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CA/Required or Recommended Practices

623 bytes added, 18:43, 23 October 2018
Added point about clarifying when parts of the CP/CPS are only intended for certain types of certs
** Note that Mozilla's root store policy may be updated soon to forbid blank sections in CP/CPS documents.
* If a full description of a section is repeated elsewhere in the document, language similar to “Refer to Section 1.2.3” is preferred. Cross-referencing between CP and CPS documents is acceptable as long as both documents are published on your CA's website, and the CP and CPS documents clearly indicate which root certificates they govern.
* If a section in your CP/CPS only applies to a certain type of certificate, then your CP/CPS needs to state that. [ Mozilla's Root Store Policy] says: "CAs MUST NOT generate the key pairs for end-entity certificates that have an EKU extension containing the KeyPurposeIds id-kp-serverAuth or anyExtendedKeyUsage." So if your CP/CPS allows for generation and escrow of private keys for personal certificates, then your CP/CPS should clearly indicate that those sections do not apply to SSL certificates.
Confirm, administrator

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