Releases/Firefox 4.0/BuildNotes

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Release Engineers

bhearsum, nthomas, jhford

Tracking Bug

bug 642234


Notify Mirrors

Joduinn sent this on March 16th.

RC1 version

Config Update

This small update to the release config was landed.

Automated Parts

Some of this release-day work makes sense to do from the release automation. Use force build for these.


forced build using the webform with values

your name: jhford
reason for build: retagging for 4.0 release
branch to build: <left blank>
revision to build: <left blank>
repository to build: <left blank>
project to build: <left blank>
prop1 name: script_repo_revision
     value: FIREFOX_4_0_RELEASE
prop2 name: release_config
     value: mozilla/


Forced build on builder page using form values

your name: jhford
reason for build: retagging for 4.0 release
branch to build: <left blank>
revision to build: <left blank>
repository to build: <left blank>
project to build: <left blank>
prop1 name: <left blank>
     value: <left blank>
prop2 name: <left blank>
     value: <left blank>

Stage and Rename Files


  • Copy files to ~ffxbld and rename to non-RC versions
    • Exclude *checksums* because we don't care for individual locale+platform checksums files in the final release dir
    • Exclude partial MARs because there's no use for them, no point in pushing them to the mirrors
    • Exclude Source packages because they're regenerated for final
    • Exclude *SUMS* because we'll be regenerating them.


# ffxbld@stage
mkdir firefox-4.0
cd firefox-4.0
rsync -av --exclude=*checksums* --exclude='*partial.mar' --exclude=source --exclude=*SUMS* /pub/ .

RC 2 Version

Config Update

  • landed [1] and [2]
  • updated and reconfig pm01

Automated Parts

Some of this release-day work makes sense to do from the release automation. Use force build for these.


forced build using the webform with values

your name: jhford
reason for build: retagging for 4.0 release (rc2)
branch to build: <left blank>
revision to build: <left blank>
repository to build: <left blank>
project to build: <left blank>
prop1 name: script_repo_revision
     value: FIREFOX_4_0_RELEASE
prop2 name: release_config
     value: mozilla/


Clicked "force build"

Major Updates

Both of these done as cltbld@aus2-staging

3.5.17 -> 4.0

cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
# releasetest snippets
rsync --exclude=betatest -av Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-test/ Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-test/
find Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-test/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
rsync -av Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-beta/ Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta/
find Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
rsync -av Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU/ Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU/
find Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
Quick Verify
# releasetest == beta
find Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-test -type d -iregex '.*/releasetest$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/releasetest/beta/; $a =~ s/-test/-beta/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
find Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta -type d -iregex '.*/beta$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/beta$/releasetest/; $a =~ s/-beta/-test/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'

# beta == release
find Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU -type d -iregex '.*/release$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/release/beta/; $a =~ s/MU/MU-beta/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
find Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta -type d -iregex '.*/beta$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/beta$/release/; $a =~ s/-beta//; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
Diff against original snippets

Verified that only appv and url have changed with a diff. Saw something like this for all snippets:

diff -aur Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-test/ Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-test/ | grep -v betatest | grep '^[+-]'
-appv=4.0 RC 2
Enable test snippets
~/bin/backupsnip Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-test
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-test

3.6.15 -> 3.6

cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
# releasetest snippets
rsync --exclude=betatest -av Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-test/ Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-test/
find Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-test/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
rsync -av Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-beta/ Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta/
find Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
rsync -av Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU/ Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU/
find Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
Quick Verify
# releasetest == beta
find Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-test -type d -iregex '.*/releasetest$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/releasetest/beta/; $a =~ s/-test/-beta/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
find Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta -type d -iregex '.*/beta$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/beta$/releasetest/; $a =~ s/-beta/-test/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'

# beta == release
find Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU -type d -iregex '.*/release$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/release/beta/; $a =~ s/MU/MU-beta/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
find Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta -type d -iregex '.*/beta$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/beta$/release/; $a =~ s/-beta//; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
Diff against original snippets

Verified that only appv and url have changed with a diff. Saw something like this for all snippets:

diff -aur Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-test/ Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-test/ | grep -v betatest | grep '^[+-]'
-appv=4.0 RC 2
Enable test snippets
~/bin/backupsnip Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-test
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-test

Bouncer Entries

From moz2-linux-slave05 (where the most recent bouncer_submitter run was):

cd /builds/slave/rel-2.0-bncr-sub/tools/release
wget -O shipped-locales
PYTHONPATH=../lib/python python --config firefox-tuxedo.ini --product firefox --version 4.0 --tuxedo-server-url --shipped-locales shipped-locales --bouncer-product-name Firefox --brand-name Firefox --add-mars --milestone 2.0 --platform linux --platform linux64 --platform macosx64 --platform win32 --credentials-file

3.5.18 -> 4.0

cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
# releasetest snippets
rsync --exclude=betatest -av Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-test/ Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-test/
find Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-test/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
rsync -av Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-beta/ Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta/
find Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
rsync -av Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU/ Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU/
find Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
Quick Verify
# releasetest == beta
find Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-test -type d -iregex '.*/releasetest$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/releasetest/beta/; $a =~ s/-test/-beta/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
find Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta -type d -iregex '.*/beta$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/beta$/releasetest/; $a =~ s/-beta/-test/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'

# beta == release
find Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU -type d -iregex '.*/release$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/release/beta/; $a =~ s/MU/MU-beta/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
find Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta -type d -iregex '.*/beta$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/beta$/release/; $a =~ s/-beta//; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'

No output.

Diff against original snippets

Verified that only appv and url have changed with a diff. Saw something like this for all snippets:

diff -aur Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-test/ Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-test/ | grep -v betatest | grep '^[+-]'
-appv=4.0 RC 2
Diff against same snippets for 3.5.17
for d in '-test' '-beta' ''; do
  for p in Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386 Linux_x86-gcc3 WINNT_x86-msvc; do
   diff -ru Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU${d}/Firefox/3.5.17/${p}/*/ Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU${d}/Firefox/3.5.18/${p}/*/

No output.

Enable test snippets
~/bin/backupsnip Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-test
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-test

3.6.16 -> 3.6

cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
# releasetest snippets
rsync --exclude=betatest -av Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-test/ Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-test/
find Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-test/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
rsync -av Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-beta/ Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta/
find Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
rsync -av Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU/ Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU/
find Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU/ -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/RC 2//' -e 's/rc2//' {} \;
Quick Verify
# releasetest == beta
find Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-test -type d -iregex '.*/releasetest$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/releasetest/beta/; $a =~ s/-test/-beta/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
find Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta -type d -iregex '.*/beta$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/beta$/releasetest/; $a =~ s/-beta/-test/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'

# beta == release
find Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU -type d -iregex '.*/release$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/release/beta/; $a =~ s/MU/MU-beta/; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'
find Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta -type d -iregex '.*/beta$' | perl -nle '$a = $_; $a =~ s/beta$/release/; $a =~ s/-beta//; system("diff -r -u $_ $a");'

No output.

Diff against original snippets

Verified that only appv and url have changed with a diff. Saw something like this for all snippets:

diff -aur Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0rc2-build3-MU-test/ Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-test/ | grep -v betatest | grep '^[+-]'
-appv=4.0 RC 2
Diff against same snippets for 3.6.15
for p in Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386 Linux_x86-gcc3 WINNT_x86-msvc; do
 diff -ru Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU/Firefox/3.6.15/$p/*/ Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU/Firefox/3.6.16/$p/*/

No output.

Enable test snippets
~/bin/backupsnip Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-test
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-test

Stage and Rename Files


  • Copy files to ~ffxbld and rename to non-RC versions
    • Exclude *checksums* because we don't care for individual locale+platform checksums files in the final release dir
    • Exclude partial MARs because there's no use for them, no point in pushing them to the mirrors
    • Exclude Source packages because they're regenerated for final
    • Exclude *SUMS* because we'll be regenerating them.
    • Exclude all of the stuff that would normally be excluded when going from candidates -> releases (logs, info files, unsigned dir, crsahreporter symbols)


# ffxbld@stage
# clean up from the RC1 attempt
rm -rf firefox-4.0
mkdir firefox-4.0
cd firefox-4.0
rsync --exclude=*.log --exclude=*tests* --exclude=*.txt --exclude=*checksums* --exclude='*partial.mar' --exclude=source --exclude=*SUMS* --exclude=unsigned --exclude=*crashreporter* -av /pub/ .
rsync -av /pub/ source/
find contrib* linux* update -type f -exec rename rc2 '' {} \;
find mac win32 -type f -exec rename " RC 2" "" {} \; 
wget -O../firefox-4.0-shipped-locales
~cltbld/bin/ -m ~/firefox-4.0-shipped-locales -l bz2
~cltbld/bin/checksum-files .

Then, sign the checksum and source files by doing the following on keymaster:

mkdir -p ~/signing-work/firefox-4.0
cd ~/signing-work/firefox-4.0
cvs co co -d signing release/signing/tools
rsync -av -e 'ssh -i /home/cltsign/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa'*SUMS .
rsync -av -e 'ssh -i /home/cltsign/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa' source/
signing/sign-files .
rsync -av -e 'ssh -i /home/cltsign/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa' *SUMS*
rsync -av -e 'ssh -i /home/cltsign/.ssh/ffxbld_dsa' source/

And then back on stage:

chown -R ffxbld:firefox linux-i686 linux-x86_64 mac update win32
chmod 644 *SUMS*

Verify locales complains about en-US having XPIs, but that's desired these days, so ignorable.

Other Verifications

Virus Scan

Manually triggered on stage with:

# ffxbld@stage
python /usr/local/bin/ -j4 clamdscan -m --no-summary -- ~/firefox-4.0


Verify permissions

find /home/ffxbld/firefox-4.0/ ! -user ffxbld ! -path \'*/contrib*\'
find /home/ffxbld/firefox-4.0/ ! -group firefox ! -path \'*/contrib*\'
find /home/ffxbld/firefox-4.0/ -type f ! -perm 644
find /home/ffxbld/firefox-4.0/ -mindepth 1 -type d ! -perm 755 ! -path \'*/contrib*\' ! -path \'*/partner-repacks*\'
find /home/ffxbld/firefox-4.0/ -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -perm 2775 -path \'*/contrib*\'

Verify contents against RC

cd ~ffxbld/firefox-4.0
find /pub/ -type f | perl -nle '$a = substr($_,41); $a =~ s/rc2//; $a =~ s/\ RC\ 2//; system("diff","-q",$_,$a);'


Files /pub/ and source/firefox-4.0.bundle.asc differ
Files /pub/ and source/firefox-4.0.bundle differ
Files /pub/ and source/firefox-4.0.source.tar.bz2 differ
Files /pub/ and source/firefox-4.0.source.tar.bz2.asc differ

diff: update/linux-i686/af/firefox-4.0rc1-4.0.partial.mar: No such file or directory
diff: update/linux-i686/ak/firefox-4.0rc1-4.0.partial.mar: No such file or directory
diff: update/win32/zh-CN/firefox-4.0rc1-4.0.partial.mar: No such file or directory
diff: update/win32/zh-TW/firefox-4.0rc1-4.0.partial.mar: No such file or directory
diff: update/win32/zu/firefox-4.0rc1-4.0.partial.mar: No such file or directory
Files /pub/ and MD5SUMS differ
Files /pub/ and MD5SUMS.asc differ
Files /pub/ and SHA1SUMS differ
Files /pub/ and SHA1SUMS.asc differ

All ignorable:

  • Source files differ because we regenerated them
  • Partials are missing because we purposely don't include them
  • SUMS files differ because we regenerated them

Add Index Files

index.html was e-mailed to me by LegNeato, and I put it in ~ffxbld@stage

# ffxbld@stage
cd ~/firefox-4.0
cp ~/index.html .
for dir in `find . -type d -mindepth 1`; do cp -pv index.html $dir/; done

Push index files

justdave says that we should push the index.html 6 hours before the rest of the contents, to ensure it gets everywhere ahead of everything else. Use this command to do so:

rsync -av --exclude=KEY --exclude=*.xpi --exclude=*.bz2 --exclude=*.dmg --exclude=*.exe --exclude=*.mar --exclude=*.bundle --exclude=*SUMS* --exclude=*.asc /home/ffxbld/firefox-4.0/ /pub/

Push to Mirrors

rsync -av /home/ffxbld/firefox-4.0/ /pub/

Update rsync modules

Removed Firefox 3.5.17 from mozilla-current and added 4.0, in stage:/pub/ We still have 3.5.17 in mozilla-releases and get plenty of coverage there for the set of people still on 3.5.x.

Notify AV Vendors

Sent notification to AV vendors after the push to mirrors, so that they can scan the files.

Repush MU and notify release-drivers of MU testing

3.5.18 and 3.6.16 overwrote the major updates on releasetest so repushed them:

~/bin/backupsnip Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-test
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-test

~/bin/backupsnip Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-test
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-test

E-mailed release-drivers and let them know that both MUs are ready to be tested on releasetest when uptake over 10k.

Remove Serbian snippets from MU

bug 643689 requests that we pull the Serbian ('sr') snippets prior to pushing the MUs. Did the following to do so:

# cltbld@aus2-staging
cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
for d in Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta; do
  rsync -av $d/ $d-with-sr/
  find $d -type d -name sr -exec rm -rfv {} \;


# Verification
for d in Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta; do
  diff --brief -r $d/ $d-with-sr/


Only in Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.17/Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/20110121150727: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.17/Linux_x86-gcc3/20110121161846: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.17/WINNT_x86-msvc/20110121150729: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.17/Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/20110121150727: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.17/Linux_x86-gcc3/20110121161846: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.17/WINNT_x86-msvc/20110121150729: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.15/Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/20110303024001: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.15/Linux_x86-gcc3/20110303024323: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.15/WINNT_x86-msvc/20110303024726: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.15/Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/20110303024001: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.15/Linux_x86-gcc3/20110303024323: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.15/WINNT_x86-msvc/20110303024726: sr

And also from the 3.5.18/3.6.16 snippets:

# cltbld@aus2-staging
cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
for d in Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU; do
  rsync -av $d/ $d-with-sr/
  find $d -type d -name sr -exec rm -rfv {} \;


# Verification
for d in Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU; do
  diff --brief -r $d/ $d-with-sr/


Only in Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.16/Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/20110319135224: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.16/Linux_x86-gcc3/20110319135224: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.16/WINNT_x86-msvc/20110319135224: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.16/Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/20110319135224: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.16/Linux_x86-gcc3/20110319135224: sr
Only in Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.6.16/WINNT_x86-msvc/20110319135224: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.18/Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/20110319140258: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.18/Linux_x86-gcc3/20110319140258: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.18/WINNT_x86-msvc/20110319140258: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.18/Darwin_x86-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/20110319140258: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.18/Linux_x86-gcc3/20110319140258: sr
Only in Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-with-sr/Firefox/3.5.18/WINNT_x86-msvc/20110319140258: sr

Push Major Updates

cd /opt/aus2/snippets/staging
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.6.15-build1-4.0-MU-beta
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.5.17-build1-4.0-MU-beta

Also pushed the 3.5.18/3.6.16 ones ahead of those releases:

~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.6.16-build1-4.0-MU-beta
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU
~/bin/pushsnip Firefox-3.5.18-build1-4.0-MU-beta

Remove index files


cd /pub/
find . -name index.html -exec rm -v {} \;

Update symlinks on FTP

ln -s 4.0 latest-4.0
rm latest
ln -s latest-4.0 latest

Remove updates for broken locales

bug 629256

  • Removed "ml", and "te" Mac updates from 3.6.15 from the live snippet dirs.
    • Synced to PHX with:
 cd /opt/aus2/incoming/3/Firefox/3.6.15
 rsync -e "ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/auspush" -Pa0 --delete $PWD/$PWD/
  • Removed "kn", "ml", and "te" Mac updates from 3.5.18 from the live snippet dirs.
find Darwin_* -type d -name kn -o -name ml -o -name te -exec rm -rf {} \
    • Synced to PHX with:
 cd /opt/aus2/incoming/3/Firefox/3.5.17
 rsync -e "ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/auspush" -Pa0 --delete $PWD/$PWD/
    • Removed these locales from staging snippets:
find Firefox-{3.5.18,3.6.16}-build1-4.0-MU{,-beta} -type d -path '*Darwin*' -a \( -name kn -o -name ml -o -name te \) | xargs rm -rfv

EUBallot Builds

  • Kev to provide us these.
  • Manually added Bouncer Entry
  • Signed with:
cd ~/hg-tools
hg pull && hg up -r ${TAG}
#start signcode
mkdir -p ~/signing-work/${PRODUCT}-${VERSION}-repacks/partners
cd ~/signing-work/${PRODUCT}-${VERSION}-repacks/partners
cp ~/hg-tools/release/signing/* .
mkdir unsigned
scp .
cd unsigned
tar xvf ../euballots-40-unsigned.tar
cd ..
# This next step will fail to find the win32 log and/or xpis.
# This is expected.
cd unsigned/win32
../../signing/sign-release ${KEYDIR}
../../signing/sign-files .
cd ../..
mv unsigned signed
cd signed
tar -vcf ../euballot-40-signed.tar .
cd ..
scp euballot-40-signed.tar

Now available at surf:/tmp/euballot-40-signed.tar
md5sum is 71668941f6b616d62552cf1ee75bb435u
  • Staged with:
# ffxbld@stage
mkdir ~ffxbld/euballot-4.0
cd ~ffxbld/euballot-4.0
tar -xvf /tmp/euballot-40-signed.tar
rsync -av win32/ ~ffxbld/firefox-4.0/win32-EUballot/
rsync -av ~ffxbld/firefox-4.0/win32-EUballot/ /pub/

Disable Unwanted 3.5.17/3.6.15 Darwin PPC snippets

We forgot to exclude these when generating the MUs :(. 3.5.18/3.6.16 were created with a newer version of the UPDATE_PACKAGING tag, which doesn't create PPC snippets at all. To fix:

# ffxbld@aus2-staging
cd /opt/aus2/incoming/3/Firefox/3.5.17
rm -rf Darwin_ppc-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/
cd /opt/aus2/incoming/3/Firefox/3.6.15
rm -rf Darwin_ppc-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/
# ffxbld@dp-ausstage01
cd /opt/aus2/incoming/3/Firefox/3.5.17
rm -rf Darwin_ppc-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/
cd /opt/aus2/incoming/3/Firefox/3.6.15
rm -rf Darwin_ppc-gcc3-u-ppc-i386/



set -x
set -e


cd ~/hg-tools
hg pull
hg up -r ${TAG}

mkdir -p ~/signing-work/${PRODUCT}-${VERSION}
cd ~/signing-work/${PRODUCT}-${VERSION}
cp ~/hg-tools/release/signing/* .

rsync -av -e "ssh -i /home/cltsign/.ssh/xrbld_dsa" \
  --exclude=*.txt --exclude=*.checksums --exclude=* \${PRODUCT}/nightly/${VERSION}-candidates/build${BUILD}/ \
rsync -av --exclude=unsigned unsigned-build${BUILD}/ \
rsync -av unsigned-build${BUILD}/unsigned/ \

make checksum-files create-sigs stage verify-sigs \

rmdir signed-build${BUILD}/contrib{,-localized}

rsync -av -e "ssh -i /home/cltsign/.ssh/xrbld_dsa" \
  signed-build${BUILD}/ \${PRODUCT}/nightly/${VERSION}-candidates/build${BUILD}/

Push to Mirrors

rsync -av --exclude=*.txt --exclude=*unsigned*  --exclude=* --exclude=*.checksums /pub/ /pub/

Update Wiki Pages

Updated the links in these two wiki pages for the version change: