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BMO/Road Map

62 bytes added, 16:57, 16 November 2015
UI/UX: Add favourites, sort by priority
* [p2] Responsive design.
** A version of show_bug that looks better on mobile, even if it's scoped down.
* [p3] Complete sandstone (footer, etc)
** Nicer look & feel.
* [p4] Markdown support
** Required: Merge upstream master into BMO (not much to do aside from this).
* [p2] Inbound email
** Ability to reply to bugmail to easily add comments.
** Allows updating of comment within a short period; no bugmail sent for email.
** Edit period ends if bug changes.
* [p3] Favourites feature
** Replace voting with favouriting.
* [p3] Complete sandstone (footer, etc)
** Nicer look & feel.
* [p3] Clean up attachment page
** Adding/modifying attachments is unnecessarily confusing.
* [p4] Markdown support
** Required: Merge upstream master into BMO (not much to do aside from this).
== Plumbing ==

Navigation menu