Releases/Firefox 45.0esr/BuildNotes

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Build 1

interrupted here as we need a follow-up build to enable win64

Build 2

  • (RelMan) Submit to Ship It
  • Push to mirrors
  • from rail we don't usually publish updates for the first release of esr, usually there are 2 cycles of overlap. also esr45 MARs are b0rken, so there is no good reason to proceed with updates


Build 1

  • Intermittent 'invalid language code(s)' error from bounceradmin. We've had this issue in the past, there's a tracking bug for this bug 1248490
  • build step failed on macosx64 with complains on rustc.tar.bz2 - nthomas stated this as a "file in new tooltool is not in old tooltool" sort of error. We checked the 45.0 tooltool logs as well as we were curious on how did the same error did not occur for 45.0 as well but it turns out it was retrieved from cache. Other job must've put it there. nthomas uploaded it in the tooltool
  • failed at firefox_esr_updates - mozEsr45-branch-patcher2.cfg doesn't exist in, but I think we normally disable updates for the first release anyway. Then do updates from 45.0 when we do 45.0.1/45.1.0.

Build 2

  • push to mirrors failed because of bug 1254395 (push to cdn for non release promotion case doesn't use credentials) and bug 1254422 (Do not try to set S3 ACLs). So I retagged mozilla-esr45 with FIREFOX_45_0esr_RELEASE and FIREFOX_45_0esr_BUILD to and reran the push to mirrors builder