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222 bytes added, 12:59, 14 July 2015
Use Cases: share button, context menu, update to microformats2
== Use Cases ==
* Firefox '''Share''' (airplane) button in toolbar* Social Bookmarking: Microformats can be passed to share, bookmarking, read-it-later, etc. style services to enable like [ Pinterest's "rich pinning"] of objects in the page.* Context Menu: right-click on microformats such as ** [[h-card]] for "Add to Contacts"** [[h-event]] for "Add to Calendar"** [[h-adr]] & [[h-geo]] for "View in Map"* Shopping: Microformats such as [[hReviewh-review]], [[hProducth-product]], and [[hListingh-listing]] support rich markup of products, useful in shopping carts, watching products for updates, product comparison shopping, etc.* automatically Automatically detecting venues, people, contacts, events, locations and integrating with built-in contacts, calendar, and mapping user interfaces.
** '''FirefoxOS ([[Gaia/System/Microformats]])'''
Canmove, confirm

Navigation menu