking macOS
1164960 Excessive cpu usage (100%) opening Google Map DOM: Core & HTML Unspecified
1165595 [quirks] intrinsic width of image with percentage height does not correctly account for the quirks percentage height behavior Layout Unspecified
1166034 incorrect CSS rendering with multiple transparent animated divs Layout Linux
1166178 Tel: URIs for no protocol FireFox versions/platforms General Unspecified
1167363 Default Printer Wont Stick Printing: Setup Unspecified
1171089 LDAP Address books sync but appear blank Address Book Unspecified
1177985 Crash on low disk space. TB should warn on low disk space. Untriaged Unspecified
1201971 Back button slow (also forward button) DOM: Navigation Linux
1264770 Tooltips not visible on chrome mode XUL Linux
1587255 Firefox browser is occasionally unresponsive in MAC 10.14.5 Widget: Cocoa Unspecified

66 Total; 66 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Verification Needed Bugs

  • Review the bugs below in the Pending Triage section and select a bug you want to test
  • Make sure you understand the bug before you begin testing it
  • Test on a previously known broken build to make sure you can reproduce the bug
  • Test on the latest build from the branches which are fixed to confirm the bug no longer reproduces
  • Mark the bug VERIFIED FIXED if the bug appears to be fixed and set the appropriate status-firefox flag to verified
  • Reopen the bug if it still reproduces

Iteration Development

Firefox development during Nightly works on two-week iterations as of 2014. This section tracks the bugs selected for development in these iterations. Please consult the Iteration Dev Walkthrough and the Firefox/IterativeDevelopment page for more information on this process.

  • Ensure all bugs are marked qe-verify:+ or -
  • Ensure all qe-verify:+ bugs have a QA Contact (The Feature Owner page may help here)
  • Ensure all selected bugs are VERIFIED before the end of the iteration
  • Anything incomplete at the end of the iteration will be automatically carried over to the next iteration
Full Query
ID Summary Status Qa contact Whiteboard Qa whiteboard
639134 "Allow pages to choose their own colors" does not work with high contrast windows themes VERIFIED Cornel Ionce [:noni] [Hubs QA] No cf_qa_whiteboard
940954 Let Marionette support shutdown/restart tests RESOLVED [affects=loop] [qa-][qx:P-] No cf_qa_whiteboard
993909 Implement counting/processing of links request data RESOLVED .003 No cf_qa_whiteboard
993914 Set up long term storage of appropriate data RESOLVED .005 No cf_qa_whiteboard
995262 Accept and store tile pings for impressions/clicks RESOLVED .006 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1018350 Create reports from tile view/click pings RESOLVED .006 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1019985 Module to drive FxA migration process RESOLVED Tracy Walker [:tracy] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1022578 Can't tell what category is selected in about:preferences when using High Contrast mode VERIFIED Camelia Badau [:cbadau], Desktop Test Engineering No cf_qa_whiteboard
1045498 Link clicker UI needs new UX for notification of non supported browser on supported platform RESOLVED [strings][standalone] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1059600 New tabs for javascript: links don't have a title VERIFIED Vasilica Tamas, QA [:vtamas] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1064218 Detect syntax failures in Loop's unit tests RESOLVED u279076 [tech-debt] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1072342 CSS -moz-window-inactive is always active for e10s windows VERIFIED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1074667 As a user, I should have a system notification when someone joins a room VERIFIED u279076 [rooms] [strings] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1075450 Private Windows shouldn't disable switch-to-tab by disabling all autocomplete actions VERIFIED Andrei Vaida [:avaida] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1079225 Standalone link clicker UI needs a rooms feedback form RESOLVED u279076 [rooms] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1080943 UITour: allow opening the Hello panel RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1080944 UITour: Investigate letting the tour page know where Hello panel and room view are positioned RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1080947 UITour: tell the page when a Hello room view opens or closes RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1083512 [E10S] Sometimes the browser restores 2 identical windows (Copy) from last session RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1085291 A bookmark node that is inserted by live-update code is missing bookmarkGuid value (was: Drag & drop bookmark from the toolbar to a folder not working) VERIFIED Andrei Vaida [:avaida] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1085374 Awesome Bar: Firefox suggests "[keyword] – Search with [default search engine]" when entering "[keyword][space]", but loads the search engine related to the keyword VERIFIED Andrei Vaida [:avaida] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1087528 Show callID, sessionID and timestamp to the user for debugging purposes RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1088050 Need a pref to disable searching for single-word input in the URL bar RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1088095 [UX] Design Spike: Create a plan for tab/url sharing/pushing/streaming RESOLVED [ux] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1088508 Update Loop button icon images and rendered size VERIFIED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1088659 Standalone (link clicker) UI needs sounds for rooms implementation RESOLVED u279076 [rooms][fixed by bug 1088650] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1088660 Improve the search bar UI to support one-off searches RESOLVED Petruta Horea [:phorea], Desktop Test Engineering (back on Sep 5th) No cf_qa_whiteboard
1090430 [e10s] Restored foreground "about:preferences" tab just renders as a giant throbber image VERIFIED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1092953 Loop "delete a room" operation should ask end-user confirmation VERIFIED u279076 [rooms] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1092954 Before deleting a Loop room, the client should check room membership and disconnect all current participants VERIFIED u279076 [rooms] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1095303 Loop functional e2e test is broken RESOLVED u279076 [tech-debt] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1096534 ContentSearch should load the search URL in the browser/tab sending the search message, not the current/selected browser in the top-level chrome window VERIFIED Petruta Horea [:phorea], Desktop Test Engineering (back on Sep 5th) No cf_qa_whiteboard
1096837 Allow PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update({ parentGuid, index: DEFAULT_INDEX }) RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1096856 fetch({ url }) should exclude tags (like PlacesUtils.getBookmarksForURI) RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1097703 Standalone version of UI for ROOM clickers should allow users to install and/or open the FxOS Loop client RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1097742 Standalone Rooms shouldn't join the room until after user media has been accepted RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1097942 UITour function for changing selected search provider RESOLVED Catalin Varga [QA][:VarCat] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1098296 addLivemark should take a dateAdded input property RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1098540 Standalone room view - muting local video should display the default avatar image RESOLVED u279076 [rooms][standalone] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1100079 enable update badge UI in Nightly VERIFIED Cornel Ionce [:noni] [Hubs QA] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1100378 Standalone room view should have an option to retry connecting to a room if something went wrong RESOLVED u279076 [standalone][rooms] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1100565 Margins and paddings are inconsistent/broken since bug 1074672 RESOLVED u279076 [UX bug] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1100914 Switch context menu telemetry to a serialized array of states instead of a single string VERIFIED Catalin Varga [QA][:VarCat] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1101147 Update about:newtab search styling VERIFIED Petruta Horea [:phorea], Desktop Test Engineering (back on Sep 5th) No cf_qa_whiteboard
1101378 video self-image can be cropped, falsely making users think they're transmitting less video than they are RESOLVED u279076 [standalone][rooms] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1101482 browser_988072_sidebar_events.js intermittently fails with --e10s --run-by-dir RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1101648 UITour needs a way to detect which engine is currently selected RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1101670 UITour: ability to set a search term and show the search popup VERIFIED Catalin Varga [QA][:VarCat] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1101790 UITour: ability to set prefs and data in FHR RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1101825 Create UITour event framework RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1102911 The search engine favicons are distorted in search preferences on Linux VERIFIED Petruta Horea [:phorea], Desktop Test Engineering (back on Sep 5th) No cf_qa_whiteboard
1102932 Text color of open search providers should be white on hover VERIFIED Catalin Varga [QA][:VarCat] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1103068 Child process leaks held alive by nsXPCWrappedJS (nsIWebProgressListener) RESOLVED [MemShrink] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1103119 Search drop down fails to display properly if a search engine has no icon VERIFIED Petruta Horea [:phorea], Desktop Test Engineering (back on Sep 5th) No cf_qa_whiteboard
1103156 Improve MozLoopAPI error messages RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1103190 land Flare strings in Firefox 36 and enable it for all locales RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1103622 PlacesTransactions.Annotate for multiple items RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1103636 PlacesTransactions.Remove(guids), PlacesTransactions.RemoveBookmarksForUrls RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1103960 aNewParentGuid isn't passed to onItemMoved by PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1103978 aNewValue=undefined in onItemChange for removed keyword RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104051 Loop rooms UI layout for standalone needs to be responsive (usable on mobile/smaller screens) RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104114 Change strings for explanatory bubbles for one-off searches VERIFIED Petruta Horea [:phorea], Desktop Test Engineering (back on Sep 5th) No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104221 Search drop down shows the icon of the previous default engine if the new default doesn't have an icon VERIFIED Petruta Horea [:phorea], Desktop Test Engineering (back on Sep 5th) No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104279 Direct FxA Hello calls don't connect after you log in VERIFIED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104730 Tracking Protection: no icon in preferences when using 2dppi on non-OSX RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104748 A long default search provider name can mess up the layout of the one-off buttons when the panel is small VERIFIED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104796 Bookmarks.remove disallows removing any direct child of the places root RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104846 The search engine favicons are distorted in search preferences on Windows VERIFIED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104875 Long unresponsive scripts should be truncated so that they don't extend past screen RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1104921 UITour: Add Loop panel targets RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105208 regression: (null) title for Bookmarks Toolbar, Bookmarks Menu, Unsorted Bookmarks VERIFIED Andrei Vaida [:avaida] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105347 If something goes wrong in a Loop room, then devices aren't released, and the room isn't left VERIFIED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105456 Temporarily disable Unified Complete due to regressions RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105488 Update Privacy and ToS urls for Loop VERIFIED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105525 'Name this conversation' translations often cropped in room view because texts longer than English RESOLVED u279076 [l10n] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105537 Add strings in preparation for upcoming Loop improvements RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105540 Show tooltips for buttons 'Copy Link' and 'Delete conversation' RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105698 On the standalone, you can see a brief flash of the feedback smiles upon leaving a Rooms URL RESOLVED u279076 [UX bug][stand-alone] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105708 Texts/labels of buttons to mail/copy link if there was an issue with conversation cropped in some locales RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105802 Add Beta tag to the Rooms standalone page RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105809 The feedback form is not centered to the video screen for the standalone client VERIFIED u279076 [UX bug] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1105911 Can't arrow back into location bar once the autocomplete popup has been shown by arrowing down VERIFIED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1106238 about:home search icon has a solid background, should be transparent VERIFIED Petruta Horea [:phorea], Desktop Test Engineering (back on Sep 5th) No cf_qa_whiteboard
1106239 Fix up the styling for about:home's and about:newtab's search panel and about:newtab's customize panel RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1106474 Drop conversationStore's use of Backbone.Model RESOLVED u279076 [tech-debt] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1106530 Forefox 33.1.1 new Date("2014/01/01") return wrong date RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1106538 When deleting a Room in Firefox Hello Desktop, the Room is not removed from the Conversation list VERIFIED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1106936 [e10s] Loading Spinner Doesn't Activate VERIFIED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1106952 Remove openstandard tile from en locales RESOLVED .002 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1106991 Firefox Hello cog/gear sub-menu "Tour" entry is missing an icon RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1107090 Loop "delete a room" doesn't delete the room after modal confirmation RESOLVED u279076 [rooms] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1107210 Conversation Name doesn't update in the panel when changing it in the room preview RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1107255 Clicking on a room, or starting a direct conversation should close the panel RESOLVED u279076 [good first verify] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1108173 Add new tile for 12/8 RESOLVED .001 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1109032 [Loop] Can't open only audio call from received shared link. RESOLVED u279076 [mobile app][regression-1.1] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1109073 Conversation name doesn't get bold in the Loop panel after starting a call RESOLVED u279076 [good first verify] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1109849 Don't show the rooms feedback form if no-one has entered the room yet RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1110507 self-image can be cropped by being out of scroll (firefox embedded client) RESOLVED u279076 [rooms] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1111011 panel should close when Start a Conversation button is clicked RESOLVED u279076 [good first verify] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1112021 Extra outline/overlap of local video shadow on top of remote video RESOLVED u279076 [good first verify] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1112264 self-image can be cropped by being out of scroll (standalone client) RESOLVED u279076 [standalone][rooms] No cf_qa_whiteboard
1113346 disable browser_parsable_css.js in and add UITour mochitests RESOLVED u279076 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1116598 Click on link " Learn more..." in "Health report" screen , opens empty tabs RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1117272 Email link option from File menu, not working when E10S enabled RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1118255 The about:webrtc page is broken RESOLVED No cf_qa_whiteboard
1119032 Remove comma from IAB category 'credit, debt & loans' RESOLVED .004 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1119034 Remove comma from IAB category 'credit, debt & loans' RESOLVED .004 No cf_qa_whiteboard
1132881 test VERIFIED No cf_qa_whiteboard

108 Total; 0 Open (0%); 74 Resolved (68.52%); 34 Verified (31.48%);


Aurora Migration

Post-merge Work (as soon as updates are disabled):

  • [DONE] MM-CI - configure the mozilla-aurora_update testrun on MM-CI to use the auroratest channel (before first Aurora builds are generated)

Pre-sign-off Checks:

  • [DONE] Automation - document all Mozmill test failures (on functional tests) and memory usage regressions (on endurance tests - note that those are only run on nightly, so you look for regressions that happened there). Bugs for those are usually filed by the automation team, but check that they are on top of that.
  • [DONE] Features - all scoped features are signed off as ready for Aurora by owners. (If you haven't heard anything to the contrary, that is probably true, but make sure we don't know of blocking issues.)
  • [DONE] Bugs - document and review any reported bugs and issues, nominate them for tracking if serious (i.e. make sure all bugs needed to be tracked have at least a request for that up).
  • [DONE] Stability - review crash stats before sign-off to raise any red flags.
  • [DONE] L10n - contact L10n drivers (usually :Pike) to see if there are any known localization issues.

Post-sign-off Checks (as soon as updates are enabled again):

  • [DONE] MM-CI - configure the mozilla-aurora_update testrun on MM-CI to use the aurora channel
  • [DONE] Updates - previous versions of Aurora update to the new version (check a few old builds manually once next round of new builds is available)


Sign-off emails

  • For Beta 1 and RC, sign off on beta-cdntest, RelMan needs to give the "go" for pushing out
  • For Betas in between, directly send "go" for pushing when beta-cdntest is OK.

Beta 1

Build Information


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
1136648 A new tab is opened with the results if a search is performed from a pinned about:home tab WONTFIX

1 Total; 1 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 2

Build Information


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
905902 Crash while scrolling complex and big web pages WONTFIX
956337 Intermittently printed PDF comes out garbled WORKSFORME
972658 Undo 'restore defaults' does not restore toolbar visibility (bookmarks / menu toolbar )
1092166 Crash in [@ DeallocateCB ] caused by SetOutputType() WORKSFORME
1124287 html5 full screen video freezes as a black screen DUPLICATE
1138967 Playing 4K YouTube HTML5 MSE videos seriously slows down the browser FIXED
1138993 Landscape pdf print preview generates one empty page for every page of the pdf file. FIXED

7 Total; 7 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 3

Build Information


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
991683 [Session Restore] Don't [always] read sessionstore.js [early] during startup
1113580 On Mac Crash Reporter is out of focus DUPLICATE
1113647 crash in @0x0 | WORKSFORME
1132433 YouTube settings menu is misplaced after playing several high definition videos from the recommended videos section INCOMPLETE
1140424 WebGL causes extremely low FPS and screen flickers on machines with Radeon 3000 and 5450 WORKSFORME

5 Total; 5 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 4

Build Information


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
942130 360p max resolution for WebM HTML5 Videos on Youtube DUPLICATE
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content FIXED
962560 Audio volume UI resets to full volume after toggling the screen size of a video FIXED
1010976 Hitting the "Hide Controls" option twice causes the container area to disappear FIXED
1059726 Hide Controls/Show Controls displays fullscreen button for audio files. DUPLICATE
1069940 Intermittent browser_600545.js | uncaught exception - NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_NATIVE: at :0 WORKSFORME
1096357 "Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally" JS error appear in browser console while browsing facebook and youtube on MacOS INCOMPLETE
1099151 Can not copy to clipboard using 'Ctrl + C' on html5 youtube videos DUPLICATE
1113743 crash in TIntermConstantUnion::getIConst(unsigned int) DUPLICATE

9 Total; 9 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 5

Build Information


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
591893 Undo or cancel the installation of add-ons in search pane doesn't list them anymore in "Available Add-ons" WONTFIX
806247 crash in _wcsicmp with randomly named DLL (malware) INCOMPLETE
1072151 crash in OOM | unknown | js::CrashAtUnhandlableOOM(char const*) | js::Nursery::moveToTenured(js::gc::MinorCollectionTracer*, JSObject*) WORKSFORME
1113633 WebGL game "Barfight" no longer displays some textures (errors in shader.js) WONTFIX
1131604 Yahoo toolbar preferences are broken and several elements are missing from the toolbar INVALID
1140424 WebGL causes extremely low FPS and screen flickers on machines with Radeon 3000 and 5450 WORKSFORME
1142934 crash in INCOMPLETE
1142945 Always deny fullscreen should not be a possible input FIXED
1142975 crash in mozilla::gl::GLContext::IsOffscreenSizeAllowed(mozilla::gfx::IntSizeTyped<mozilla::gfx::UnknownUnits> const&) FIXED
1142992 Youtube video stops after some minutes (with 1080p) WORKSFORME

10 Total; 10 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 6

Build Information


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
114398 Mozilla/N6 not permitted to enter their website WORKSFORME
719114 Crash in [@ js::GCMarker::processMarkStackTop ] from heap corruption
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content FIXED
1020341 Switching several times between print preview orientations has a significant impact performance-wise
1030622 Second search searches initial text with new hightlighting FIXED
1083276 Changes to name and email address of contact in 'Edit details' not shown after the first save, only after second and later WORKSFORME
1096357 "Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally" JS error appear in browser console while browsing facebook and youtube on MacOS INCOMPLETE
1109085 Total number for find results constantly changes when going through matching strings in PDF file DUPLICATE
1113673 Loop icon is not blue during a call between FxA Accounts WONTFIX
1122858 The Firefox Hello window opens to the top left edge of the screen if the Hello icon is placed in the hamburger menu INCOMPLETE
1123349 Room is still full after going offline / if the browser crashes INCOMPLETE
1127858 Bad framerate and high CPU when context menu is open, window out of focus or hovering some overlays (non-MSE HTML5 WebM) INCOMPLETE
1131638 Multiple AMD video cards have issues displaying 1080@60fps videos FIXED
1132433 YouTube settings menu is misplaced after playing several high definition videos from the recommended videos section INCOMPLETE
1132860 Error printing when trying to print a pdf file after exiting 'Presentation Mode' WORKSFORME
1137599 Transparency issue in Conversation window INCOMPLETE
1137602 Windows only - Global indicator does not call any pop-ups from Firefox INCOMPLETE
1144124 Select all in PDFs also selects text in the pdf.js UI
1144148 [Find bar] Searched word is replaced with previous one after changing focus WORKSFORME
1144172 [Youtube][HTML5] Specific video stops at 4 seconds on some hardware DUPLICATE
1144722 Hello button cannot be positioned at the top of Menu panel INCOMPLETE
1145096 Misleading information via Hello hint window INCOMPLETE
1145142 Dragging the last tab from a window with an active conversation into another window interrupts the conversation INCOMPLETE

23 Total; 23 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Beta 7

Build Information


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
991683 [Session Restore] Don't [always] read sessionstore.js [early] during startup
1000108 Switching videos from sd to hd in quicktime is not working properly in Firefox. INCOMPLETE
1052415 [Linux] Videos played using libtotem( quicktime for linux) plugin are glitching over different Firefox tabs. WONTFIX
1138393 Pinned tab is selected after restoring the previous session
1140729 DASH-IF test player can't load 4K video WORKSFORME
1142945 Always deny fullscreen should not be a possible input FIXED
1142992 Youtube video stops after some minutes (with 1080p) WORKSFORME
1145570 Volume control button no longer works as expected after right-click on Flash Youtube video WONTFIX
1145584 crash in BuildTextRunsScanner::BuildTextRunForFrames(void*)
1145586 Ugly flickering for ads on Youtube fullscreen (Flash) WORKSFORME
1145613 Crash in [@ ReleaseData ] & [@ ReleaseData(void*, unsigned int)] WORKSFORME

11 Total; 11 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Release Candidate

Build Information


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report) - FAILED for tr because of CDN having wrong builds after a re-repack, updates blocked, will be solved via shipping build2.

Build 2 (done because of bug 1147521):

  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • This is the 37.0 release build. We should test updates on beta-cdntest for a preliminary sign-off (Release Management must give the "go" for pushing to beta), then on beta after the push to beta, and then on the day before release (Monday), after a full sign-off and push to that channel, run tests on release-cdntest.
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
827042 [Regression Firefox v17 -> v18] Flash video stop playing if the context menu is visible WONTFIX
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content FIXED
1000108 Switching videos from sd to hd in quicktime is not working properly in Firefox. INCOMPLETE
1069940 Intermittent browser_600545.js | uncaught exception - NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_NATIVE: at :0 WORKSFORME
1096357 "Unable to run script because scripts are blocked internally" JS error appear in browser console while browsing facebook and youtube on MacOS INCOMPLETE
1138967 Playing 4K YouTube HTML5 MSE videos seriously slows down the browser FIXED
1140729 DASH-IF test player can't load 4K video WORKSFORME
1142992 Youtube video stops after some minutes (with 1080p) WORKSFORME
1143988 Make YouTube 360° videos work well WORKSFORME
1147363 [Youtube][HTML5] Settings set after having clicked "Next" are lost when exiting fullscreen WORKSFORME
1147447 WebGL ANGLE D3D11 Crash in [@ msvcr120.dll@0x5da69 ] FIXED
1147448 Large OOM in mp4_demuxer::Box::Box DUPLICATE
1148377 [Youtube][HTML5] Video no longer works when seeking after an ad is played at the end INVALID

13 Total; 13 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Release 37.0

Build Information

  • See Release Candidate Build 2


  • Update Testing - see Release Candidate Build 2
  • Throttle Testing (see Walkthrough for details)
    • Used commands:
    • Results
      • After release push (expected to be @ 25%), 2015-03-31: Win32: 22% - Mac: 21% - Linux32: 24% - Linux64: 24%
      • Rest skipped due to 37.0.1 release


Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran with/without unexpected failures
  • No blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-localtest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)
  • Throttle Testing (see Walkthrough for details)
    • Used commands:
    • Results
      • After release push (expected to be @ 25%), 2015-04-03: Win32: 24% - Mac: 26% - Linux32: 23% - Linux64: 23%
      • After disabling updates (expected to be @ 0%), never done.
      • After fully enabling updates (expected to be @ 100%), 2015-04-07: Win32: 100% - Mac: 100% - Linux32: 100% - Linux64: 100%

Bugs Reported

Full Query
ID Summary Resolution
749824 Cannot "view image" or "save image as" on webgl canvas, result is blank
947079 Passive mixed content indicator (grey triangle) shows up on full HTTPS sites that have no mixed content FIXED
962560 Audio volume UI resets to full volume after toggling the screen size of a video FIXED
1124427 Microsoft WebGL Stress Test crashes Firefox WORKSFORME
1142992 Youtube video stops after some minutes (with 1080p) WORKSFORME

5 Total; 5 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


Build Information

Sign-off Criteria

  • Mozmill functional automation ran without unexpected failures
  • Mozmill update automation ran without unexpected failures
  • No blocking regression, stability, or support issues discovered


  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Automation Functional tests (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-localtest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on release channel (report)
  • Throttle Testing (see Walkthrough for details)
    • Used commands:
    • Results
      • After release push (expected to be @ 25%), 2015-04-20: Win32: 24% - Mac: 24% - Linux32: 26% - Linux64: 23%
      • After fully enabling updates (expected to be @ 100%), 2015-04-23: Win32: 100% - Mac: 100% - Linux32: 100% - Linux64: 100%

Bugs Reported

Bugzilla query error

error, http-bad-status, Array