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CA/Required or Recommended Practices

353 bytes added, 22:05, 25 October 2018
updated referenced section numbers
We rely on public documentation and audits of those documented processes to ascertain that the requirements of the Mozilla Root Store Policy are met.
Section 2.2.3 of the [ Mozilla 's Root Store Policy] states: “for "For a certificate to be capable of being used for SSL-enabled servers, the CA takes reasonable measures to verify must ensure that the entity submitting the certificate signing request applicant has registered the all domain(s) referenced in the certificate or has been authorized by the domain registrant to act on their behalf. This must be done using one or more of the registrantmethods documented in section of the CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements. The CA's behalfCP/CPS must clearly specify the procedure(s) that the CA employs, and each documented procedure should state which subsection of it is complying with. CAs are not permitted to use (4) ("any other method") to fulfill the requirements of method (IP Address)."
The CA's public documentation needs to provide sufficient information describing the steps taken by the CA to confirm that the certificate subscriber owns/controls the domain name to be included in the certificate. For instance, if a challenge-response type of procedure is used, then there needs to be a brief description of the process. If public resources are used, then there should be a description of which public resources are used, what data is retrieved from public resources, and how that data is used to verify that the certificate subscriber owns/controls the domain name.
===== Baseline Requirements: =====
It is '''not''' sufficient to simply reference section of the [ CA/Brower Forum's Baseline Requirements (BR)]. The BRs list several ways in which the CA may confirm that the certificate subscriber owns/controls the domain name to be included in the certificate. Simply referencing section of the BRs does not specify which of those options the CA uses, and is insufficient for describing how the CA conforms to the BRs. Section 2 .3 of the BRs says: "The CA SHALL develop, implement, enforce, and annually update a Certificate Policy and/or Certification Practice Statement that describes '''in detail''' how the CA implements the latest version of these Requirements."
===== WHOIS =====
Confirm, administrator

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