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BMO/Road Map

3,620 bytes added, 22:13, 13 November 2015
Created page with "== About == This is a rough plan for features, improvements, and fixes that the BMO team is planning to implement within 1-2 years. It will be periodically updated as it..."
== About ==

This is a rough plan for features, improvements, and fixes that the [[BMO]] team is planning to implement within 1-2 years. It will be periodically updated as items are accomplished and Mozilla's needs and priorities change. It does not represent everything we work on; there are many small items that are regularly implemented, and some bigger, urgent tasks that are inserted into our work load.

We document [[BMO/Recent Changes|all changes]] to BMO, which are typically deployed once per week. mcote also periodically records [ major changes and plans].

See also [[BMO/Roadmap_2014]] for a previous version of this document, created in July 2014.

== Legend ==

* [p1] Most Important
* [p4] Least Important

== API ==

* [p3] REST Redesign
** The current REST API is based on the old RPC APIs.
** We want to move to a more intuitive, flexible design.
** We will draw heavily from bzapi's design.

== UI/UX ==

* [p1] Faster, better search
** Mirror relevant data from BMO MySQL db to an ElasticSearch db.
* [p1] Modal UI
** Cleaner, lighter, more responsive, and more flexible design for show_bug.
** Can currently be enabled via the "Experimental UI" option in BMO's user preferences.
** Need to get feature parity with classic UI, and then make it the default.
* [p2] user roles / show_bug alternatives
** Streamline show_bug to show only the controls and data related to a particular task (e.g. triage).
** Initially just JavaScript to hide/show selected fields.
** Required: modal UI
* [p2] Responsive design.
** A version of show_bug that looks better on mobile, even if it's scoped down.
* [p3] Complete sandstone (footer, etc)
** Nicer look & feel.
* [p4] Markdown support
** Required: Merge upstream master into BMO (not much to do aside from this).
* [p2] Inbound email
** Ability to reply to bugmail to easily add comments.
** Nothing fancier than comments planned.
* [p2] (in upstream trunk) Bug updates without bugmail
** "Minor edit" mode.
** Allows bulk updates through API without generating tonnes of bugmail; means we don't have to script things.
** Restricted to a group.
** Required: Merge upstream master to BMO.
* [p2] Quick edits
** Allows updating of comment within a short period; no bugmail sent for email.
** Edit period ends if bug changes.
* [p3] Clean up attachment page
** Adding/modifying attachments is unnecessarily confusing.

== Plumbing ==

* [p1] Merge upstream master branch into BMO.
** There are a number of small fixes and improvements that we never backported.
** Merging in new upstream changes will be easier and can be done periodically once we are up to date.
** Easier for contributors to BMO to figure out what has been done where (i.e. confusion over whether something is not done or just done upstream and not backported).
* [p1] Switch database from Pacific Time to UTC.
** Having datetimes in Pacific Time is nonstandard and causes problems around daylight savings time.
** Required for a proper AWS cluster, since the time zone in RDS cannot be changed.
* [p3] Migrate from YUI to jQuery.
** YUI is no longer supported and is much less popular than jQuery.
** Much of this work is being done upstream, which we can pull down.
** Required: Merge upstream master into BMO.

== Performance ==

* [p2] API throttling
** Cache REST requests with memcache.
** Prevent too-frequent polling with identical requests, and accidental DDOS.
** A 5-minute cache of duplicate bzapi requests would have a 25% hit rate
* [p2] enter_bug perf
** enter_bug is very slow, particularly in the Core product due to tracking flags.

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